He knows that there are cameras everywhere in this society, and it is impossible to completely hide the trail.

  So he didn't plan to stay in a certain area all the time, but to change the place with a shot.

  Originally planned to leave Xiding Street tonight, but did not expect to enter the police encirclement.

  "Even if it is to adjust the monitoring, it can't be so fast!"

  Ma Zhuo gritted his teeth, stared at the window in front of him, and jumped onto the window sill without any hesitation.


  Ding Chunqiu's angry shout came from the stairs on the second floor.

  Ma Zhuo didn't even look at it, and jumped down.

  Behind him, Fang Ze followed closely and deftly crossed the window.

  Although this height is not particularly high, it is definitely not low.

  Once you are in control during the landing, you are likely to injure your feet.

  But for a good police officer, this is not high enough.

  Five people 5 jumped over the window one after another and continued to chase.

  Several city management officers who came later looked at each other in dismay, and did not choose to jump out of the window, but turned around and took a detour.

  Below is a narrow path. After Ma Zhuo landed steadily, the brief buffer made him almost fall.

  Rolling and crawling up, Ma Zhuo ran wildly again.

  behind, is tight

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Fang Ze, who is reluctant to give up.

  "Mazhuo! Run again and I'll shoot!"

  Seeing that there was no one around, Fang Ze shouted loudly after making sure it was safe.

  Ma Zhuo ignored it, as if he didn't hear it, and even accelerated his speed.

  Fang Ze's eyes narrowed, his speed slowed down, and he stood still, put his right hand into his clothes, and quickly took out his pistol and loaded it.

  Bang! Fang Ze shot into the sky.

  "Run again and I'll actually shoot!"

  The loud noise made Ma Zhuo stumble and subconsciously stopped in place.

  "Put your hands up!"

  Fang Ze approached step by step and shouted.

  At the back, Ding Chunqiu and other five people also loaded their pistols, and pointed their guns at Ma Zhuo who was in front, and approached slowly.

  A cold sweat broke out from Ma Zhuo's forehead.

  His brain was racing, and in a few seconds he thought of countless ways to escape, but none of them worked.

  With so many guns pointed at myself, how can I run on this narrow path "raise your hand! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

  Ding Chunqiu's voice sounded, staring closely at Ma Zhuo who was standing still.

  Ma Zhuo's face changed sharply, and finally he sighed helplessly, and slowly raised his hands.

  When they were two meters away, Ding Chunqiu and Pan Pu accelerated in vain, immediately stepped forward and grabbed Ma Zhuo's arm, pressing him to the ground.

  Crack! The handcuffs caught Ma Zhuo's wrist.

  "I made you run!! Get up!!"

  Guaranteed to be safe, afterward, the two pulled Ma Zhuo up.

  Since then, Ma Zhuo has been arrested.

  He didn't resist, and when he got up, he glanced at the six people, as if he wanted to know who he was and found his trace.

  Finally, Ma Zhuo's eyes stopped on Fang Ze who was walking slowly.

  "Do you know why I got you?"

  Fang Ze stared at Ma Zhuo and said.

  Ma Zhuo took a deep look at Fang Ze and said, "I don't know."

  "do not know"

  Ding Chunqiu couldn't bear it anymore, and scolded angrily, "You bastard, don't you know what you're running for?"

  "Can I run if you don't chase me?"

  Macedonian Road.


  Ding Chunqiu pointed at Ma Zhuo, "What are you running when you're in the hospital!"

  Ma Zhuo said: "I don't want to do it anymore, so I'm leaving."

  "Trust me again, believe me or not"

  Before the words were finished, several city officials arrived.

  Ding Chunqiu looked over.

  "The King"

  "Old Ding Ding Ding"

  The middle-aged man stretched out his hand from a distance and said with a smile, "I'm so sorry, you said that there was no notification from the above, and it almost delayed your important affairs."

  Seeing that the suspect had been caught, he was relieved.

  "I really didn't know this little brother was yours, sorry sorry."

  Ding Chunqiu looked at Fang Ze suspiciously, and quickly understood what was going on.

  It seems that the other side's booth has attracted the attention of the city management.

  Ding Chunqiu said speechlessly: "I'm still wondering why this kid suddenly ran away, so it was you who did it."

  The middle-aged man snorted and said, "It's wrong, it's wrong, I'll treat you to dinner, I promise."

  After he finished speaking, he turned to look at Fang Ze and said with a smile, "Little comrade, I didn't delay you."

  Fang Ze said calmly: "It's okay, I understand."

  Seeing that the other party didn't know him, Ding Chunqiu introduced: "Pharaoh, this is the captain of the Yangcheng Criminal Police Brigade, Fang Ze, who was temporarily transferred to Penghai."

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 121 The Uneasy Wang Peng [Chapter Three]

  "Captain of Yangcheng"

  The middle-aged man's expression changed.

  The few young city administrators behind him also looked at Fang Ze in amazement.

  So young, looking at his age, he is about the same as himself.

  Isn't this the age when he just graduated from college and started working? "Team Fang, this is Wang Peng, the vice-captain of the Urban Management Bureau."

  Ding Chunqiu continued.

  Fang Ze nodded slightly as a response.

  He was just a little scared.

  Fortunately, Ma Zhuo is just a doctor, not a vicious gangster.

  After finding out that he was being targeted by the police, he just wanted to run away, and he didn't take the hostages.

  Otherwise, it is likely to cause serious adverse consequences to their arrest work.

  Luo Bixin looked at Wang Peng dissatisfied, and said, "I said, Captain Wang, you can't be more polite when you check the vendors, why are you making such a big noise!"

  "This guy is a felon who is suspected of murder. Fortunately, there is no trouble. Once innocent people are injured, can you bear it?"

  "I tell you, the detailed report of the arrest, I will write it truthfully."

  "Suspected of Murder"

  The four words made Ma Zhuo's eyes flash, and he lowered his head and remained silent.

  A series of words caused Wang Peng's forehead to form a thin line of sweat, he hesitated: "This police officer is"

  Although the other party was a woman and very young, Wang Peng still had the ability to know people if he could achieve this position.

  This kind of thing is not something ordinary police officers can say.

  "Captain of Penghai Criminal Police Team, Luo Bixin."

  No waiting: Ding Chunqiu spoke, and Luo Bixin spoke directly.

  She was transferred from Guangming Municipal Bureau to Penghai within a few days, and the system was different, so it was impossible for Wang Peng to know her.

  "It turned out to be Team Luo."

  Wang Peng was startled, and quickly said: "You are right, this time it's all my fault, I almost made a mistake: I will seriously review the major event, deeply review it!"

  Knowing that the person to be arrested is a murderer, Wang Peng felt even more uneasy, and he probably understood what happened.

  Recalling the previous situation, the suspect is clearly under the control of the police and can be easily arrested at any time.

  But because his voice was a little louder at the time, it attracted the attention of the suspect, which directly made the other party run away vigilantly.

  If in the process of running, if a hostage was taken or even someone was injured because of this, Wang Peng's face became slightly pale.

  Once investigated, he will bear the brunt! Not to mention warnings and punishments, they are all light.

  It's good to stop working.

  Ding Chunqiu glanced at Luo Bixin and wanted to speak for Wang Peng, but thinking that Ma Zhuo almost ran away, he chose to be silent, and his face was not very good.

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