At this time, Madara knocked on the table.

“The power source of physical skills is physical energy, and the power source of illusion is spiritual energy, but both physical skills and illusions are inseparable from chakra. You should have a deep understanding of this, right?”

Shinyu understood that ninjutsu, physical skills, and illusions are different systems of power and cannot be confused.

In the original time and space, why did Kisame’s big shark bullet technique that absorbs chakra lose to Might Guy’s seventh gate “Day Tiger”? This is the reason.

Madara took a sip of tea and said, “As for the Eight Gates of Dunjia, it is a very powerful physical secret. The stronger the physical fitness, the stronger the power, but it requires years of practice.”

Shinyu nodded, he naturally understood this.

The premise of practicing the Eight Gates of Dunjia is to strengthen the strength, temper the bones, and conduct unconventional, overloaded, and beyond-limit long-term training.

Only in this way can we exercise all parts of the body, so that the muscles, bones, flesh and organs can adapt to the load after opening, and minimize the damage to the body caused by the huge energy after opening.

The food was served and the two began to eat.

Until the tea gradually cooled, a stumbling figure emerged from the end of the field of vision.

Uchiha Guang actually followed all the way.

Her breathing was slightly rapid, and her pale face was abnormally flushed. She looked like she had just recovered from a serious illness, and it was obvious that she was almost at her limit.

She walked into the store with the help of the door frame and walked over weakly.

“Where did the beggar come from!”

Seeing her, the shop assistant immediately showed an impatient look.

With worn clothes, messy long hair, and especially bare feet, anyone would associate her with the word “beggar”.

“Go away! There is no food here for you. It’s really unlucky. If the boss sees it, he will deduct my salary again!” He drove her away unceremoniously.

Madara raised his eyes and was about to stand up, but Shen Yu, who had been observing for a long time, stood up first.

“She is with us.” Shen Yu held the shop assistant’s shoulder and smiled harmlessly.

Just like that, Uchiha Guang also sat on the table, staring at Madara, with a pair of almond eyes shining with expectation, and occasionally glancing at the food on the table.

“Gurgle…” Her stomach was protesting.

“Eat.” Madara said lightly.

She immediately began to wolf down, grabbing sushi with her left hand and chicken legs with her right hand, stuffing them into her mouth in a whirlwind, and the bowls and chopsticks rang loudly.

Such a way of eating made the diners around frown slightly, and they all picked up their stools and moved away.

Poor child, how long have you been hungry?

Shen Yu sighed and pushed the tea in front of her, and Uchiha Guang did not hesitate to pick up the teapot and pour it into his mouth.

“Gulp gulp…”

“Have you decided to go with us?” Madara asked softly, holding up the teacup.

Uchiha Hikaru paused, his mouth full, nodded heavily, and then continued to wolf it down.

“You’ve conquered him already!?”

Shenyu showed admiration, with a strange thought in his mind, “Sure enough, a handsome and indifferent uncle is always a sure-fire way to impress a little girl…”

After having enough tea and food, Uchiha Madara stood up, his eyes fixed on Shenyu.

Shenyu was a little scared by his stare.

“Do you have money?” Madara’s low voice came over.

Shen Yu’s throat rolled, and he suddenly realized something, “Uh, Master Madara has no money?”

“You dragged me in, I didn’t even want to come here to eat and drink.”

The eyes of the diners around him all drifted over, Shen Yu felt embarrassed, raised his head, and asked in a low voice: “Um, do we still need to pay for our meals?”

“Do I look like a gangster?” Madara tilted his head and looked at him strangely.

Uchiha Guang wiped his mouth, looked over curiously, blinked his bright big eyes, and tilted his head.

“This…” Shen Yu looked at the two people with very similar appearances and hairstyles, and a few black lines fell from his forehead.

“Master Madara, I don’t know if I should ask you something.”

“Go ahead.”

“You two, are you not related by blood?”

“Of course not, why do you ask?” Madara frowned.

“It’s because you two look so much alike!” Shen Yu stretched out his hand and gestured in the air, “This hairstyle, this expression, and… this outfit, even the style of clothing is similar!”

“Really?” As soon as he said this, the big and small looked at him eagerly, with a hint of doubt in their eyes.

“Of course!” Shen Yu nodded vigorously.

“It’s just a coincidence.” Ban said nonchalantly: “Oh, by the way, take the time to change her clothes. It’s too eye-catching now.”

“One more thing, remember to putThe bill is settled.”

“From today on, the three of us are the new Uchiha clan.” Madara announced, looking at the two children in front of him.

“Where are we going next?” Uchiha Hikaru asked softly.

Madara looked up at the sky, his expression unfathomable, “The end of the world, the world.”

Kamiyu clutched his shriveled wallet, looked up at the sky, with a melancholy face.

Two days later, in the territory of Taki.


The two huge arms collided brazenly, stirring up gusts of wind.

One was as deep blue as the sea, and the other was as black as ink. The deep and violent power was released without concealment, destroying everything.

Madara and Kamyu faced each other from a distance, and the two huge Susanoo stood in a stalemate, and they all started the first stage. The surrounding wood was in a mess, and the ground was full of gullies and a mess.

“Yes, your speed is indeed fast enough. “Banara folded his hands and controlled Susanoo to punch out, “When I was your age, I couldn’t do this.”


The black Susanoo raised his arm to block the powerful fist, and the wind whistled, and the black air spread, quickly turning into a second pair of arms and wrapped around Madara’s Susanoo, firmly fixing it.

Faced with praise, Shenyu’s face was solemn. The confrontation with Madara made him unable to distract himself, and cold sweat dripped down his forehead.

“Thank you for the compliment. I still have a lot to learn, Madara-sama. ”

In the dense forest, there is a huge waterfall. The rushing river water rushes down from the cliff and flows into the lower reaches of the river. The water curtain spreads out, stirring up thousands of water splashes.

Under the waterfall, a small figure is soaking in the pool naked.

A set of brand new clothes is neatly piled on the shore.

The river water is cool, flowing through her snow-white body inch by inch. Under the mottled shadows of the trees, her skin is smooth and delicate, with a warm jade-like luster.

Uchiha Guanghao raised his wrist, scooped up a handful of water and poured it on his head, feeling the freshness penetrate into his scalp, and let out a long breath of satisfaction.

After being sealed for so many years, the strong earthy smell that could not be dissolved was even detested by her. Today, it was finally washed away.

“Boom, boom, boom…”

Outside the pond, dull collisions were heard from time to time, and Guang felt that her heart was trembling along with it.

She didn’t care too much. After two days of getting along, she had already adapted to the way of getting along with her new companions.

The two of them fought almost every day. It was more like a confrontational training. The man controlled the degree of his attack and trained the boy to keep improving.

“The name of that technique is… Susanoo?”

She tilted her head, her beautiful eyes were bright, and a trace of curiosity flashed across her, and there was also a faint eagerness to try.


She scooped up the clear pool water and watched it flow down the gap between her palms. The cool touch crawled over her skin inch by inch. Under the mottled sunlight, her arms were slender and crystal clear like jade.

“A new life… has begun.”

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