The two were stared at by Fang Ze, and they didn't dare to look at each other.

Fang Ze pointed at the two and said, "It's been over an hour since I arrived at the scene, and the preliminary autopsy hasn't been done."

"You guys have been arguing here for over an hour!"

Cao Wenkang and Shen Kai knew that they were wrong and did not dare to say a word, so they just stood there silently.

Seeing this, Fang Ze took a deep breath and said coldly, "Autopsy immediately!"

With Fang Ze's order, the accompanying forensic doctor quickly picked up the tools and squatted in front of the corpse.

Fang Ze continued: "The trace inspectors check carefully!"

"Yes! Square team!"

The investigation was quickly back on track.

Later, Fang Ze glanced at Cao Wenkang and Shen Kai, and said, "You two, come with me."

Cao Wenkang and Shen Kai bowed their heads slightly and left the scene behind Fang Ze.

When he came to the police car, Fang Ze turned around and cursed, "Cao Wenkang!"

Cao Wenkang was shocked and raised his head quickly.

"If I'm not in Su Hai, you'll be able to grow up, right?"

"Just for the right to investigate the case, I quarreled with people from the Dongli City Bureau in the street"

"Don't you know that the scene should be investigated as soon as possible after the incident?"

Cao Wenkang swallowed: "Fang team, me and me"

"Sink open!"

Fang Ze looked at Shen Kai and shouted: "Dongli is a municipality directly under the Central Government, Yangcheng can't control you, right?"

"Emperor Shangao is far away, right?"

"You think you're better than other city bureaus, don't you?"

"Is it important to rob a case, or is it important?"

"you said"

Fang Ze stood in front of the police car and scolded Cao Wenkang and Shen Kai with blood.

Around, all the people from the Qingzhou Municipal Bureau and Dongli Municipal Bureau did not even dare to look at it, for fear of suffering an unwarranted disaster.

Tangtang's two criminal police captains did not dare to refute the words that were being scolded like their grandson, but that was Fang Ze.

A legend in the Suhai police circle.

First class constable.

I'm going to Zhongnan soon to be the captain of the Huaxia Criminal Police.

At this juncture, the two captains also bumped into the muzzle of the gun themselves.

Totally unlucky.

In the distance, the onlookers are also stealing

-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading


Cao Wenkang and Shen Kai were obviously not low in status, but they were scolded so badly by a much younger person that they didn't dare to retaliate.

I don't know where the young leaders came from.

ten minutes later.

Fang Ze finished cursing.

He took out a cigarette case and pulled out a cigarette, and after fumbling for a long time, he remembered that he had left his lighter in the car.

Seeing this, Cao Wenkang quickly took out a lighter and gave it to Fang Ze.

"Fang team, you extinguish the fire, extinguish the fire"

Shen Kai glanced at Cao Wenkang and murmured in his heart: "Fuck! Flatterer!"

Although he thought so, he also regretted that he was slower than the other party.

The lighter is in his hands! Fang Ze slowly exhaled a puff of smoke and said, "You two are both very good detective captains, let's forget about tonight."

"Next time"

Without waiting for Fang Ze to finish speaking, the two hurriedly assured: "No, no, no, you can rest assured."


Fang Ze nodded and turned the subject to the case, "You guys just said, what happened to the serial murder case, who is the first person?"

"the second!"

Cao Wenkang and Shen Kai spoke at the same time.

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