Konoha Village.

Due to the terrorist attack of the human bomb, the originally peaceful and quiet street was noisy, with crying and wailing mixed together, mixed with a few explosions from time to time, and almost half of the village was paralyzed and in chaos.

The attackers were very fierce. Their means of entering the village were not good at anything. With the unexpected human bomb, they directly blew up the main gate of Konoha Village. Hundreds of people from the Blood Pond Clan rushed in frantically, killing everyone they saw, and rushed to the Uchiha Clan.

“Help! Help!”

A villager shouted in fear, and a zombie-like figure was chasing him behind him. The man had a stiff expression and a terrible red light flashing in his eyes. Even though there was a kunai stuck in his heart, he still moved as usual.

In a panic, the villager accidentally stepped on a fruit basket and missed a step. His body lost balance and he fell to the corner of the street.

The attacker opened his palm and was about to grab the villager’s hair.

The villager was hit and his head was bleeding, but he could no longer care about the pain. He could only watch the big hand getting closer and closer.

“Wind Style: Wind Cutting Technique!”

An Anbu ninja jumped down from the roof and completed the seal when he landed. A sharp cutting sound came from the wind, and an invisible air blade flashed by. With a “puff”, the attacker’s arm was cut off at the shoulder.

The wind sounded suddenly, and another air blade slashed across, cutting the attacker in half on the spot, and the villager’s face was splashed with thick blood.

Although the scene was a bit bloody, at least he was saved.

The Anbu ninja hurried to the villager and pulled him up, “Are you okay? Can you still walk? I’ll take you to the safe zone.”

Suddenly, a ray of red light flashed in the villager’s eyes, and he took the opportunity to grab the Anbu ninja’s arm, like a koala, hugging his body tightly.

“Hey, what are you doing!” The ninja was shocked and pushed the other’s head away. His pupils reflected the other’s expressionless face.

The wound on the villager’s face began to fester, and dark red blood foam was produced. In an instant, it wrapped the whole body and swelled into a deformed meat ball, beating like a heart.

“Damn it!” The Anbu ninja wanted to make a seal, but it was too late.


The light beam flashed frequently, and in the moment of shrinking, the meat ball exploded, and the whistling wind flattened the area of ​​more than ten meters!

Only a blood pit with scorched smoke was left on the spot, and… the unrecognizable Anbu ninja.

Similar scenes were staged in various streets in the southeast area of ​​Konoha Village.

Although the Konoha ninja responded immediately, it was not easy to suppress this group of “zombies” quickly because of their fearless characteristics and crazy infectiousness.

Moreover, the real manipulators have already mixed into the crowd. As long as they are still alive, human bombs will continue to appear. Many villagers have suffered from the disaster and become innocent souls.

An izakaya in the southern district has long been deserted. When the explosion was first heard, everyone rushed out of the door, pots and pans clanged, and delicious food was scattered all over the floor.

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-
Compared with the panicked crowd, a private room on the second floor was quite different. Three diners were eating and drinking as if this terrorist attack did not exist at all.

“Is this the good show he let me watch?” Uchiha Madara said in a low voice, raising his glass and drinking lightly.

“Maybe.” Across the table, Uchiha Hikari looked out the window.

On the street outside the izakaya, three bomber puppets were surrounding a Konoha ninja and forcing him into a desperate situation.

Madara snorted coldly, “After fighting for the position of clan leader, they actually let go of the Blood Pond Clan. The current Uchiha clan is so despicable.”

“Before you took office, their methods were always despicable.” Guang said softly, with a trace of sadness flashing in his eyes.

Madara glanced at her unconsciously, shook his head and chuckled, “You are right, but I am not a saint either. I just rely on my strength to suppress all conspiracies and tricks. If it weren’t for Shen Yu, even I would have forgotten your existence.”

“The past is gone, I don’t care about right or wrong, what I cherish more is the present.”

Guang turned his head slightly and looked at the man beside him.

At this moment, Shen Yu was leaning on the table with one hand supporting his side face, as if he was sleeping soundly, breathing evenly, and his long eyelashes drooped down, thick as a curtain in the midday sun.

Guang blinked, looked at his handsome face, neat eyelashes, and delicate jade-like skin, and sighed.

“This guy, he’s 30 years old this year, but he doesn’t look old at all.”

“There’s nothing we can do about it.” Madara smiled, “He said he’s adapted to aging.”

“Eh, that’s too much.” Guang pouted and held his chin with both hands, “He just watched Madara-sama grow old day by day, but he himself remains young forever.”

“Sharingan as the soulThe effect of the Eye of Reflection is something that others cannot envy, especially the power involving time and space. ”

Ban patiently explained, “Over the years, I have tried to use the transcription seal to store his eye technique, just like the ‘Amaterasu’ and ‘Tsukuyomi’ that were transplanted to you. Unfortunately, they all failed without exception. This kid’s eye technique is too special, just like your ‘Eight Thousand Spears’, which cannot be replicated. ”

After being promoted to the eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, in addition to Susanoo, Shenyu’s innate pupil technique was also strengthened.

“Makoro” can selectively adapt to 3 things at the same time, and the analysis of each other does not affect each other. When he activates his pupil power and concentrates on analyzing one thing, the adaptation speed will increase by a full 3 times.

Not only that, the degree of adaptation has become controllable now. For the results of the analysis, he can make independent choices. If he is not satisfied with the direction of evolution, he can overturn it and start over, and adapt again from a different angle.

In other words, to a certain extent, he can control the optimization progress and let the evolutionary path proceed in his preset direction!

For “Tian Zhi Chang Li”, the original 5-minute time axis was expanded to 10 minutes. Although 1 second The cooling time of the clock still exists, but when the target of the backtracking is someone else, the pupil power consumed is also reduced a lot.

Thanks to the adaptation speed of “Makoro”, he spent two years and finally successfully adapted to the aging of cells at the age of 28.

The sequence in his genes that controls cell weakening and apoptosis has been thoroughly optimized. Only external attacks can damage it. The negative effects of normal people’s immune response decline, stress and strain, malnutrition, metabolic disorders, etc. are all wiped out. After cell division, the new cells will inherit the peak state of the original cells and live forever.

This is quite amazing, it is basically a leap in the level of life!

You know, even the legendary Six Paths Sage cannot get rid of the natural aging of the body, even if he becomes the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki, it is still the same.

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