In the eastern district of Konoha Village, in front of an emergency shelter, more than a dozen self-destructing puppets gathered together and rushed towards the door of the shelter.

In front of the door, there was a row of villagers waiting for inspection. Seeing the puppets rushing in, everyone was scared and in chaos.

“Damn it!” A Chunin gritted his teeth and pushed forward. Fortunately, these puppets were not good at physical skills. He avoided the grab of a puppet and kicked the other puppet away with a roundhouse kick, knocking down three or five puppets in a row.

“To protect the villagers, this is the only way!” He took out a kunai with a detonating talisman and pretended to shoot. As long as these guys were blown up in advance, the human bomb would naturally lose its threat.

But at this moment, a pair of strong arms came from behind and tied his hands tightly, which made the Chunin look shocked.

There was a heavy breathing sound from the back of his neck, and a cry of pleading: “Please, ninja-sama, don’t do it, my wife is in there!”

“Damn it! Let me go!” The Chunin turned his head in frustration. The one who attacked him was a big and strong man, one of the villagers queuing in the back.

The opportunity was fleeting. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the puppets rushed up again, and dark blood foam came out of the wounds, which was a sign of self-destruction.

The Chunin who had just broken free from the restraints was horrified, and his pupils shrank into needles.

At this moment, a deep and powerful voice cut through the air.

“Ape Demon King·Transformation!”

Sarutobi Hiruzen appeared in a tight suit, his eyes suddenly sharp, and he jumped up like a nimble monkey.

Along with the scattered white mist, a huge Vajra Ruyi stick broke through the mist, sweeping away all the self-destructing puppets with the momentum of sweeping thousands of troops.

The Ruyi stick changed as he wished and continued to stretch. Hiruzen paused with both hands and used his ingenuity to remove most of the momentum. He did not really break the bones of the puppets, but only let the inertia of the Ruyi stick carry them flying sideways, separating them from the trembling villagers.

“Shadow Clone Technique!”

With a “bang”, two shadow clones of Hiruzen rushed out of the smoke, ran along the Ruyi stick, and reached the tip of the stick. Then they landed one after another, forming a triangle with Hiruzen’s real body, surrounding the puppets.

Hiruzen pulled his hand back to retract the stick, inserted the Ruyi stick that had shrunk to its original size into the ground, quickly formed seals with both hands, and finally clasped his hands together, “Sealing Technique·Three-party Seal!”

The two shadow clones formed seals with him at the same time, and the chakra merged into a slender green line, interweaving from the ground to the air, forming a green and transparent triangular cone between the three people, like a barrier, trapping all the puppets in it.

Under the powerful sealing ability, they couldn’t move at all, even the chakra in their bodies fell silent, and the self-explosion that had just started was silenced.

“It’s Hokage-sama!”

“Great, Hokage-sama is here to save us!”

Hiruzen looked back, nodded slightly at the villagers in response, then looked at his subordinates and ordered:

“The enemy is the Blood Pond Clan from Jigokudani, who possess the eye technique blood limit blood dragon eye. Our villagers were manipulated by their illusion and turned into human bombs! If this matter cannot be resolved, more innocent villagers will suffer!”

“Perception Squad, start from the East District and conduct a carpet search. We must find them out and kill them one by one!”

“Liaison Squad, quickly summon Uchiha ninjas for support. Their Sharingan can remove the control of the Blood Pond Clan!”

“Sealing Squad, before that, use sealing techniques to restrict their actions. The villagers are innocent and are all part of the village. Don’t kill them!”

When Hiruzen issued orders in an orderly manner, Chiri’s team also quickly joined the village and joined the battle.

Because she already knew how to counter the human bomb, Zhili was able to kill anyone who stood in her way. With the power of the three-magatama Sharingan, she could remove the illusion of the blood pool with just a glare from a distance.

As the captain of the Konoha Guard, she immediately organized the Uchiha team members, cooperated with the dispatch of the Third Hokage, and began a net-casting search along the main road of Konoha, greatly alleviating the threat of human bombs.

In a certain alley, Shenyu strolled leisurely with juice in his hand. His pair of bright red eyes shone with a dreamy light in the darkness. Any puppet who saw these eyes would instantly lose consciousness and fall to the ground.

“Go to hell!”

Blood gushed out, and countless blood drops condensed into a constantly rotating red drill, launching a surprise attack from the blind spot behind Shenyu’s back!

Shen Yu raised his hand without looking back, and a flash of green light passed by. The drill was split from the center, and it was separated into two pieces along with its caster. The warm blood pulled out a scarlet streamer several meters long in the wind.

“Using the person who was under the illusion to locate the caster, Lord Madara”It’s really useful.” He nodded, very satisfied with the new skills he learned. Outside the alley, a little boy who was separated from his family was blocked in the corner by two zombie-like puppets. He closed his eyes tightly and held his injured and bloody right arm tightly, completely unaware that the two puppets had raised stones and smashed them down numbly. “Swish!” Dozens of crystal thin lines burst out of the air, hanging the two puppets in the air in an instant, and the falling stones were also cut into pieces. Shen Yu hooked his fingers, tightened the silk thread, and the two puppets turned their heads stiffly like puppets, passively looking into Shen Yu’s eyes. The self-explosion that was brewing was extinguished in an instant. As Shen Yu retracted the silk thread, they fell one after another and lost consciousness. “Are you not injured? ”

Shen Yu threw away the paper cup, squatted in front of the boy, and smiled gently.

His voice was like a spring breeze, and the boy couldn’t help but open his eyes. In his trembling pupils, a face as gentle as jade was reflected.

“I…” The boy knew that it was this big brother who saved him. He wanted to stand up and thank him, but it involved the wound on his right arm, which made him grimace in pain, and his pale lips were bloodless.

Shen Yu lifted the boy’s arm and gently lifted the red sleeve. A deep scar that could be seen through the bone came into view.

“Has it been more than ten minutes since you were injured?” He suddenly asked, this sentence was out of context.

“It should have been a long time…” The boy spoke weakly. He almost fainted just now.

“Then you can only use this trick. I’m not very skilled yet. It may be a little itchy. You have to bear it. ”

Shen Yu raised his hand to cover it, and a green light emerged from his palm, like a cluster of soft flames. The boy suddenly felt his whole arm warm.

Then, the wound suddenly became extremely itchy, as if his heart was being pulled up. The boy gritted his teeth and couldn’t help reaching out to scratch it.

“Look at me.”

The boy did it subconsciously.

“What’s your name?” Shen Yu stared into his eyes to divert his attention.

“My name is Shou Da.”

“How old are you this year?”

“I’m 4 years old this year.”

Shen Yu blinked, “Are you scared?”

The boy looked around and lowered his head timidly, “Scared…”

“Normal, I was also scared when I was your age. ”

While talking, the boy felt no more itching. When Shen Yu removed his palm, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the wound on his right arm had disappeared without even a trace of scar.

He stood up excitedly, and then realized that he had recovered some strength.

Shen Yu touched the boy’s head, pointed to the alley he had just passed, and said softly: “Go back along this road, there is a temporary shelter, don’t worry, it’s very safe.”

“Thank you, big brother!”

Shen Yu’s smile was a little stiff. He squinted slightly and watched the boy run away “click click”, then raised his right hand, pointed his fingertips at the building on the right, and fired a “spiral bullet”.

A blue light broke through the air and penetrated through layers of walls, and then a painful groan came with the breeze.

Just then, Shen Yu sensed a familiar breath, turned his head and looked in a certain direction, his deep eyes seemed to be able to penetrate layers of buildings and locked several figures from a distance.

“Interesting. “The corners of his mouth turned up, and his figure disappeared from the spot in a flash.

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