Looking at Lin Dong who was like a dead dog fainting in the depression.

Yang Ba, Chang Nan, Shen Dong… the pupils of the old students were shaking wildly, and Ling Fengxue’s brain was even more out of order, her eyes were stunned.

But, just when she was stunned.


“Boom boom boom!”

Several roars exploded in the air.

That was the prestige caused by Yang Ba and others’ actions. They were attacking… almost crazy attacks!

The spiritual power in their dantian surged out like a desperate move. Under their control, they condensed many killing magic skills, and the offensive was like a tide, flooding towards Xiao Yiren!

As the best among the old students, Yang Ba and others’ reactions were stronger and faster than Ling Fengxue.

After realizing that Lin Dong was severely injured and defeated, Yang Ba and others had already realized that their previous estimation of Xiao Yiren’s strength was wrong, and it was wrong to the extreme!

But now that things have come to this, it is obviously impossible to shake hands and make peace with Xiao Yiren again. The only way to survive is to do everything possible to eliminate Xiao Yiren first!


The sky and the earth roared, and the dense forest trembled!

You know, this is the Tianzang Holy Forest, a famous forbidden area in the Northern Wilderness Shenzhou. Not only are there many powerful monsters, but the laws of space are also extremely stable, far exceeding other areas.

Under normal circumstances, even if the emperors fight, at most they will affect a hundred miles.

But at this moment, with the location of the battle between the two sides as the center of the circle, a thousand miles around, it seems that a great disaster has come.

Towering ancient trees collapsed and shattered, and the earth was blasted out with black holes one after another, cracking gullies, like an abyss, and everywhere was a scene of destruction.

Even a strong person like Ling Fengxue could only try his best to protect himself in this overwhelming attack. It was not until the tide-like attack subsided that he took a hard breath. Looking at Yang Ba and others in the air, there was a deep fear in their eyes, and there was also a trace of worry for Xiao Yiren that could not be hidden!

Although Xiao Yiren had shown her strong strength before, she defeated Lin Dong with overwhelming force.

But Yang Ba and others were not vegetarians.

The attack of the thousand-mile natural disaster was a means that was really enough to make the strong people in the middle stage of the saint frown and be afraid.

Xiao Yiren could kill Lin Dong one-on-one, but she might not be able to survive this level!

Sure enough, one breath, two breaths, three breaths… a full ten breaths passed!

There was still no sound from the dense forest where Xiao Yiren was before.

In the air, Yang Ba and others, who were originally extremely nervous, gradually weakened their nervousness and fear as time passed, and the arc of their mouths became more and more exaggerated.

Just when they couldn’t help but laugh out loud in celebration.

“Emperor Flame’s Third Transformation…”

“The Burning Heaven Formation, Fall!”

Xiao Yiren’s voice fell quietly from above their heads. Suddenly, under the horrified gaze of Yang Ba and others, the sea of ​​clouds above their heads was suddenly covered by the soaring divine fire!

Xiantian Lihuo, Taiyan Divine Fire, Jiuyou Bingyan…

The three innate divine fires were commanded by Xiao Yiren at this moment. With the blessing of the Emperor Flame Body, they condensed one after another complex and magical forbidden array talismans. As Xiao Yiren’s voice fell, a terrifying forbidden killing array was completed in an instant, directly covering Yang Ba and others.

As Xiao Yiren’s spiritual power was infused, the killing array was activated.

Yang Ba and others didn’t even have time to scream. Their identity tokens automatically sensed the arrival of a catastrophe and automatically activated the teleportation function, taking the eight of them out of the battlefield together.

However, Xiao Yiren had obviously guessed this, so she spent more time and used this formation.

At the moment when the teleportation aura enveloped the bodies of Yang Ba and others, the attack of the Emperor Flame Burning Heaven Formation followed closely, and the mighty divine fire passed the teleportation aura and directly bombarded Yang Ba and others.

Although Yang Ba and others were not killed, they were still bombarded, and they were not much stronger than Lin Dong.

And the God of War points stored in their identity tokens, which they had accumulated hard in the past few days and in the past tens or hundreds of years, were forcibly deprived of half of them as they were eliminated by Xiao Yiren.

Together with Lin Dong’s half of the points, they turned into a ball of aura and flew to Xiao Yiren by themselves, becoming Xiao Yiren’s trophy. With the blessing of this ball of aura, Xiao Yiren’s points balance also skyrocketed again, directly breaking through the 200,000 mark!


Looking at the God of War points balance displayed on Xiao Yiren’s identity token.

Not to mention Ling Fengxue, even the many college teachers watching the ceremony on the square couldn’t help swallowing their saliva, and there was boundless shock in their eyes.

And Chi Wenxuan’s face was extremely pale.

Yang Ba and the other two contacted Shen Dong and Chang Nan to target Xiao Yiren, which naturally couldn’t be separated from his secretArrangement.

He did this, firstly, to save the face of Tiangong Hall, so that too many old students would be eliminated by Xiao Yiren, and in the end it would be Tiangong Hall that would be embarrassed.

Secondly, it was to take away the God of War points in Xiao Yiren’s hands.

After all, the poorer Xiao Yiren was, the more attractive the conditions he offered would be to Xiao Yiren, and it would be easier to control Xiao Yiren in the future.

But he never expected it.

Not only did all his plans fail.

The three disciples he had worked hard to train even became Xiao Yiren’s spoils of war, and half of their wealth was taken away by Xiao Yiren.

How could Chi Wenxuan, who had always been high and mighty, tolerate this! ?

However, no matter how depressed he was, he could not change the ending.

At this point, Chi Wenxuan could only grit his teeth and swallow his blood, and comfort himself desperately.

“As long as I accept this girl as my disciple, I can use the points she has earned on her, and I, as the master, can also benefit from it!”

Chi Wenxuan thought, and his mood calmed down a little. He couldn’t help but look at the projection screen again. Looking at Xiao Yiren’s training and fighting in the Tianzang Holy Forest, he looked forward to it again!

“Xiao Yiren, this child, did a really good job this time…”

Chi Wenxuan’s expression changed, hiding very secretly, but he couldn’t escape Gu Changqing’s sense.

Looking at Chi Wenxuan’s face like eating shit, Gu Changqing couldn’t help but laugh.

Retracting his gaze and looking at his little cotton jacket on the screen, Gu Changqing’s eyes were more and more proud.

Gu Changqing sighed.

He began to think in his heart that after the freshman competition was over, he, as a father, should take action again.

While improving his own strength, he should also help his daughter find some good things, such as the new Heaven and Earth Divine Fire.

Gu Changqing was pondering.

In the Tianzang Holy Forest, the freshman competition was also going on.

However, with the defeat of Yang Ba and others, no one among the old students who participated in the competition in the Tianzang Holy Forest could compete with Xiao Yiren.

As long as all the old students met Xiao Yiren, the battle would be a foregone conclusion. They were easily defeated and eliminated by Xiao Yiren and became Xiao Yiren’s spoils.

At the last moment, when the competition was completely over.

Only six teams of old students were teleported back to the competition square.

These six teams were all old students from the Wandao Hall and the Shadao Hall.

As for the Tiangong Hall, the most old students joined the competition this time, but their ending was the worst.

No old student made it to the end of the competition. They were all eliminated by Xiao Yiren. Who would believe that Xiao Yiren did not deliberately target them?

However, no one connected Xiao Yiren’s targeting with Gu Changqing.

In everyone’s opinion, Xiao Yiren did this purely to avenge the siege of Yang Ba, Shen Dong, Chang Nan and other Tiangong Hall senior students, which was reasonable.

It was just reasonable.

Seeing their senior students being eliminated and looking humiliated.

Although the results of the freshman competition have not yet come out, the teachers of Tiangong Hall are already very uncomfortable.

However, they still have a little hope in their hearts, that is, Chi Wenxuan can recruit Xiao Yiren as his disciple.

As long as Xiao Yiren joins Chi Wenxuan, the face lost by Tiangong Hall in this freshman competition can be completely saved!

The freshmen who just finished the competition knew nothing about the thoughts of the teachers of Tiangong Hall in the square.

Unlike the old students, they were teleported back to the academy directly. After the competition, the freshmen had to rush back to the edge of the Tianzang Holy Forest. At the beginning, they were teleported to the starting point of the competition, surrendered their identity tokens, entered their war god points, and made the final ranking of the competition there.

They would return to the academy only after the ranking was announced.

Therefore, let alone the depression of the Tiangong Hall instructors at the moment.

They even knew nothing about Xiao Yiren’s battle with the old students in the past five days.

At this moment, they were all ready to fight and rushed to the starting point of the competition.

Among them, a group of people looked the most arrogant and self-conceited, bossing other freshmen around, high above them, and extremely domineering. Among tens of thousands of freshmen, they were particularly conspicuous.

But no matter how conspicuous they were, no freshman dared to disrespect them.

Just because this group of people might be the top group in this freshman competition!

“Yuan Dao, Wei Anshi, Golden Flame Demon Leopard, Bloodthirsty Sky Python, Lingfeng Evil Bird…”

“These geniuses were selected in advance by the Tiangong Hall instructors and given the qualification of exemption from the test. With the support of Tiangong Hall behind them, they are not only talented, but also wealthy. They brought countless treasures into the Tianzang Holy Forest!”“With so many treasures to assist them, let alone the geniuses from the Killing Dao Hall and the Ten Thousand Dao Hall who were exempted from the test, who don’t have the temperament to stick together, even if they are willing to cooperate, they can’t possibly be better than this group of people! It’s really frustrating to compare yourself to others!”

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