Qingtian City is a majestic city. Although it is not the imperial capital of the Yingyue Divine Dynasty, its importance is not much different. It is the transportation hub of the Divine Dynasty and connects all the states of the Divine Dynasty.

At this moment, the already prosperous Qingtian City is more lively than before. The venue of this Hundred Academy Battle is set up here. The college geniuses from all the states of the Divine Dynasty gathered here, attracting countless cultivators to watch.

The future Tianzun, Saint Zun and even Daozun of the Divine Dynasty, who are the backbone of the entire Yingyue Divine Dynasty, are likely to start to emerge at this event. How can they not attract attention?

Even if many of them are not even qualified to enter the venue, it does not prevent them from gathering outside the venue, waiting for the winner of the Hundred Academy Battle to be decided. Curious eyes fell on the venue, and their eyes were full of expectation.

And in the venue, the cultivators who are qualified to enter are also looking at the various entrances of the venue with shining eyes, looking forward to the entry of the talented students from various colleges.

“That’s Dongxiao College! It’s in the top ten of the hundred colleges! The chief of their generation is said to have a father who is a pure-blooded green dragon. He has a lot of green dragon blood in his body and his body is extremely powerful!”

“Look over there, that’s the team of Tianxing College! It is said that there is also a genius in their generation. His talent is amazing. It is said that he is almost reaching the perfection of Xuanwang!”

“That should be the genius team of Molong College! My God, why do I feel that there are more than one genius in the Tianwang realm in their team!”

One after another exclamations came.

Geniuses from various colleges entered the venue one after another. Some geniuses even deliberately showed their cultivation, which attracted exclamations and made the cultivators in the venue feel overwhelmed.

Among them, people from Zhengming College were also among them. They came to the waiting area early. Standing in the team of geniuses, Changsun Ba looked around with a defiant look.

He was one of the geniuses who deliberately showed his cultivation. He was only eighteen or nineteen years old, but he had already achieved the perfection of half king.

Although such an achievement is not as good as the geniuses from the top few colleges, it is rare in the general hundred colleges sequence, which attracted a small range of exclamations, making him even more proud.

Just then, Chang Sun Ba saw a familiar figure, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

After saying something to the leader of the Zhengming College, he walked out of the Zhengming team and came to the Luoshen College team. His eyes fell on Chang Sun Ming and he sneered.

“Chang Sun Ming, you, the daughter of a maid, are really here!”

Although he and Chang Sun Ming are siblings.

But Chang Sun Ba did not show any brotherly attitude, calling her by her name, mercilessly, and arrogantly, implicitly treating Chang Sun Ming as his maid and servant, and coldly scolded her.

“Did you come here to bring shame to our Changsun family?”

“Young man, what are you saying to our Luoshen students?”

Before Changsun Ming opened his mouth, Luo Li had already walked out, with lotus steps lightly moving and a cold face. When he opened his mouth, Xuanzun’s pressure was ruthless and pressed Changsun Ba back several steps!


There was surprise in Changsun Ba’s eyes. He didn’t expect Luo Li to be so protective and directly attack him.

But he was unwilling to bow his head, and immediately gritted his teeth and said: “Okay, senior, don’t worry, I won’t say much, just bring a word to my sister!”

The word “sister” was pronounced very heavily, with sarcasm.

As Changsun Ba said this, he raised his brocade robe directly, revealing a golden spiritual pendant engraved with the seal script of “Changsun” on his waist, which finally made Changsun Ming’s eyes fluctuate!

Seeing this scene, Changsun Ba smiled triumphantly.

This golden pendant is the title of the young master of the Changsun family.

He knew that his sister had high ambitions since she was a child, and she was holding her breath to prove her talent to the family, get her father’s love, and clear her name for her dead mother.

The position of the young master is Changsun Ming’s goal.

So the last time he went back, he specifically asked Changsun Lu for this position.

“People’s fate is determined by heaven. Efforts can change some things, but you can never change the gap at a higher level!”

As he said this, Changsun Ba released his breath directly.

The wave of the half-king’s perfection pressed towards Changsun Ming: “Do you feel my strength? This is our gap! Like a chasm! Insurmountable!”

Changsun Ba said, looking at Changsun Ming with expectation in his eyes, wanting to see Changsun Ming’s desperate and jealous eyes, or at least wanting to see her aggrieved look.

However, what caught him off guard was

There was indeed a gleam in Changsun Ming’s eyes, but it soon calmed down, and in the end, only boundless indifference remained!

“Have you finished talking?”

Changsun Ming spoke calmly, and the indifferent tone made Changsun Ba panic and forced to nod.

“Then what are you still doing here?”


Chang Sun Ba’s face changed slightly, and he was about to scold Chang Sun Ming again, asking her to stop pretending here, but Luo Li’s eyes fell on him again, and he didn’t have the courage to speak again. He had to leave in disgrace, but there was already a chill in his eyes.

“Okay, okay! This bitch, when the war starts, I will definitely humiliate her!”

Thinking of his defeat at the hands of Chang Sun Ming, Chang Sun Ba’s eyes were filled with chills!

“Xiao Ming, you…”

Chang Sun Ba left in disgrace.

But Luo Li couldn’t help but step forward, looking at Chang Sun Ming with worried eyes.

Chang Sun Ming smiled slightly, waved his hand gently, and whispered: “Don’t worry, Dean, I’m fine. If I have to say it, I have figured out a lot of things. ”

Changsun Ming said, looking at Gu Changqing who was also walking over beside Luo Li, his eyes were brighter than ever before.

Changsun Ba’s words today made Changsun Ming completely relieved.

The Changsun family is not worth her efforts.

Compared to them.

She has more worthy goals as motivation.

For example…

Changsun Ming couldn’t help but look at Gu Changqing and Luo Li, with gratitude in her eyes and incomparable fighting spirit!

Thinking of the guidance and help from Dean Luo Li in the past, and the master who had been recognized in her heart, Gu Changqing’s guidance on her Beiming Sword Style.

Changsun Ming’s heart was filled with warmth.

Compared to proving herself to the Changsun family, working hard to practice, becoming famous in this Hundred Colleges War, and proving to her master and the Dean that she is not ashamed of their training and guidance, this is what she is more worthy of working hard for!

“This little girl’s comprehension has actually improved again? ”

Luo Li’s worry was slightly reduced, and Gu Changqing’s strength was far beyond hers, and he felt more.

Looking at the little girl he had accepted casually, his eyes were also amazed.

The fate combination of [Perseverance] and [God Rewards Hard Work] is really brilliant. Although these two fates are only of the middle and lower grades of the gold fate, the effect of combining them.

I am afraid that it will soon catch up with some of the fate geniuses of the ninth grade of gold or even the first grade of red!

Just when Gu Changqing was looking forward to the future achievements of Changsun Ming, this little disciple.

On the other side of the ring, a genius had been called by name, drawn in the random draw, and went on stage to fight. Among them was Changsun Ba from Zhengming Academy!

“There are two rounds in the Hundred Academy Battle.”

“The first round is a random draw duel. Every genius must participate. There will be ten random draws. The winner can get ten victory points, and the loser will lose ten victory points. ”

“After ten games, only those with more than 50 victory points can enter the second round [Challenge]. The qualified talents can freely designate opponents to challenge. ”

“The winner of the challenge can accumulate half of the loser’s victory points. If the opportunity is exhausted, they can also passively accept the challenge. ”

“The challenge will last for one day. During this period, all qualified talents must actively initiate at least three challenges before they can enter the leaderboard, and the ranking will be determined according to the number of victory points. ”

“Those who are ranked above the top 300 in terms of winning points will be the winners of the Hundred Colleges War and will receive rewards from the Divine Dynasty. The higher the ranking, the richer the rewards…”

The random draw duel has begun. Some geniuses have stepped onto the stage one after another, showing extraordinary skills and attracting exclamations.

There are also geniuses from Luoshen Academy who have stepped up to challenge, while Luo Li stands shoulder to shoulder with Gu Changqing, explaining the rules to Gu Changqing.

Just then, a cry of exclamation came from afar, attracting the students of Luoshen who did not go up and many spectators to look up.

The students of Luoshen all changed color slightly, and those spectators were slightly surprised.

The source of the cry of exclamation was a square arena. On the arena, Changsun Ba stood tall. In front of him, a genius with extraordinary demeanor fell to the ground and was defeated by him!

“Is this the fourth game?”

“After winning four games in a row, he is almost qualified for promotion! ”

“Moreover, the opponent he defeated at last was also a genius in the Hundred Academy Sequence. The academy he came from was even ranked higher than Zhengming, but he was defeated as well. This young man is incredible!”

Many spectators whispered, looking at Changsun Ba with surprise.

And those people from the Changsun family who came to watch the game, such as Changsun Lu, were even more surprised and proud, and excited.

Not to mention Changsun Ba on the stage, the whole person became more and more unruly, and his eyes could not help but look at another battle arena not far away.

There, Changsun Ming had just defeated an opponent and won the first duel.

However, the genius she defeated was very ordinary. The academy she came from was not even in the Hundred Academy Sequence, and the gold content was far less than Changsun Ba!

“This is usThe gap is like a chasm, insurmountable! “

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