The Golden Eyed Divine Lion Clan was born with the Flowing Golden Sky Fire in their bodies, and they were most eager for all kinds of fire treasures.

Not only the Acquired Fire Divine Lotus, but other fire treasures, he was also unwilling to miss.

Unfortunately, compared with Gu Qingchen and Gu Yiren, he was not as confident as he was.

Today, after exploring many divine treasures, especially the Jiuli Mountains, Gu Changqing’s wealth is no longer what it used to be.

The two little guys wanted to participate in the auction, and Gu Changqing was not stingy. He raised his hand and approved 10 billion spirit crystals for them. If it was not enough, he could contact the family at any time.

And what about the young master of the Golden Eyes?

He only had a little over 3 billion spirit crystals in his hand, and he had to leave a large part of it to bid for the Acquired Fire Divine Lotus.

He could only watch several favorite fire treasures being auctioned off by Qingchen and his sister.

But fortunately, he did fight back!

“Deal price, 300 million spirit crystals!”

As the jade hammer in the hand of the beautiful host fell.

A decayed ancient zither was sent to the room of Qingchen and his sister.

When the young master Jintong saw this scene, he couldn’t help but sneer.

The Dao pattern of this ancient zither has been broken, and most of the spiritual charm contained in it has been lost.

It can only be used to recycle some materials.

Even the recycled materials may only be at the elementary and intermediate levels of the emperor level.

Even if 300 million spirit crystals cannot buy a complete quasi-saint weapon.

A quasi-saint material can still be bought.

Qingchen and his sister lost a lot by buying this decayed ancient zither with 300 million spirit crystals!

The reason why this ancient zither was sold at such a high price is because of the young master Jintong, who deliberately fanned the flames!

And then.

The young master Jintong also made several moves.

The treasures that Qingchen and his sister were going to pick up were all sold at a very high price.

Conservatively speaking, they would lose at least tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of spirit crystals!

Finally, Qingchen and his sister seemed to realize that Young Master Jintong was targeting them. They did not bid in the next few auctions, which made Young Master Jintong more and more proud!

“I guess they don’t have much money to participate in the next auction!”

Young Master Jintong sneered.

The other guests in the VIP room were also quite happy to see this scene.

The previous series of auctions by Qingchen and his sister showed their wealth and power, which made them feel more pressured.

Now they seem to have “run out of ammunition and food”.

When the auction of the Later Heaven Fire Lotus is held, they will probably be able to get the treasure at a reasonable price!

Just when everyone had different thoughts, but they all felt that Qingchen and his sister had suffered a great loss,

“Knock, knock, knock!”

On the high stage, under the attention of the crowd, the finale of the Acquired Fire Divine Lotus was finally sent to the stage by the host!

“Hua La La!”

Inside the jade box, a red lotus emerged and hung in the air.

At the moment the jade box was opened, the full and lively fire aura made all the cultivators in the venue feel their dantians surging and their seas of consciousness boiling.

And those cultivators who practiced the way of fire, under the stimulation of this aura, almost entered the state of enlightenment directly!

Looking at the miraculous performance of this red lotus.

Even the young master Jin Tong and the Qingchen brothers and sisters couldn’t help but have a bright light in their eyes!

Feeling the boiling atmosphere in the venue, the beautiful host smiled slightly and immediately spoke while the iron was hot: “As you see before your eyes.”

“This treasure is the finale of this Wanling Festival, the Acquired Fire Lotus!”

“The magical nature of this treasure, I think there is no need to say more, the Acquired Fire Lotus, the reserve price is 100 million spirit crystals, and each bid must not be less than 10 million spirit crystals. Now, the auction begins!”

As the host’s voice fell.

In the venue, a voice immediately rang out.

“150 million spirit crystals!”

“180 million!”

“200 million spirit crystals!”

The cultivators in the venue were all excited and called out.

But soon, as the strong men in the VIP room opened their bids, they were silent.

“500 million spirit crystals!”

“700 million spirit crystals!”

“800 million!”

“1 billion spirit crystals!”


Listening to the rising numbers.

The beautiful hostess also couldn’t help but smile.

But her eyes fell on the VIP room of Tianzi No. 7, with a look of regret.

The Qingchen brothers and sisters had bid for several “junk” items before, and they spent a lot of money. Now they probably don’t have many spirit crystals.

Otherwise, if they were there, the atmosphere and competition in the venue would be more intense, and the auction house would earn more!

But now, there is no sound coming from Tianzi No. 7 where the Qingchen brothers and sisters are!

“What a pity!”

The female host secretly felt sorry.

But Young Master Jin Tong was very pleased with himself!

With a sneer, he signaled a subordinate of the Saint Emperor behind him to bid.

“Room No. 9, 1.5 billion spirit crystals!”

As Young Master Jin Tong announced the price,

The bidding sounds that had been going on in the venue stopped for a moment, making Young Master Jin Tong even more proud.

But at this moment, Gu Qingchen’s crisp voice came from Room No. 7.

“I wonder if your bank accepts auctions with treasures as collateral?”


Hearing this,

The beautiful host hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, “Yes, but the treasures you have brought out need to be identified by the adults of our bank, and the value can only be determined before they can be mortgaged. During this period, the auction will continue…”

“It doesn’t matter, let the appraiser of your auction house come out, so that your auction house can take advantage of it!”

While speaking,

In the VIP room, a stream of light flew out and landed in front of the beautiful host.

Everyone present stood up to look.

Even the guests in the VIP room, such as Young Master Jin Tong, looked over curiously.

The beautiful host quickly made a gesture behind her, and two Heavenly Emperors who specialized in divine consciousness and were responsible for identification came forward and took the treasure to prepare for identification.

But as soon as they got the treasure, they were stunned.

Not only them, but also the cultivators in the entire venue, and even the beautiful host, had a wrong expression.

It was because the treasure was nothing else but the decayed ancient zither that the Qingchen brothers and sisters had bought for 300 million spirit crystals before!

“What are they going to do?”

“Are they going to return the ancient zither and take back the spirit crystals?”

“How can they do this? Do they understand the rules?”

Many cultivators were in an uproar.

The young master with golden pupils couldn’t help but laugh out loud, looking at the VIP room No. 7 with extreme contempt.

“Interesting, really interesting! I didn’t expect this auction to bring this kind of fun to this young master!”

Just as he was laughing.


Inside the VIP room.

The Qingchen siblings walked out slowly.

Ignoring the surrounding gazes, the siblings flashed and came to the platform.

“Who said we are going to return this treasure? We are just selling this treasure to the auction house again!”

Gu Qingchen spoke softly.

And Gu Yiren next to him was even more tense and serious: “Brother is right, and this treasure is at least 2 billion spirit crystals!”

“2 billion spirit crystals!?”

“Are these two little guys crazy?!”

The cultivators in the venue were completely confused.

Even the emperors of Nanzhou who recognized the identities of the Qingchen siblings in the VIP room frowned.

“Even if they are the descendants of His Highness Changqing, this is too much!”

The beautiful host had a headache, just when she didn’t know how to persuade the two little ancestors to stop making trouble.

Gu Yiren gently raised one hand, and then.


A little innate fire fell gently.

Suddenly, the decayed ancient zither was burned by the innate fire and turned into ashes.

But in the ashes, a piece of ancient and clumsy spiritual wood emerged.

Although it was only the size of a palm.

But it was this ancient and clumsy spiritual wood that appeared at the moment.


A sound like the cry of a real phoenix came out from the spiritual wood, and a phantom of a real phoenix jumped out, and its vast pressure swept the whole venue.

All the cultivators in the entire venue were instantly stunned, and one by one, there was an unstoppable shock in their eyes!

“Is this the legendary Wutong wood that can be used to forge Saint King weapons?!”

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