Fang Ze took out his mobile phone and glanced at the caller ID, then picked it up.

"Liang Hall, what's wrong?"

The call was from Liang Yongzhou.

Liang Yongzhou: "Fang Ze, where are you?"

Fang Ze: "I'm in the hospital, what's the matter?"

Liang Yongzhou: "There is indeed something, do you have time to deal with it?"

Maybe it's because Fang Ze is about to go to Zhongnan, or maybe it's because Fang Ze's current police rank is on the same level as him.

Therefore, Liang Yongzhou is more polite when he speaks now.

Fang Ze said with a smile: "I said Liang Ting, now I am still the chief criminal police chief of the provincial office, I have something to do.

you speak."

Liang Yongzhou also laughed and said, "The people from the Qingzhou Municipal Bureau and Dongli Municipal Bureau have quarreled, and they are still in a stalemate, go and see what's going on."

Fang Ze was immediately surprised.

There was a quarrel, two people from the city bureau quarreled about this,

Chapter 628 Shen Kai, Cao Wenkang [1]

After getting the address, Fang Ze hung up the phone.

On the hospital bed, Wu Fei quickly asked, "Captain, what happened?"

He could see Fang Ze's mood swings.

For a calm person like Fang Ze, it is certainly not a trivial matter, even if it is not a big case, that can make him fluctuate instantly.

Fang Ze smiled and said, "It's nothing, it's just that people from Qingzhou Municipal Bureau and Dongli Municipal Bureau quarreled."

As soon as these words came out, Wu Fei and Xiao Hongbo looked at each other.

It's a strange thing to quarrel.

Not to mention it's a co-worker relationship.

Whether it is necessary or not.

Cheongju and Dongli are not the same system.

The Qingzhou Municipal Bureau, subordinate to Suhai, is under the jurisdiction of the Suhai Provincial Department.

Dongli, on the other hand, is a municipality directly under the Central Government and is directly led by the Central and Southern Li.

Administratively, it is impossible to hit the poles.

It's hard to quarrel with each other because they are adjacent to each other, and it is easy to cause friction. At the moment, Wu Feian couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart and asked, "Captain, do you know what caused the quarrel?"

Fang Ze got up and said, "It seems to be because of a case, the specific circumstances are still unclear."

"I'll take a look, you can talk, and if it's not a big deal, I'll come back."

Wu Fei nodded and said, "Okay, pay attention to safety on the road."

After Fang Ze left, he quickly left the hospital and drove to Qingzhou.

It is still quite far from Yangcheng to Dongli, but the incident happened not in the city of Dongli, but in the suburbs near Qingzhou.

Of course, it is also a suburb of Dongli.

close to the border of the two cities.

On the road, Fang Ze drove very fast.

"What the hell are you doing this night?"

While driving, Fang Ze did not forget to complain.

The cigarette between the fingers burns quickly in the rapid wind.

It was the first time he heard that the criminal police teams of the two cities quarreled over the case.

The case has jurisdiction, and whoever owns it is responsible for it, and other city bureaus are not qualified to point fingers.

Even Fang Ze wouldn't want to intervene too much.

Could it be that it was a joint case, so it wouldn't be arguing on the road at night, and the people would see it as a joke and not tell it.

If it is photographed by a reporter, it will be on the news tomorrow.

In this era of self-media with developed networks, the speed of information dissemination is very fast.

About forty minutes later, Fang Ze came to a street in the suburbs of Qingzhou City.

Before getting close, I saw through the windshield and saw a large group of people surrounded by black pressure ahead.

Quite a few were also wearing police uniforms.

There were many onlookers around.

Seeing this scene, Fang Ze frowned.

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