2 years in Konoha.

A man walked out of the gate of Konoha Village alone.

He was dressed in black, with black hair like a waterfall, carrying a sickle and a round fan, facing the golden sunset, his back was lonely and proud, but also desolate and lonely.

He is Uchiha Madara.

Three days ago, he lost the election for Hokage, and Senju Hashirama won the position of Hokage with an overwhelming number of votes.

The reality was completely different from Hashirama’s promise. Not only did he not become Hokage, but he was increasingly disliked by the villagers.

He thought that the establishment of Konoha would create peace, but in fact, the gap between Senju and Uchiha did not disappear.

The streets in the village were full of laughter, but all he could feel was strangeness and alienation.

It turned out that everything was just a false fantasy.

From this moment on, he understood that prejudice in people’s hearts is a mountain. If there is always a gap, the so-called peace is just a fleeting glimpse.

In the long run, Uchiha will sooner or later perish in the superficial peace.

He discovered this and called on the Uchiha clan to leave with him, but… in such a large clan land, no one was willing to follow him!

Now, he not only lost his brother, but also his tribe members. He became a person who was not admired, recognized, needed, and even redundant in the village and tribe.

The breeze was bleak, the setting sun was lonely, his long hair danced lightly in the wind, and in a place where no one could see, his eyes were lost and sad.

However, at this moment, a childish and hurried shout suddenly came from behind him.

“Madara-sama (Lord Madara)!”

Uchiha Madara paused, the bitterness in his eyes quickly disappeared, and he regained his previous majesty and arrogance.

He turned around and saw that there was a boy chasing him from behind.

The boy had delicate features and fair skin. He wore the high-collared tribe clothes unique to Uchiha. His short black hair was neat and tidy, his long eyelashes were slightly gentle, and his eyes were like dots of lacquer and clear as jade.

His footsteps were very light. Although the distance was far, he caught up in a few breaths. This was obviously not the speed he should have at his age.

“Is it you?” Madara recognized him.

This child’s name is Uchiha Shenyu, and he became a ninja at a young age.

The reason why Madara had an impression of him was that 4 years ago, Shenyu had been on the battlefield and fought with the Senju clan to the end. He seemed to have the title of “Speedy Ghost”.

“Mada, it’s a surprise. I didn’t expect you to still remember me.”

The boy’s eyes were very sincere. He stood behind Madara and said, “I am Uchiha Shenyu, and I am willing to follow you!”

“What!!” Madara’s heart was slightly shaken, and his pupils trembled. “Are you willing to… leave Konoha with me?”

Shenyu bowed respectfully and said sincerely, “Well! I am different from those stupid tribesmen. I am willing to leave with you!”

Madara’s mood suddenly became complicated. He looked up and down at Shenyu. After a long silence, he suddenly snorted.

“Huh, are you here to pity me?”

Uchiha Madara turned his head back and gave Shenyu a head back.

“Go back. Although I am no longer your clan leader, I, Uchiha Madara… don’t need anyone’s pity!”

“Uh, pity?” Shenyu tilted his head in confusion.

But he immediately found that although Madara was urging him to leave, his body was still standing there, without even moving a step.

What? You still expect me to go with you… Shenyu’s eyes flashed with understanding.

Uchiha, old tsundere.

He immediately said: “Mada, I really want to leave Konoha. It doesn’t make any sense to stay here any longer.”

“Why?” Madara asked without turning his head.

Hearing this question, Shenyu finally breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, Madara asked him to go back without any explanation, and he was indeed “snapped” in his heart.After all, he really… didn’t want to go back.

He was a time traveler, the purest kind of time traveler.

He was born 5 years before Konoha, at the end of the Warring States period, when the Senju and Uchiha were still fighting.

Later, the two clans reconciled and Konoha was founded, but how could he, who was familiar with the plot, not know the future of Uchiha?

What’s more…

A trace of resentment flashed across Shenyu’s tender face, “The Senju clan slaughtered my parents. They were obviously not ninjas, they were just helping the injured clansmen… but the Senju clan still brutally killed them!”

He said in a deep voice: “I can’t let go of this hatred no matter how long it takes!”

Ban nodded, “It seems that you and I have the same pain, but this can’t be a reason for me to take you away. I remember you have a younger brother, right?”

“Yes, but that stupid thing has been brainwashed by the Senju clan. He only wants to dedicate himself to the so-called will of fire, and has completely forgotten the hatred. How ridiculous it is to shake hands and make peace with the enemy!” Shenyu’s face was sad, and a trace of ruthlessness flashed across his eyes, “Uchiha Jing, he betrayed me and is no longer my brother!”

Uchiha Madara’s eyes were erratic and he fell into silence. He was obviously touched by his words.

Shen Yu stared at his back, “Since you failed to be elected Hokage, I have understood that if even you can’t be the Hokage, who else in Uchiha can stand up?”

“All this is a false peace obtained through our compromise, but those pathetic clansmen actually thought that Konoha would accept them?”

“Like a mirror, they have all been softened, just like a frog boiled in warm water, waiting for them is only a slow death!”

Every word was heart-wrenching, Madara remained silent, but Shen Yu clearly saw that his body was trembling slightly.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Shen Yu immediately used a killing move: “Living there, looking at the ignorant clansmen one by one, sometimes I even forget who I am. My capacity has been completely disappointed with this boring and stupid clan.”

At this time, Uchiha Madara was finally moved.

He looked up at the sky and exhaled a long breath.

Although Shen Yu couldn’t see his expression, the back was also lonely and desolate under the twilight.

The young man’s angry and helpless accusation hit his heart, and Uchiha Madara felt lost, and even had the feeling of “the same person in the same boat”.

Shen Yu also understood that his words would not be recognized by anyone, but for Madara at this moment, the lethality was fatal.

“I don’t need weak followers.” Uchiha Madara spoke with a proud tone.

Shen Yu smiled, closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened them again, his originally black eyes had become bloody red, and there were three black jade beads in each eye, spinning around the pupils.

“Oh? This is the breath of the three-magatama Sharingan…”

Uchiha Madara finally turned around and showed a little interest, “No wonder you can go to the battlefield at such a young age. It turns out that your eyes have been developed to this extent.”

He hugged his shoulders, “At this level, you are qualified to follow me…”

Shenyu’s mouth corners slightly raised, and his bright pupils glowed red. The three magatama swirled around each other, spreading and growing, forming a magnificent kaleidoscope pattern in an instant.

It looks like a gear, and also like a magic circle, symbolizing a certain cycle and harmony. The pattern is exquisite and beautiful, like a flawless work of art.

“You actually opened… the Mangekyō Sharingan!” Madara seemed to be choked, and his expression instantly became solemn.

His voice was slightly surprised. Even he couldn’t stay calm when he saw these eyes.

Because this almost represents the pinnacle that an Uchiha clan member can reach!

“What on earth have you been through?”

There are only a handful of people in the tribe who have evolved to the Mangekyō in history, and Madara himself has only seen two pairs.

But now, this third pair of Mangekyō appears on a boy. Although his pupil power is far inferior to his own, his brilliance is restrained and calm as water, and he is a good seedling!

Shenyu’s future… is full of infinite possibilities!

“Similar circumstances to mine, resonance of fate, and this pair of Mangekyō…” Madara instantly appeared in front of Shenyu, with a hint of excitement in his eyes, “If it were you, maybe you could really carry out my will!”

In fact, after Shenyu said that he was completely disappointed with Uchiha, Madara had already decided to take him away, but he never expected that there would be an unexpected surprise!

“The real Uchiha will not succumb to false peace. Only those who open the Mangekyō Sharingan can see the essence of the world, because they have tasted the most heart-wrenching pain and despair in this world!”

Madara suppressed his inner excitement and stared at Shenyu’s eyes with burning eyes, because the thing he was most curious about now wasYes:

“What is the ability of your kaleidoscope?”

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