Whatever the other party wants to do, he has no ability to resist.

So he didn't care about Fang Ze's intentions at all, at most he was a little curious.

After all, Fang Ze was the second person to come to see him after so many years.

"Both things concern you, and I think you'll be surprised."

Zhou Dashan still didn't respond.

Fang Ze took out a cigarette, stepped forward and sat next to Zhou Dashan, saying, "Hu Zili and Zhao Youcai were killed."

Hearing this, Zhou Dashan still had the same expression.

However, his response seemed to be a beat slower.

After a few seconds, Zhou Dashan suddenly raised his head and said with wide eyes, "What did you say!"

Fang Ze exhaled smoke and repeated: "I said that the two witnesses who had convicted you, Hu Zili and Zhao Youcai, were killed."

"Also, two lawyers who participated in the trial of the case were also killed, and it was tragic."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the room, including Gao Hongjian, changed their expressions and looked over.

They didn't expect such a big thing to happen outside.

No wonder Fang Ze, the police chief, came over in person.

In the same case, all four people involved in the interrogation were killed, which means it is obvious that the murderer has a clear direction.

The revenge killing was related to Zhou Dashan. At this moment, Zhou Dashan was looking at Fang Ze with a bewildered expression, as if wondering if he had heard it wrong.

Fang Ze stared at him and said, "This is what I want to tell you."

Zhou Dashan opened his mouth slightly and wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything.

What Fang Ze said really caused a huge wave in his ashes-like heart.

Looking at Zhou Dashan, whose expression changed, Fang Ze narrowed his eyes and said, "Zhou Dashan, I want to ask you a question."

Zhou Dashan looked up.

Fang Ze leaned forward, stared at him and said word by word, "Did you kill those two boys?"

This question made Zhou Dashan's mood fluctuate even more violently.

He stared at Fang Ze, and he could even see bloodshots in his pupils.

Both fists were clenched, and the joints were white.

For many years, he had fantasized about being asked questions.

But he waited a long time, no.

At that time, he understood that no one in this world would care about him anymore.

I am just a small person.

It can only be the nourishment of the upper class.

Fang Ze took a puff of cigarette and said again: "Answer my question."

The atmosphere in the room fell silent.

Although the prison guard in charge of guarding is impermanent on the surface, his heart is not calm.

Especially Gao Hongjian.

It was the first time they met a person who was sentenced to death. After many years, someone would ask him again in person: Did you kill someone? And the inquirer was Fang Ze.

-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

! This is no small matter.

Fang Ze would ask such a question, and it must be his reason.

It also means that Zhou Dashan may be wronged! Gao Hongjian was startled immediately when the thought came up.

The investigation and trial of criminal cases are now open and transparent, involving a wide range of departments.

One of its functions is to avoid unjust, false and wrongful convictions to the greatest extent possible.

This is the most effective way to not leave the decision in the hands of one person.

In other words, from case investigation to review to trial to review, as long as there is no problem in one link, it is difficult for the wronged to appear.

On the other hand, as long as there is a person who has been wronged, the person involved in the case is definitely not just one.

There may even be people involved in the place he manages.

Because as long as anyone who has been wronged will easily give up the appeal and be willing to go to jail, he has heard of Yangcheng Fangze's behavior, but no one will give face to him.

Once this fact is confirmed, then all those involved in the case will suffer greatly! Of course, this is just Gao Hongjian's wild thoughts.

Perhaps the reason why Fang Ze asked in person was not for this question.

Fang Ze has been staring at Zhou Dashan, waiting for his answer.

Yes, he really can't judge the authenticity of this matter.

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