"On guesswork alone, this is the most likely motive for the killing."

"And personally, I'm also more inclined towards this outcome."

During the chat, the time soon reached eleven o'clock in the evening.

Exploration work has been completed, and autopsy is basically completed.

For a more detailed inspection, it is necessary to go to the Municipal Bureau with the help of professional equipment.

As long as the case remains unsolved, the autopsy cannot be stopped.

-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

New discoveries are possible at any time.

Forensics are not that good either.

Ten past eleven.

A policeman came.

"Fang team, found it."

The policeman handed the paper to Fang Ze and said, "This is the junction between Dongli City and Cheongju City, and it almost overlaps with the incision."

Fang Ze reached out and took it to check.

This is a very detailed map with precise coordinates.

Their location is near the border between Dongli and Cheongju.

The incision on the waist of the deceased, in terms of coordinates, completely coincides with the city boundary, and the error is extremely small.

Fang Zeyang raised the paper in his hand and said, "Two captains, what do you think is the probability of a coincidence?"

Facing the facts, Shen Kai smiled wryly and shook his head: "Almost zero."

Cao Wenkang also nodded in agreement.

If the body is thrown twice, there is a nearly [-]% probability that it is deliberate.

Shen Kai was used to Fang Ze's precise judgment.

And Cao Wenkang, who was handling a case with Fang Ze for the first time, also initially realized the sharp judgment of the other side against the sky.

No wonder the leaders value Fang Ze so much.

No wonder so many complicated cases were solved in Fang Ze's hands.

This is a real ability.

Not far away, the forensic doctor began to cover the body with a white cloth.

After Fang Ze saw it, he shouted, "Wait a minute."

The forensic doctor paused, looked up at Fang Ze, and then lifted the white cloth again.

"Let's go and have a look."

Fang Ze said something, and then walked towards the corpse.

Behind him, Cao Wenkang and Shen Kai followed.

"Report to me."

Fang Ze took the autopsy report.

Reporting is simple and not complicated.

The fatal wound is the wound on the neck, which is the cut of the throat.

And, in the stomach of the deceased, the ingredients of diazepam were found.

Preliminary judgment, it should be that the deceased drank the tranquilizer and fell asleep, and then was directly cut off the neck by the murderer with a sharp weapon.

The next step is to cut in half... and throw the corpse.

"Cut in the waist..."

After Fang Ze read the autopsy report, he squatted down to examine the body.

"Fang team, what's wrong"

Beside, Shen Kai and Cao Wenkang also squatted down, the former asked.

Fang Ze stared at the corpse in front of him and said, "Why did the murderer cut the dead in half?"

"Everyone is dead, is there any point?"

Shen Kai thought for a while and said, "The cutting line and the city boundary line just coincide, perhaps to highlight this point."

Cao Wenkang said: "It may also be to show off, deliberately leaving clues to provoke the police."

Shen Kai answered: "In the last serial murder case in Dongli, didn't the murderer deliberately leave clues?"

Fang Ze smiled and said, "How can there be so many high-IQ criminals? Generally speaking, the fewer traces on the scene, the safer it is for the murderer."

"Only fools, and extremely intelligent and conceited people, want to play cat-and-mouse with the police."

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