Hearing this, Zhou Zhe was stunned for a moment.

Later, Shen Kai was also a little surprised and listened carefully.

Fang Ze said: "Let's talk about the first point first. Although thousands of police were dispatched and many people participated in the child abuse massacre at that time, it was not directly related to the result."

"No amount of police force is useless if someone is behind it."

"I won't talk about the second point. Unless you do a professional psychological and appraisal, you can't make a conclusion."

"Third, the rope, this is a very important point."

"According to the investigation, I suspect that when you bought the rope in the Pinggong market, someone deliberately followed and bought the same rope."

Hearing this, Zhou Zhe's expression changed slightly.

He wanted to open his mouth to ask something, but when he saw that the other party had not finished speaking, he held back.

Fang Ze continued: "Fourth, your brother's alibi."

"After your brother said goodbye to you, he did not leave Cheongju, but wandered the streets alone for several days."

"The reason is because of your brother's ex-girlfriend."

"That's why your brother couldn't provide an alibi."

Zhou Zhe stared blankly at Fang Ze.

No wonder.

No wonder he felt that Zhou Dashan's mood was a little wrong back then, so he didn't ask.

It was because of this.

"Fifth, traces in the cellar."

"The victim and your brother are neighbors, and there is only a wall between the two, so they often go to your brother's house to play."

"The cellar, of course."

"The so-called traces of struggle are actually left by them playing or fighting."

"Sixth, witnesses."

"You're right, I have to suspect that Hu Zili and Zhao Youcai gave perjury in court for the sake of a huge amount of property."

Fang Ze finished speaking.

He drew out a cigarette again and lit it slowly.

Behind him, Shen Kai was a little surprised.

He obviously did not expect that all his previous inferences would be overturned by Fang Ze.

In other words, Fang Ze has basically confirmed that Zhou Dashan is the wronged Zhou Zhe staring closely at Fang Ze.

This remark had a big impact on him.

The meaning of the other party is already very obvious: his brother is not the murderer.

Fang Ze let out a breath of smoke and said, "Are you waiting for someone?"

"Wait for someone who can solve a serial murder case."

"You're confident and think you're smart."

"Only those who can solve this case have the ability to solve your brother's case."

Zhou Zhe was completely stunned there.

"Right now, I'm here."

Fang Ze said with a smile

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Chapter 651 Persecution [1]

Interrogation room.

At this moment, Zhou Zhe stared blankly at Fang Ze in front of him.

The shock in my heart is beyond words.

Not to mention Zhou Dashan.

Not to mention how the other party determined in such a short period of time that he was the murderer of the serial murder case.

What he couldn't understand was how Fang Ze knew that the time in his mind slowly passed.

Fang Ze waited for a long time, but after seeing no reply from Zhou Zhe, he said, "Why, you're not ready to have a good chat with me?"

Zhou Zhe couldn't help swallowing his saliva, his face changed.

There is fear and joy.

The fear is that his crime has been exposed.

Since Fang Ze was able to catch him here, it is estimated that he has a full grasp.

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