“You! You actually dare to attack?!”

Chi Wenxuan was shocked and angry, and roared in a low voice, his tone was full of uncontrollable anger, but that anger sounded fierce on the outside but weak on the inside!

“Why shouldn’t I dare?”

Gu Changqing said calmly.

“The academy stipulates that when a challenge is made between a mentor and a student, as long as no one is killed, everything is allowed. What’s more, this stupid bull has been saying from the beginning that he wants to destroy me.”

“Why are you unwilling to do it when it’s my turn to destroy him?”


Chi Wenxuan couldn’t say a word when questioned by Gu Changqing, and could only stare blankly. Gu Changqing smiled coldly: “If you don’t accept it, you can come up and continue to challenge and avenge your senior brother.”

As he said this, he looked past Chi Wenxuan, scanned all the mentors of Tiangong Hall present, and spoke slowly.

“And you, the same, do you have the courage?”

Feeling Gu Changqing’s gaze, looking at the Tianyu Kuiniu, whose life or death was unknown, but who was definitely useless, and whose cultivation had been wasted, and whose future was probably worse than death.

The Tiangong Hall instructors who had been extremely arrogant before, and who kept saying that Gu Changqing would regret his life, were all staring with their mouths wide open, unable to say a word, and dared not look Gu Changqing in the eye.

There were a few timid ones, who even secretly retreated a few steps, but no one dared to confront Gu Changqing!

“Okay, okay! Gu Changqing, you win today! But don’t think that this matter is over! When my senior brother comes back, I hope you have the courage to accept his challenge!”

Chi Wenxuan gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, leaving a word, and then led a group of Tiangong Hall instructors to rescue Tianyu Kuiniu, and hurriedly left the competition square.

Even those students who intended to join the Tiangong Hall were too lazy to recruit.

On the competition square, the remaining new Tianjiao and the various monks and creatures who came to watch the ceremony were speechless when they saw this scene.

They never thought that today’s competition would end in this way.

They never thought…

The new Tianjiao looked at Gu Changqing with infinite eagerness and admiration in their eyes.

“Teacher Gu, we also want to join you, please take us in!”

I don’t know which student took the lead.

The new Tianjiao immediately came forward and bowed to Gu Changqing. Such a lively and grand scene made the remaining instructors on the viewing platform envious.

And the instructors headed by Hong Yu in the Shadao Hall were all smiling and proud, and they were extremely proud!

Looking at the new Tianjiao kneeling on the ground, Gu Changqing’s expression was not excited.

He had no interest in taking in disciples, and it was enough to have Xiao Yiren by his side.

Besides, he had to take time out every month to preach in the academy.

If he really wanted to take in disciples, Gu Changqing would prefer to slowly select suitable students in the future preaching, rather than taking in a large number of them now.

“If you really want to learn swordsmanship and want to follow me, you can come and listen to my monthly preaching in the future. If there is anyone with extraordinary talent, I will teach her a thing or two.”

After saying that, Gu Changqing didn’t say anything more. He waved his hand and took Xiao Yiren, leaving the competition square under the awe-inspiring gaze of the crowd, and returned to the Killing Hall.

“So, you haven’t seen your aunt Yi Ruoxue in such a long time?”

Killing Hall, in Gu Changqing’s cave.

Xiao Yiren seemed very excited after not seeing her father for a long time, and told Gu Changqing everything she had experienced after leaving the wilderness.

Gu Changqing listened to the little girl’s story without feeling tired, but rather interested.

Seeing that Xiao Yiren was talking dry, he smiled and handed the child a cup of spiritual tea, asking the little guy to slow down.

Hearing her father’s question, Xiao Yiren, who was drinking tea, nodded immediately, with some disappointment in her big eyes.

“Not only have I never seen her before, but Aunt Yi Ruoxue should have shown up for this freshman competition, but I never met her. I don’t know what her situation is like, and whether there will be any unexpected changes!”

“It’s not an unexpected change. I think it’s your Aunt Yi Ruoxue who is in a critical moment of retreat… huh?”

Gu Changqing waved his hand to comfort the little guy and told him not to think too much.

Although he hadn’t seen Yi Ruoxue yet, Gu Changqing could sense clearly that the big Loli was currently in the Wandao Palace. Her aura was extremely stable, and she made great progress almost every day. She hadn’t shown up yet, so it must be that she had reached a critical moment in her cultivation.

But halfway through his words, Gu Changqing raised his eyebrows, which made Xiao Yiren see it and immediately became nervous.

“Daddy, what’s wrong?Did you feel the breath of Aunt Ruoxue? ”

“That’s not the case. I just didn’t expect that after Daddy dealt with the Tianyu Kuiniu, he would actually have some unexpected gains.”

Gu Changqing touched the little girl’s head and looked inside himself.

In his body, the purple qi cauldron of all living beings that gathered the luck of humanity, the purple qi of luck gathered in it, has increased again at this moment, and the magnitude is not small!

And the source of the increase in purple qi of luck, as far as Gu Changqing sensed, was precisely from his own action to destroy the Tianyu Kuiniu!

“Just destroying, not killing, can get such a luck increase. This Tianyu Kuiniu must have hunted many of our human race’s strong men and harmed many of our human race’s creatures in the past! ”

Gu Changqing smiled coldly, with a bit of satisfaction in his eyes.

Although he did not kill Tianyu Kuiniu, he was now exhausted and was afraid that it would be more uncomfortable and painful than death. This could be regarded as a punishment for him.

Just when Gu Changqing was happy, several familiar auras descended from the outside of the Killing Hall, led by Hong Yu, the mentor of the Killing Hall.

“Is Brother Changqing here? My younger sister and colleagues are here to visit us!”

“Hong Yu, fellow Taoists, please come in.”

Gu Changqing had already guessed their intention, but still smiled and welcomed them in.

Sure enough, as soon as they entered the hall, Hong Yu couldn’t help but speak anxiously: “Brother, you are too eager to act this time, but now that things have come to this, it is useless to say these things now. We came here to warn you that it would be better for you to ask for a task first and take your niece Yiren to travel outside for a few years before returning. ”

“If you don’t want to leave now, it’s okay. We will keep an eye on you. Once we find out the movements of the chief instructor of Tiangong Hall, we will inform you. You can leave at that time, and it will be in time!” Hong Yu and others spoke, with a solemn tone and deep feelings.

But the method they proposed made Gu Changqing a little helpless.

“I appreciate the kindness of my colleagues. Please rest assured, brothers and sisters, since I have taken action today, I have my own preparations.” Gu Changqing smiled slightly, with an indescribable free and easy and indifferent tone.

But Hong Yu and others who knew the powerful chief of Tiangong Hall did not relax because of this.

Especially Hong Yu, she wanted to persuade Gu Changqing not to underestimate the threat of the chief of Tiangong Hall, but before she said anything, Gu Changqing smiled: “Fellow Daoist Hong Yu, before today’s competition, did you ever think that I could defeat Tianyu Kuiniu? ”

This sentence made Hong Yu and the others hold their breath. The original worries and panic in their hearts were dissipated by this sentence!

Half an hour later, after solemnly informing Gu Changqing of the many situations of the chief of Tiangong Hall, Hong Yu and the others bowed and said goodbye.

After leaving the Changqing Hall under Gu Changqing’s control, several mentors beside Hong Yu couldn’t help but look at Hong Yu: “Hong Yu Daoyou, what do you think is the chance of winning if Daoyou Changqing fights against the one from Tiangong Hall?”

“What is the chance of winning? ”

Hong Yu was stunned for a moment, recalling the many glorious achievements of the chief of Tiangong Hall in the past. Compared with him, Gu Changqing’s fighting power in defeating Tianyu Kuiniu was indeed brilliant, but there was still a gap.

Not to mention, when the chief of Tiangong Hall returned to the academy, his cultivation would probably have entered the realm of domain master.

If it were her previous temper, she would definitely think that Gu Changqing might not even have a 10% chance of winning.

But, thinking of Gu Changqing’s words, Hong Yu couldn’t help but say: “If it’s Brother Changqing… I think, since he is so confident, his chance of winning may really be more than 50%! ”


The instructors looked at each other, but were surprised to find that they were not surprised at all by Hong Yu’s answer, and even agreed with it!

Gu Changqing had unknowingly convinced almost all the instructors of the Killing Hall!

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