The incident ended like this, and no one expected that the six-star meeting that was making a lot of noise would be such a shocking thunder!

But without the slightest delay, everyone released today’s news as quickly as possible to the place to which they belonged, and those who experienced this event knew that this incident would have dire consequences, but to what extent, no one could estimate or know.

The next day, the newspaper reached almost every corner of the world, and the headline summed up in one fell swoop, the Lord of the Underworld defeated the Five Old Stars, forced Im to abdicate, and planned to establish his own kingdom and order!

This title made countless people can’t help but gasp, and everyone who looks at the content is shocked by it!

But in this world, there are naturally smart people, when they saw this report, they immediately showed a terrified expression, and the powerful and high-ranking people among them all issued an order: all prepare to fight and prevent riots!

On this day, there are too many armed forces gathered in the world, and more people who have not seen the impact of this incident, seeing this formation, can not help but report to the group to warm up, although I don’t know what will happen, but this sense of tension and oppression enriches everyone in the world.

After all, a change in survival mode means that everything will be turned upside down! Order, faith, the country, the people, everything, will be re-established!

Of course, at this time, naturally no one will act as the fuse, and in this environment surrounded by dark mountains and forests, no one feels to light a fire rashly.

Temporary calm, but constantly brewing for the coming storm, will one day inspire the bleakness of lightning and thunder again!

Above the sea, Loks and the river flew side by side, this time the Nether Pirates only sent themselves over, the purpose is naturally concealment, extremely fast, plus Anilu is working with Carl to build a perception system at the moment, so the most important person is naturally Lokes.

It’s just that now it seems that the role of aid is even more unnecessary, before everyone on the boat was worried about the river, pinched the sweat, but now it seems completely redundant, the river is so powerful that now he can be regarded as alone in the real sense, Lokes can be sure that if it is singled out in the world at present, no one can defeat the river.

“Captain, if you are very eager, you can break away from me, although I am not as fast as the captain, but I will not fall too far.”

Lockes had already exerted his full strength at this time, although he could fly, but such a long distance would also take time, and he knew that if it were not for himself, the river would probably soon be able to reach Fishman Island.

“I’m a little anxious,” Jiang Liu whispered, “I guessed that someone would come, but I didn’t expect that it was you.” ”

“You mean, Fishman Island is vulnerable?”

Before leaving, Jiang Liu specially instructed himself to stay in the base, once concentrated by powerful weapons, only the dark fruit that is good at devouring can protect the base from trouble.

“Well, not necessarily, in order to prevent accidents,” Jiang Liu said softly, “Originally, I shouldn’t have been so anxious, but since I had the ability of the Dark Fruit, there are very few things in this world that I can fear, otherwise I would definitely not have made such a big deal this time.” ”

“But the newcomer’s king of Draco seems to have a good reputation among the masses, and he is also one of the few people who will not think highly of himself and bully civilians.” Lokes analyzed, “Now the captain should be at ease!” ”

“No, you’re wrong!” Jiang Liu shook his head and denied Lockes’ conclusion, “Next, the most critical moment.” ”

“Otherwise, I wouldn’t be in such a hurry.”

A bad premonition crossed Rox’s heart, but he did not speak, waiting for the river to follow.

“No matter what kind of order change, there will be hysterical retaliation from the old guard, not to mention that this time it is subversive.” Jiang Liu said coldly, “It’s just that many people don’t see the stakes for the time being, and they are still in the dark. ”

Lokes was stunned for a moment, began to ponder Jiang Liu’s words, recalled what Jiang Liu had done before, and then at a certain moment, he suddenly realized the reason, and suddenly took a cold breath!

“Thought of it?” Jiang Liu crooked his mouth and smiled, “That’s right, this world is full of faith, and there is never a shortage of self-righteous guys.” ”

“Although our Nether Pirate Group is not afraid of them, after all, it is the first step in the founding of the country, and naturally it cannot die of gossip.”

“Resist this wave, naturally thin clouds look at the sun.”

“However, now we must first appease a wave of our own team.”

Lox probably understood Jiang Liu’s concerns, but he couldn’t help but marvel at the secret of the person in front of him, he was indeed qualified to be his leader.

On the sea, two black streamers shuttled by, leaving a distorted afterimage.

Fishman Island, Nether Pirates

At this time, Lokes and the river are not there, but there is no shortage of people with management skills here, but what is happening now has far exceeded the upper limit that everyone can represent, and Fishman Island, as a existence of 20,000 miles under the sea, is difficult to be known, but today, many guests came.

The strength that can come here naturally goes without saying, but everyone came here with a huge coffin on their backs and a corpse wrapped in white cloth alive.

Obviously, these are the petitioners who want to resurrect the people they cherish, and the moment the Hades Lord finished preaching, they began to act, desperately rushing here, they all know that the Hades alone cannot be resurrected for everyone in the world, and the number of people is too many, so even if they come early, it will inevitably be so.

Around Fishman Island, those boats that cannot cross the sea area are almost filled with the sea here, from warships to small fishing boats, all suspended above the sea, waiting for the return of the river.

But… Not every ship will have corpses, and many more, there will be nothing, and they are waiting here, as if just to watch a good show.

“What to do?” Whitebeard asked Roger on the side, there were so many people coming to Fishman Island, this was the first time he had seen so many ships, and there were ships coming from the distant seas in a steady stream, such a scene, even he didn’t know how to be good.

“Wait!” Roger responded softly, and then said in a low voice: “Don’t act rashly, I can sense that not everyone here has piety and hope, more bad intentions!” ”

Everyone in the pirate group on the side frowned when they heard Roger’s conclusion, Roger can listen to the sound of all things, and can also sense the intention of the other party, it seems that today, something big is destined to happen.

“He’s back!”

On the side, Katakuri said softly, everyone heard this, raised their heads one after another, and a figure with a rich dark aura in the distance quickly approached.

Hades River!

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