In the inn of the Blood Pond Clan in Hell Valley.

The door creaked open, and a smell of mold and rot came to his nose. Uchiha Zhili frowned slightly, and walked in silently with Kirito and Nian behind him.

This is a standard inn. The room is dark because the lighting tool is candlelight. The quaint elm wood floor and the old tables and chairs all tell the simplicity of the inn.

The most important thing is that only two of the seven people in the inn that Zhili paid close attention to responded when they entered the door.

One was the woman behind the counter. She just looked up and glanced, but didn’t care.

The other was a shop assistant wearing coarse linen. When he saw the three people entering the store, he immediately smiled and hurriedly came to greet them.

“Welcome, three adults, are you eating or staying in the hotel?”

Kirito subconsciously glanced at Nian, his heart pounding. According to Nian, the person in front of him was the man whose soul strength was not inferior to Zhili.

Fortunately, the three of them took off their Uchiha clan robes before entering the door, and did not attract anyone’s attention.

“Eat.” Zhili responded lightly, with a natural expression, and took the two to find a seat.

This table is close to the door and facing the hall. If the situation gets out of control, they can run away at the first time.


Zhili took the menu and casually mentioned while ordering: “It’s a bit quiet today?”

“Well, it’s common to have few customers in business.” The waiter responded with a smile.

“So, what number of customers are we?” Zhili glanced at him and raised his eyebrows slightly.

“This… is really hard to answer.” The waiter waved his hand, with a hint of urging in his tone, “Sir, you should order first. I can’t wait for you to taste our chef’s skills!”

“What’s the hurry?” Zhili didn’t buy it. He slowly flipped through the menu, and his other hand habitually reached under the table and rubbed it.

At this time, heavy footsteps came from upstairs. A sleepy strong man yawned and came downstairs. He glanced around, as if looking for the waiter’s position, and then strode over and sat down at the table next to the three people.

“Cut three pounds of deer meat, a dish of mustard greens, and give me half a pound of rice wine.” He rubbed his eyes and shouted to himself.

Seeing that the waiter was unmoved, he immediately yelled, “Asshole! Didn’t you hear me?”

“Uh, sir, I’m really sorry, our store is too small, there’s only me as a waiter, now it’s your turn.” The waiter broke out in a cold sweat, with a tone of helplessness.

“Hmph, you’re still dragging your feet when choosing a meal.” The sturdy man slapped the table, quite irritable.

The hall suddenly became so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. The two diners stood up silently and moved away from the sturdy man’s position. Coincidentally, they sat around the three people in a surrounding situation, and their dishes were also moved to their respective seats.

Zhili did not choose to confront him, seemingly randomly ordered a few dishes. The waiter quickly took the menu, presented it to the front desk, and shouted to the hall:

“Meiya! Tell the kitchen to hurry up!”

The woman named “Meiya” nodded indifferently and turned to walk into the curtain.

The waiter immediately turned around and began to serve the burly man, with bursts of apologetic laughter from time to time. .

Soon, the dishes were served one after another, with attractive colors and fragrant aromas.

“Why did you order so much?” Kirito looked surprised.

With her back to the hall, Zhili’s pretty face suddenly became solemn. She stretched out her jade fingers and knocked on the table, glanced down, and then deliberately knocked the lunch box off.

Needless to say, the tacit understanding between the two siblings, Kirito immediately understood and leaned over to pick up the messy tableware. While sorting out the scattered tableware, he quietly looked up and suddenly opened his eyes wide.

There were a few lines of small words engraved on the bottom of the table.

“Welcome to Gojo Inn.”

“Enter the store and the game begins.”

“Rule 1: Those who remain silent are out.”

“Rule 2: Those who do not eat are out.”

“Rule 3: Those who stand up are out.”

“Rule 4: Those who do not follow the rule of one mouthful of meat, two mouthfuls of vegetables, and three mouthfuls of drinking are out.”

Kirito stiffly picked up the tableware and sat up straight, his face already very pale.

On the other side, the sturdy man began to eat and drink, one mouthful of meat, one mouthful of vegetables, one mouthful of wine, heartily and happily.

In the hall, the lights were dim, and the air was filled with a chewing sound, with occasional clinking of bowls and chopsticks, and whispers like mosquitoes.

Looking at the sumptuous dishes on the table, Kirito felt nauseous, and the expression of Zhili opposite him was not much better, obviously he had already known the so-called rules.

At that moment, Kirito just wanted to get up and leave here, but he didn’t.Have the courage to break the rules.

Among the three, Uchiha Nian, the youngest, was much calmer. He leaned on his chopsticks, picked up a piece of meat and put it in his mouth, his cheeks bulging.

“Puh.” He said, and then spat it on the table.

He picked up another piece of diced carrot, chewed it twice, and spat it out again, raised the tea to rinse his mouth, and then suddenly sprayed it on the strong man sitting next to him.


This scene scared Kirito’s heart so much that it pounded, and even Zhili was a little surprised.

“Damn it, you little bastard, are you looking for death!”

The strong man was furious, slammed the table, stepped over and grabbed Nian’s collar, but he seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and his face turned pale.

Then, a terrifying scene happened. The strong man widened his eyes in horror, and his flesh and blood began to melt strangely, like a wax figure burned by a raging fire, melting into the earth inch by inch from his limbs to his torso.

Accompanied by a creepy “hissing” sound, he turned into a pool of blood in just a few seconds, seeping into the cracks in the floor.

Kirito subconsciously looked out the window and saw a stream of blood flowing along the gullies on the ground and merging into the blood pool in the center.


He retched uncontrollably and almost fell off his seat. Fortunately, Nian grabbed his arm.

Now he knew where the pool of blood came from!

Could it be that all the people in the Blood Pool Clan turned into blood! ! ?

At this time, he realized that the two diners who had just stood up to change seats had disappeared.

Resisting their nausea, Kirito and Chiri also picked up their chopsticks and tasted the food in order. As expected, the taste was strange and very different from the dishes that ordinary people eat.

Suddenly, Kirito found that Nen beside him stopped moving. His eyes bulged out, and he pinched his neck with both hands. He foamed at the mouth in a violent convulsion and rolled off his seat.



“Nen obviously followed the rules!”

He shouted Nen’s name in horror, and at the same time bent down, trying to pull Nen up from the ground, but it was useless. He could only watch him melt inch by inch, turning into blood and seeping into the floor.

Huge sadness overwhelmed him.

Suddenly, he glanced at the bottom of the table inadvertently and found that at the bottom of the line of small words with rules printed on it, there was another line of small words.

“Rule five, it is forbidden to follow all the above rules.”

Kirito felt cold all over, and beads of sweat flowed from his forehead.

“Kirito, get up!”

Chiri’s urgent cry came from above the table.

Kirito stood up quickly with his lips trembling, “Sister, what should we do? I’m so worried!”

“Kirito, eat!”


“Kirito, hurry up!”

Kirito stared at his sister in disbelief, watching her shouting at the air beside her, as if there was someone sitting there.

“Sister, I’m here!” Kirito shouted.

As if she heard his voice, Chiri stopped shouting and turned her head to look over.

At that moment, Kirito’s soul flew away, because the sister in front of him, that delicate and gentle face, completely turned into a shop assistant, smiling at him grimly, with a hollow look in her eyes that was full of weirdness.

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