Chapter 648 Dongli's Case [1]

After asking a few more questions, Fang Ze put out the cigarette, got up and said, "Okay, let's do this first."

After speaking, he turned to leave.

"Captain Fang!"

Zhou Dashan's voice came.

Fang Ze stopped and did not look back.

"Anything else to add?"

Zhou Dashan shook his head: "No, I have already told you everything I can say."

"I just want to know, can this case be overturned?"

Fang Ze didn't hesitate to answer this question, and immediately replied: "As long as you are innocent, you can."

This is the most important premise.

After speaking, he pushed open the door and left the interrogation room.

Outside the door, Cao Wenkang, who had been waiting, hurried forward and said, "Fang team, how is it, is there any result?"

Fang Ze waved his hand and said, "Let's not talk about this."

"There's something you need to check."

Hearing this, Cao Wenkang immediately said: "Fang team, you said, as long as I can do it, I will do my best."

Fang Ze said: "The dossier eight years ago has no useful information at all. I need a detailed investigation and action report at that time."

Cao Wenkang was stunned for a moment, then pondered.

It seems that this is not too easy.

Fang Ze looked at him and said, "Is it difficult?"

"If I remember correctly, in major criminal cases, investigation and action reports should be filed, right?"

Cao Wenkang nodded truthfully: "Of course."

"But these documents are all under the responsibility of Director Guo. I'm afraid I have no right to consult them."

Fang Ze's eyes flickered: "Guo Dong"

Fang Ze no longer had any good feelings for the captain of the criminal police who was in charge of investigating the child abuse case.

Not to mention whether this person has any problems.

Even if he really has his own sleeves and single-mindedly to handle the case, he is not qualified at all.

In the police force, mediocrity is "sin."

If you don't have that ability, don't pretend to be awesome.

In the end, it is the people who suffer.

As far as this case is concerned, from the initial investigation and evidence collection, to locking the suspects to court and to sentencing.

Too many doubts, too many loopholes.

Guo Dong, as the captain of the criminal police at the time, didn't find out at all? At this time, Cao Wenkang said: "Fang team, if you have your order or come forward in person, it will not be a problem to access these materials."

Fang Ze thought for a while and said, "Forget it, I'll put it on hold for now."

"From now on, you are fully responsible for monitoring Zhou Zhe."

"Only monitor, don't do the rest, let alone act rashly."

"Don't worry about other things."

"Also, put Zhou Dashan in custody, under my order, no one can meet him."

"Not even Liang Hall!"

Hearing this, Cao Wenkang's eyes narrowed.

The head said: "Okay, I understand."

That night, Fang Ze received a call from Shen.

He rushed over quickly.

Shen Kai did not miss any omissions in the dossier of that year, and turned over all of them.

It's basically an ironclad case, no doubts.

However, there was one case where there was a certain impact on fishing reels.

That was the kidnapping case that shocked the whole Dongli eight years ago.

A six-year-old child was kidnapped.

The particularity is not here, but the father of the child.

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