[Name: Changsun Ming]

[Area: Early Half King]

[Affiliation: Yingyue Divine Dynasty·Luo Shen Academy]

[Innate Fate]

[Tempered into Steel (Golden Grade 1): Life is like iron, tempered into steel, all the hardships in life can become resources, the heart of Tao is indomitable, the more setbacks, the more courageous, every time you go through a hardship, you can make your heart of Tao more perfect and improve your understanding]

[God rewards hard work (Golden Grade 7): Luck-type innate fate, the way of heaven is selfless, there is no good or evil, but there is a type of people, luck is extraordinary, and they are favored by heaven, but heaven rewards hard work, as long as they work hard, they will be able to change the status quo, and they will be able to get corresponding rewards, or meet noble people, or get opportunities, or have enlightenment… They can also drive the people around them to increase their luck and get the protection of heaven. ]

One is tempered into steel, the other is rewarded by heaven.

Two golden fates, especially the second one [Heaven rewards hard work], the quality is comparable to Luo Li’s [Heavenly Moon Body].

This kind of innate fate that can be rewarded with hard work and can obtain various positive encounters is the first time even Gu Changqing has seen it.

Paired with the indomitable heart of Taoism created by tempering steel.

It is definitely an excellent fate match.


Looking at the words “meet noble people and get opportunities” described by the system in [Heaven rewards hard work], Gu Changqing couldn’t help but touch his nose and felt a little funny.

It seems that he has become the noble person and opportunity of the little guy named Changsun Ming in front of him?

Feeling the gaze of Gu Changqing.

Changsun Ming is getting more and more nervous.

In fact, she has already made up her mind.

But she never thought that Gu Changqing would be so young!

In fact, she has been around this spiritual pond for several times.

I have never dared to step forward to recognize him.

In her imagination, the sword master who could be valued so much by the dean should be a middle-aged and mature figure, even if he was not white-haired.

But Gu Changqing, no matter how you look at it, is just a young genius.

At most, he is three or four years older than her!

Is this really… a senior?

“Are you the genius that the dean Luo introduced to me?”

Seeing Changsun Ming’s cautious eyes, Gu Changqing couldn’t help but laugh and took the initiative to speak.

“Ah, yes, it’s me, Changsun Ming, meet the senior!”

Hearing Gu Changqing’s words.

Changsun Ming was startled, and quickly stood up and bowed respectfully.

Although Gu Changqing’s age was a little beyond her expectations, Changsun Ming still performed the proper etiquette seriously.

“Dean Luo said that you have good insights on swordsmanship, and we came to ask you for advice, but I don’t know if you are free now? If you are practicing, please forgive me for disturbing you. I will leave first and come to ask you for advice when you are free.”

Chang Sun Ming said softly.

A little worried that he had disturbed Gu Changqing.

“So you are Chang Sun Ming. I heard from Dean Luo that you have been mentioned.”

When Luo Li invited Gu Changqing to be the instructor of Luoshen Academy, he also introduced Luoshen’s genius to Gu Changqing during a casual chat.

The situation of Shen Yue and Chang Sun Ming was mentioned. Of course, Luo Li didn’t know that Shen Yue was accompanied by a remnant soul of the Xuan Emperor.

Gu Changqing also admired Chang Sun Ming’s past and the girl’s tenacious character.

Hearing her speak, Gu Changqing smiled slightly, stopped her from talking and said: “Don’t be so restrained, I have already promised your Dean Luo that since you come to ask for advice, I will not let you go empty-handed.”

Gu Changqing said, and with a thought, he picked up a dead branch from the Lingtan and gently scratched the ground next to it.

Using the branch as a sword, he cut a sword mark.

He did not use spiritual power or consciousness in this sword.

It was just an ordinary sword, but at the moment the sword mark fell, Changsun Ming’s eyes were opened as wide as possible, and he was a little stunned when he looked at the sword mark.

That sword seemed ordinary.

But at the moment it fell, Changsun Ming seemed to hear the roar of the waves in his ears, and even saw the rushing of the river in a trance.

However, that scene was too fast and fleeting.

It made Changsun Ming a little unsure, and even a little doubtful whether it was an illusion he imagined.

“This, Senior, what kind of sword style is this?”

Chang Sunming couldn’t help but wonder.

Although she hadn’t fully comprehended the true meaning of this sword mark, she had a vague feeling that this sword style was probably not inferior to Luo Shen’s sword art inheritance, and might even be stronger!

“What kind of sword style is this?”

Hearing Chang Sunming’s question, Gu Changqing was stunned.

He had just cut out this sword mark, but it was done casually, how could there be any name for it?If he had to say it, it was nothing more than the Beiming Great Divine Ability cultivated by Jian Rushuang, the daughter of the Beiming Sword Sect, who brought some of his followers with him. Of course, with Gu Changqing’s current attainments in the sword, his casual sword, no matter the killing power or the artistic conception, may be stronger than the Beiming Great Divine Ability. After hesitating for a while, Gu Changqing spoke. “For this sword, let’s call it the Beiming Sword Style. You go down and comprehend it carefully. When you understand this sword thoroughly, I will teach you a new sword style.” “When practicing, if there is anything you don’t understand, you can always ask me.” “Yes! Thank you for the teachings, senior!” Changsun Ming was very respectful and grateful to Gu Changqing at this moment. Not to mention Gu Changqing’s sword, it gave her a very extraordinary feeling. Just the fact that Gu Changqing was willing to teach her the sword made Changsun Ming grateful. Keep that sword mark firmly in mind.

After returning to her retreat, Changsun Ming began to practice.

Gradually, she felt that she had a more thorough understanding and cognition of the sword.

As time passed.

The sword light she slashed out became more and more mysterious.

However, a few days later, when she swung her sword, her sword moves were all unique, and there was an extremely natural connection between each move and sword, as if they were all integrated, like a trickling stream.

Although it was not magnificent, it was flawless and had a sense of endless life.

“Although this sword style is not very lethal, this kind of integrated mysterious rhyme can greatly improve my defense!”

All the sword moves were performed.

Changsun Ming breathed a sigh of relief, put down the two swords, and there was surprise in her eyes.

Although her realm is only the early stage of the half king, her defense, in her opinion, may not be able to break through her sword siege even if she is a perfect half king!

“Let me go ask that senior for advice again!”

Changsun Ming thought, and then he came to Gu Changqing again respectfully.

“A trickle? An endless stream?”

Listening to Changsun Ming’s understanding, Gu Changqing nodded slightly, and looked at Changsun Ming with admiration in his eyes: “It only took a few days to understand this level. You have a good understanding.”

“However, you haven’t understood this move thoroughly yet. Think about it carefully.”

“You haven’t understood it thoroughly yet?”

Listening to Gu Changqing’s words, Changsun Ming was shocked and her eyes were wide open.

Originally, she was a little surprised to hear Gu Changqing’s praise, but then she was hit and felt stunned.

“Is there anything I haven’t understood about this sword style?”

Changsun Ming recalled the sword marks in her mind, thinking hard, but she couldn’t get an answer for a long time.

“Don’t look at the whole picture of this sword mark. With your realm, you are not yet able to comprehend all of this sword mark. You can start from the subtle points first.”

Gu Changqing spoke gently, giving her some tips for comprehension.

“Start from the subtle points?”

Listening to Gu Changqing’s words, Changsun Ming was startled, and returned to her secluded courtyard thoughtfully. A few days later, she realized something again, and when she came out of seclusion, she slashed it with a sword.

The sword light soared into the sky, and it seemed as if there was a vision of a rushing river. Its momentum was so powerful that it was enough to change the color of the king realm. The sword test puppet was cut in half by her sword!

“Yes, this sword mark left by the predecessor is not only defensive, but also offensive and defensive!”

It can be transformed into streams and rivers, endless, allowing the sword energy to surround itself and defend against the enemy.

It can also be transformed into a rushing river, with a momentum like thunder, which can break all enemies.

Moreover, after comprehending this level of artistic conception, Chang Sunming vaguely felt that this sword move was far from being comprehended to its limit.

“This sword, after evolving to the end, is no longer limited to rivers and streams, but is like a great river flowing eastward, unstoppable!”

“This is the true meaning of this sword move, right!”

Chang Sunming murmured to herself, her heart was extremely excited.

This sword move, even if it is not at the Saint Venerable level, is definitely a killing technique at the Heaven Venerable level, and it is the top level among the Heaven Venerable level swordsmanship!

It’s a pity that she doesn’t have too many points in her hand, not enough to exchange for the time to enter the spiritual land.

Otherwise, Chang Sunming really wanted to report the good news to Gu Changqing right now, and show her understanding to that senior.

Just when Chang Sunming was excited.

Outside the courtyard where she lived, the voices of several familiar disciples came.

“Senior Changsun, we just received a mission. It’s a bit difficult, but the points are very generous. Do you want to go with us?”

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