In Konoha Village, accompanied by gunpowder and bombing, the setting sun and the sunset covered the sky.

With the personal intervention of the Third Hokage, as well as various responses and dispatches, this vigorous blood pool attack finally subsided after an afternoon.

Konoha suffered heavy losses this time.

In this terrorist attack, nearly a hundred ninjas alone were killed, and countless civilians were killed and injured. Countless buildings were severely damaged, and the entire East and South Districts were paralyzed.

What’s worse is that this incident caused a serious mental blow to the villagers of Konoha. Many survivors have left in their hearts difficult to heal trauma. After all, it would be strange if they didn’t feel shocked when they watched their loved ones become human bombs.

If Uchiha Zhili and others hadn’t responded in time, this group of lunatics from the Blood Pool Clan would have broken through the blockade of the Southeast District and killed their way into the depths of Konoha Village.

Hiruzen’s strategy to deal with the enemy is that the Blood Pond is a group of crazy people who only know how to kill. If you can kill them, kill them. If you don’t kill them, it will not be enough to appease the public anger. If you really encounter a difficult guy, then do your best to expel him. Fortunately, with the concerted efforts of all the Konoha ninjas, they finally cleared all these crazy people at dusk.

Ironically, the Uchiha clan is located in the western part of Konoha Village. The crazy people in the Blood Pond fought to death and never saw a tile of Nanga Shrine.

Of course, the Uchiha clan cannot escape the responsibility.

Hiruzen held a high-level meeting the next day and held the current head of the Uchiha clan accountable for the crime of poor supervision. He asked the Uchiha clan to bear all the losses of Konoha this time, and to provide certain compensation in the reconstruction work to apologize to all the villagers of Konoha.

Under the watchful eyes of the public, especially under so many angry eyes, the clan leader was under great pressure and naturally did not dare to refuse. He could only nod and take it on.

But in fact, he was completely confused about the invasion of the Blood Pond Clan. It was completely out of his plan!

In particular, compared to him, the clan leader who took on the responsibility and the infamy, Uchiha Zhili not only returned safely, but also saved the village from a lot of losses because of his meritorious service in organizing the enemy in this attack. He also restored some reputation for the Uchiha clan and gained a wave of support within the clan that cannot be ignored.

After careful calculation, he really lost both the wife and the army this time!

“Which link went wrong!”

The plan was arranged…

The conditions were clearly negotiated…

The death squad was prepared…

The target was also successfully deceived…

Why did it end like this!

His face was terribly gloomy, and a storm was brewing between his eyebrows. After returning to the clan, he immediately summoned his subordinates in secret to find out the whole story.

This subordinate was his confidant who was arranged in the Hell Valley at the beginning, and he was also the one who finally untied the barrier with his own hands.

In the dark and cramped secret room, the clan leader stood with his hands behind his back, seemingly looking at the family tree on the wall, but in fact he was waiting anxiously.

He needed an explanation!

Fortunately, this subordinate did not let him wait for long. After receiving the secret order, he hurried over and stood behind him.

“Tell me, what’s going on!” He asked with a slight reprimand, with strong dissatisfaction in his tone. After all, in his eyes, the only place where this plan would have accidents and loopholes was this subordinate.

“What do you mean, sir?”

The light was dim, and the subordinate stood in the shadows and could not see his figure clearly.

“What? Of course it was Hell Valley!”

Realizing that he was a little excited, he immediately lowered his voice, “What happened in Hell Valley yesterday? How did the Blood Pond Clan come out? How did you do things? Why is it not in the plan at all?”

Faced with the barrage of questions, this subordinate was much calmer.

“So that’s what happened…” The subordinate’s voice suddenly changed, becoming low and hoarse, and dragging, “Of course I opened the barrier and released all the Blood Pond Clan. Are you confused? You can’t even think of this?”


The clan leader turned his head suddenly, and a palm was placed on his shoulder first, as if an electric current passed through his body, and then he couldn’t move.

With a quick glance, he only had time to see that the right face of the subordinate was as dark as ink, and the left face seemed to fall into sleep, and even the left eye was closed.

In an instant, this dark and ink-like existence suddenly squirmed, transferred from the subordinate’s body to his body, and spread like paint on half of his body, dividing his face into two parts along the middle line.

“Damn… what is this… what…” He found that he couldn’t even speak very well, and something was competing with him for the dominance of his body!

Not only the body movements, but also the chakra in his body was like a pool of stagnant water. No matter how he tried,No matter how he moved, it wouldn’t cause any ripples.

He suddenly panicked. It was too late to activate the eye technique now!

“Want to use ‘Izanagi’ to modify reality? Like you did before? Hehehe, it’s useless.”

He was dumbfounded, because he opened his mouth to say this voice. The dark thing completely controlled his body. The only thing he could move was the pale and weak pupil.

A heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

“Those who play with reality will eventually be played by reality…”

The voice laughed, and the tone was full of sarcasm. The clan leader could only watch himself draw out the kunai and aim it at his heart.

“You are just an insignificant chess piece, and I, Black Zetsu, am your reality!”


The kunai went straight into his chest and pierced his heart.

His eyes bulged, and the blood vessels in his neck were almost bursting. He was obviously experiencing great pain, but he couldn’t make a sound.

Blood flowed out of his body little by little, his body temperature also dropped little by little, and his life was about to come to an end.

In the end, he only had time to hear Black Zetsu’s neurotic muttering:

“Uchiha Shenyu, it turns out that you are not really heartless, good, very good, as long as you are still a human, there will be soft and fragile things in your heart, and with these things, there will definitely be flaws…”

A will was pulled out of his body, and the clan leader fell to the ground. Under him, a touch of crimson slowly expanded and gradually swallowed his entire body.

The ink-like black shadow also slowly seeped into the floor, leaving no trace.

The next day, the news that the Uchiha clan leader committed suicide out of fear of crime spread throughout the Konoha Village like the wind!

The Uchiha clan was directly nailed to the pillar of shame, and the reputation that was finally saved was completely ruined by this amazing operation!

Walking on the street, it is inevitable to endure strange looks and a lot of pointing and talking.

Now, Kirito finally understood how Nian felt.

However, for the Uchiha clan, the humiliation from outside the clan was far less than the pressure from within the clan.

With the death of the clan leader, they once again fell into an embarrassing situation of being leaderless. No one knew whether they would continue to fight fiercely between the parties or… a new future?

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