A month ago, Chi Wenxuan made a strong move to stand up for Yang Honglie and Man Gu, and tried to force Gu Changqing to bow his head and confess his guilt, but was suppressed by Gu Changqing.

In that battle, Chi Wenxuan was defeated miserably, was severely injured, and was barely breathing.

If he had not been born in the ancient divine clan [Sky Crocodile Clan], with a superb physique, far from being an ordinary human sage, he might have been completely disabled.

But even so.

With such a serious injury, even if he was the Supreme Sage and had various treasures to assist him, it would take Chi Wenxuan at least several months or even years to recover.

But now, in just one month, Chi Wenxuan is alive and well again, not only has all his injuries healed, but his strength has even improved, and he has entered the middle stage of the Sage.

Such a change is really beyond everyone’s expectations!

“My ancestor, upon learning of my experience, felt that I was too incompetent and had brought shame to my clan, so he reprimanded me and asked me to reflect on myself.”

“I reflected seriously and realized that my defeat was a disgrace to my clan and the teachings of my ancestor. Seeing that I sincerely admitted my mistakes, my ancestor forgave me and gave me another [Sky Crocodile Blood Pill] to help me recover from my injuries.”

Chi Wenxuan felt the gazes of the crowd, smiled slightly, and spoke slowly. His words seemed full of apology, but in fact, his tone was full of arrogance.

In his words, he always mentioned the ancestor of the Sky Crocodile Clan’s domain master. The last mentioned [Sky Crocodile Blood Pill] was unique to the Sky Crocodile Clan and could only be refined by Sky Crocodiles at the domain master level.

Say these, say apology? Reflection? It’s just showing off!

Many instructors secretly criticized.

But it must be said that Chi Wenxuan’s showing off of his muscles was indeed extremely effective.

Not to mention the instructors.

Even in the square, many Tianjiao students, listening to Chi Wenxuan’s words and seeing that Chi Wenxuan’s injuries had fully recovered, could not help but be amazed.

After being amazed, their eyes inevitably became more eager and yearning, which made Chi Wenxuan even more proud.

However, in addition to being proud, Chi Wenxuan’s hatred for Gu Changqing also rose in his heart.

Looking at Gu Changqing, a mentor in the Killing Hall not far away, Chi Wenxuan’s eyes flashed with coldness.

However, he did not rush to speak.

Before the freshman competition, he had already inquired in advance and thought he knew Gu Changqing’s details.

A small overlord of the wilderness, the master of the Saint King Dao.

Fortunately, he got a Saint King’s mansion and several Saint King inheritances, which allowed him to be the king of the wilderness.

It’s just that his wealth might be good in a place like the wilderness, but in the Ares Academy, it’s nothing in front of him!

Today’s freshman competition is the time for Chi Wenxuan to avenge his shame!

Chi Wenxuan was rubbing his hands, waiting for the freshman competition to end, and then he would take this opportunity to take in a disciple to avenge his shame.

Gu Changqing, however, ignored him at all, just concentrating on searching for Xiao Yiren’s figure. With a sweep of his spiritual sense, he sensed the existence of the little girl.

“Daddy’s spiritual sense?”

In the center of the square, among tens of thousands of Tianjiao, Xiao Yiren, who was searching around, felt Gu Changqing’s spiritual sense, and her eyes lit up. She quickly looked up and happened to meet Gu Changqing’s eyes.

The little girl’s face suddenly showed a bright smile, and she was about to wave and say hello to her father.

“The freshman competition is about to begin. Please get ready and start entering!”

A majestic voice came from the sky above the square.

A middle-aged man in black robes, with a dignified demeanor and a resolute face, emerged.

This is a Domain Lord, a guest elder of the God of War Academy, who is responsible for presiding over this freshman competition.

At this moment, he waved his hand, and a mighty force of space transfer covered the square.

Whether it was Xiao Yiren or other geniuses, before they could come to their senses, they were swept by that force, and a feeling of dizziness surged through their bodies.

When everything was calm, they looked around again, but were surprised to find that they had been sent into a primitive dense forest!

And as these little guys were transferred to the assessment site.

On the empty square again, a huge light curtain lit up, just reflecting the image of Xiao Yiren and other geniuses in the vast dense forest.

“This dense forest is called [Tianzang Holy Forest]. Some of you should have heard of its name.”

“The content of your competition is to survive in this Tianzang Holy Forest!”

“You can get 100 points for every day you survive, and you can get one to 100 points for every monster you kill in the holy forest!”

“The competition will last for five days.”

“After five days, the winners will be determined based on the points you have.Determine your ranking! ”

The middle-aged man in black robe opened his mouth to explain the rules to the freshmen. Just by mentioning the four words [Tianzang Holy Forest], the many cultivators and creatures who came to watch the ceremony around the square changed color.

Tianzang Holy Forest is a famous dangerous place in Beihuang Shenzhou. There are many powerful monsters living in it, and there are also various natural dangerous places and restrictions. Ordinary emperors dare not enter it rashly.

Even if there is a holy way, only the strong ones in the saint realm can move freely in it.

The weaker quasi-saints are weak in this holy forest. They just barely managed to protect themselves.

Among these geniuses, the highest level of cultivation was only at the Emperor level, and those who cultivated to the Saint Emperor level were rare.

Even if they were all the top geniuses in the Northern Wilderness Divine Continent, it would be a bit too difficult for them to venture into such a dangerous place as the assessment content of the freshman competition.

But in the dense forest, compared with the doubts and worries of the cultivators and creatures watching the ceremony from the outside world.

Xiao Yiren, and the new geniuses around Xiao Yiren, who had passed many assessments and joined the God of War Academy , without exception.

Even the weakest ones, who passed the test just before the deadline, such as Qianxue and other new geniuses, had no fear in their eyes, only strong fighting spirit and fighting spirit, which made the middle-aged man in black robes nod slightly.

However, before these geniuses were ready to start hunting.

The middle-aged man in black robes waved his hand again, and the huge light curtain in the center of the square suddenly split into 36 small screens, corresponding to the 36 edge areas of [Tianzang Holy Forest].

In each area, there were three people standing The young geniuses wearing the robes of the students of the God of War Academy, both men and women, are full of vigor and vitality, with strong aura and sharp eyes, and they also have a strong fighting spirit!

No doubt.

These thirty-six teams of geniuses from the academy have joined the God of War Academy several years earlier than Gu Yiren and others. They are the descendants of geniuses from various sects and families that make up the God of War Academy, and the “old students” of the academy!

“In these five days, in addition to the monsters and crises that already exist in the Holy Forest, you 108 seniors will also join the Holy Forest and chase you.”

“Once you are caught up and defeated by the seniors, half of the points you have accumulated with great effort will be taken away by them, so, little guys, don’t underestimate the enemy! ”

The middle-aged man in black robes, when he spoke to the end, his tone was a bit mischievous.

The new geniuses around Xiao Yiren finally changed their faces at this point.

The monsters in the Holy Forest are not scary, and the restrictions are not scary. As long as you hide and be cautious, it is not difficult to survive for five days.

But if you add the old students who have walked out of the God of War Academy and have been trained by the academy for many years?

The difficulty is completely different!

However, it seems that he guessed that such a difficulty would hit the little guys.

After saying this, the middle-aged man in black robes waved his hand again.


In front of the geniuses headed by Gu Yiren, a huge projection screen also appeared, and the projection screen reflected the figures of Gu Changqing, Chi Wenxuan and other three halls instructors on the viewing platform of the square!

“Little guys, don’t give up your fighting spirit too early.”

“Before the big competition begins, according to the regulations, you will have to take a look at the apprenticeship ceremony prepared for you by the instructors of the academy! ”

The middle-aged man in black robe said, and his eyes turned to the tutors’ seats.

The tutors who had been prepared stood up one after another, with smiles on their faces, and showed the gifts they had prepared to recruit students!

“If there is a genius willing to worship under me, I can give him a one-on-one sermon once a month! I can also prepare a bottle of top-level holy elixir for him to help him break through the realm quickly!”

“I am good at formations. If there is a genius willing to follow me, I can set up a holy king-level protective formation for him or even his family!”

“This seat…”

One by one, the tutors spoke up and offered various favorable conditions, which made the hearts of the new geniuses around Xiao Yiren, who were originally shocked by the difficulty of the competition, lively again.

When it was the turn of Tiangong Hall, Chi Wenxuan was the first to stand up, and his eyes were full of impatience!

He did not rush to speak, but first looked at Gu Changqing provocatively, and then raised his hand slightly.

“Swish! ”

Immediately, on this viewing platform, there was a burst of precious light that surged into the sky, stirring the ten directions, causing the countless cultivators and creatures who came to watch the ceremony around the square to suddenly stand up and look at the various treasures that Chi Wenxuan took out, with boundless shock in their eyes!

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