In the clouds, Yi Ruoxue was wearing a white dress that was whiter than snow, and her stunning appearance made her the focus of everyone’s attention the moment she appeared.

Many instructors of the God of War Academy lost their minds on the spot, not to mention the students of the God of War Academy below.

No matter men or women, they were all lost in their souls the moment they saw Yi Ruoxue, and were so amazed by her that their souls trembled!

“Is this the supreme genius that Wandao Hall has been cultivating these days? Teacher Jin Ling!? It turns out that she is as beautiful as the rumors say!”

Many students couldn’t help whispering after they came to their senses.

There was a strong admiration in their eyes when they looked at Yi Ruoxue.

Even many female students were no exception.

“If I can make friends with Teacher Yi Ruoxue, what an honor it would be? The supreme honor!!”

“I don’t ask to be close to Teacher Yi Ruoxue, as long as she can look at me, I will be satisfied!”

Many students of the God of War Academy couldn’t help but sigh.

Some students even had sad faces.

“How come such a teacher, such a person, already has a Taoist partner? Looking around the world, except for the genius of my God of War Academy, who else can be worthy of a person like Teacher Yi Ruoxue?”

Even Zhenyu Jinpeng was a little moved after seeing Yi Ruoxue, and there was a little more greed in his eyes!

“You are Yi Ruoxue? Interesting! From what you said, you want to protect Gu Changqing?”

Zhenyu Jinpeng licked his lips, suppressed the heat in his heart, stared at Yi Ruoxue, and said with interest.

But Yi Ruoxue looked at him with only a cold look.

She originally planned to retreat for six months before coming out.

But unexpectedly, the success of this retreat was beyond her expectations.

It took only three months for her to achieve the immortal body and enter the realm of the emperor.

Plus the trump card she got from Yuanling Zhenxian.

Even if it was a domain master, Yi Ruoxue now had the confidence to compete with it.

Such strength gave her the confidence to convince Mo Jinyi to accept Gu Changqing into the War God Academy.

But unexpectedly, after she came out of retreat, she received the news that Gu Changqing had come to the War God Academy, which surprised her to the extreme. She rushed to the Killing Dao Hall as soon as possible, wanting to meet the person she had been missing for a long time.

But she never expected that she had just arrived here, and before she saw Gu Changqing, she saw the scene of Zhenyu Jinpeng and others attacking Gu Changqing.

In Yi Ruoxue’s eyes, Gu Changqing was the supreme light that saved her from the water and fire.

“Even if you are a fairy or a god, you can’t be rude to His Highness! What’s more, it’s just a…Zhenyu Jinpeng!?”

Yi Ruoxue didn’t say it out loud.

But in her heart, she hated Zhenyu Jinpeng to the extreme!

But when Yi Ruoxue’s eyes fell into Zhenyu Jinpeng’s eyes, he mistakenly thought that Yi Ruoxue was interested in him, and the expression on his face became more and more proud!

“Fellow Daoist Yi Ruoxue, you just came out of retreat, so you probably don’t know the whole story.”

Zhen Yu Jin Peng raised a smile and said slowly: “Gu Chang Qing from the Killing Dao Hall is the one who is really wrong. Since he was able to keep his spoils with the help of the academy, he should hand over the treasures he obtained and let the academy distribute them!”

“You are talking nonsense!”

“Zhen Yu Jin Peng, don’t go too far!”

“You are talking nonsense! You are talking nonsense! Brother Chang Qing doesn’t need your support at all. Elder Xue Feng from the Killing Dao Hall had already arrived at the scene. With him in charge, you don’t need to take action!”

Zhen Yu Jin Peng’s words that turned black and white just fell, and Hong Yu and other mentors of the Killing Dao Hall were completely angry and couldn’t help but stand up and refute.

But the Tiangong Hall instructors, such as Zhenyu Jinpeng, ignored their rebuttals and insisted that Gu Changqing was able to return to the academy safely thanks to the staff of the God of War Academy.

Even if he did not use the support from the Tiangong Hall in the end.

“Is the Shadao Hall not part of my God of War Academy? The rules are here, so we must abide by them!”

“The treasures that Gu Changqing obtained with the help of the God of War Academy should be handed over to the academy for distribution. According to the rules, they should be handed over to the most worthy person, that is, the chief instructor of my Tiangong Hall and the current Jinpeng Domain Lord!”

The deputy hall master of the Tiangong Hall, the patriarch of the Tiancrocodile clan, E Yong, sneered.

Just as he finished speaking, an unexpected voice sounded.

“In other words, do you think that Zhenyu Jinpeng is the one who deserves these treasures the most?”

“Then I would say that he is not!”

Under the gaze of the crowd of astonished people, Yi Ruoxue spoke softly, with boundless calmness and confidence in her eyes, which made Zhenyu Jinpeng’s heat in his heart disappear.Instead, he was filled with anger!

“Yi Ruoxue, I’ll let you off because you’re young, but you don’t really think you’re qualified to be on par with me, do you?”

Zhen Yu Jin Peng said, and took a step forward, waving his hand.


A crack exploded in the void, and a purple-gold long sword was tightly grasped in his hand. The Dao rhyme inside soared to the sky, and the spiritual light was infinite. There was also a surging pressure released from the blade, and a dragon pattern flowed on the blade, which was very agile.

It was as if there was really a dragon sleeping in it!

“That’s… the Sky Dragon Blade! It’s one of the top domain main weapons inherited by the Jinpeng Clan, and it was completely refined and mastered by Zhenyu Jinpeng!”

“How strong is he?”

Everyone was shocked and surprised, and Zhenyu Jinpeng held the blade in his hand, his eyes became more and more unruly. He suddenly swung the blade, making the void vibrate and hum, as if a thunder was rolling, and his eyes were cold when he looked at Yi Ruoxue!

“What do you think, Yi Ruoxue, if you are not convinced, then come and fight me! Let me see if you are just a show, or if you really have some skills!”

“Teacher Yi Ruoxue, don’t be impulsive!”

“Teacher Yi, don’t be fooled by him!”

As soon as Zhenyu Jinpeng finished speaking, many teachers in the Killing Dao Hall below changed color.

Hong Yu and others hurriedly reminded him, worried that Yi Ruoxue would be successfully provoked by Zhenyu Jinpeng and end up fighting with him.

If it really is the end, it would be good if Yi Ruoxue can win.

But if she loses, then Zhenyu Jinpeng will become more arrogant, and Gu Changqing will be forced to bow his head.

As for whether Yi Ruoxue can win?

Just kidding.

Facing Zhenyu Jinpeng who dares to challenge even the Sky Domain Lord, in the eyes of Hong Yu and others, Zhenyu Jinpeng’s current strength is probably stronger than Gu Changqing.

They are still feeling lucky now, lucky that Gu Changqing is in the Killing Dao Tower and doesn’t know about the turmoil in the outside world.

If Gu Changqing comes out now, I’m afraid he will be forced to fight by Zhenyu Jinpeng.

If Gu Changqing loses at that time, there will be no reason to keep those spoils, and they will really be taken away by Tiangong Hall.

Therefore, when they saw Zhenyu Jinpeng provoking, their first reaction was to dissuade Yi Ruoxue from fighting.

But after hearing the words of Zhenyu Jinpeng, Yi Ruoxue’s eyes were not afraid, but burst into a ball of divine light!

“Fight with you? Okay! I’ll help you!”

Yi Ruoxue spoke softly, and at the end, she took the initiative to take a step forward and attacked Zhenyu Jinpeng!

“Swish, swish, swish!”

In an instant, Yi Ruoxue attacked Zhenyu Jinpeng with a sword, and her movements were extremely fast, like a meteor. In the blink of an eye, she stabbed out thousands of sword shadows, like a rainstorm of pear blossoms, covering the area of ​​Zhenyu Jinpeng thousands of feet in radius!

“What!? Such a fast speed!”

The whole audience changed color, even the deputy hall master of Tiangong Hall, E Yong, and the deputy hall master of Shadao Hall, Tianqiong, had their pupils shrank slightly, and there was shock in their eyes.

Yi Ruoxue’s move was extremely fast, like thunder.

Even the strong men at the deputy hall master level felt that they could not resist! Unable to react.

Even they were like this, let alone the True Feather Golden Peng who faced this sword rain.

When he reacted, the sword shadows that Yi Ruoxue stabbed out had already arrived in front of him, falling down on his head, leaving him no way to dodge, and he could only resist!

“Damn it! Yi Ruoxue, you will pay the price for your recklessness!”

The True Feather Golden Peng roared, and the spiritual power in his dantian burst out. At this moment, he blasted out a spiritual power palm print, condensing a golden roc phantom.

The golden roc spread its wings, attracting thousands of spiritual lights, turning into a wave, and colliding with the millions of sword shadows, stirring the surrounding void and surging.

Many students watching the battle staggered to the ground and stood unsteadily.

The Lord of the Sky Dome and the Lord of the Crocodile Yong also ignored the grudges between the two halls, and took action at the same time to stabilize the void.

Otherwise, the fight between the two of them would not continue. The aftermath of that attack would destroy countless palaces and houses in the God of War Academy!

“It was blocked! How rare!”

In the center of the battlefield, Jinpeng and Jianying collided and eventually both disappeared.

Yi Ruoxue was still standing in the clouds, her face was not red and she was not out of breath, and she did not seem to have consumed any energy.

On the contrary, Zhenyu Jinpeng, because he was the passive defender, was caught off guard, making him look even more embarrassed than Yi Ruoxue, making many students around him dumbfounded and unable to believe their eyes.

“Oh my God, am I seeing this right? Instructor Zhenyu Jinpeng was actually suppressed and at a disadvantage?”

Many people in Tiangong HallThe instructor opened his mouth wide, unable to accept this situation.

Feeling the gazes of the crowd, Zhenyu Jinpeng’s anger grew stronger, and the coldness in his eyes staring at Yi Ruoxue became more and more fierce!

“Very good, you succeeded in angering me, as a reward, I will give you the due return!”

As soon as the voice fell, Zhenyu Jinpeng had already waved his sleeves to attack!

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