
Shen Yu disappeared from the spot, and the whole person and his two swords merged into the air, turning into a blurry and invisible stream of light, flashing by.

The wind whistled, that was the sound of the sound barrier being broken, and the sharp blade ripped through the air, almost cutting off Pu Shi’s head.

He decisively lowered his head and narrowly avoided the slash.

But Shen Yu’s attack was not over yet, and the blade light turned into a solid streak, flickering between heaven and earth.

This time, Pu Shi did not rashly open the portal, but maintained the state of the blue Samsara Eye with a solemn face, letting the blade light bloom. He was like a swift fish, constantly turning into a residual shadow, avoiding all the slashes.

The green light suddenly appeared, and the sword energy was crisscrossed. No matter which angle Shen Yu slashed from, he could deal with it calmly without getting a single leaf on his body.

“It’s useless, you’re just wasting your time!”

Urashiki kept turning in the air, and when he saw that the divine feathers could not hurt him for a moment, he felt relieved and his tone gradually became arrogant.

He was actually shocked by the guy’s complete form of Susanoo just now. Now thinking about it, he immediately felt humiliated.

Who is he?

He is Otsutsuki Urashiki, a noble outsider from the sky, a member of the Otsutsuki clan!

His blue Samsara Eye has three magic arts, all of which are time-space type magic arts.

One of them is “Tensuha Tsuruyu”:

At the moment of being attacked, he can transform himself into countless red light paper cranes and disappear without a trace, unpredictable, immune to all damage, and then his real body can appear at any time within 5 seconds, anywhere within a radius of 100 meters.

Second, “Tenshuha·Cangzhou”:

Setting a rewind in the timeline can allow the entire world to return from the current time point to the time point a few seconds ago, which is a simplified version of “time travel”.

Although it cannot go back to one’s own time, it can avoid crises by experiencing the enemy’s moves many times and choose the most reliable response method.

This is why he can frequently avoid Shenyu’s supersonic slashes and respond calmly.

Third, “Tenshuha·Jade Box”:

Time freezes, throws the jade box at the enemy, the box lid opens, and a wisp of white mist floats out. The target shrouded by the mist will fall into a frozen state, and its soul will be sealed in the Dragon Palace for 10,000 years.

Unfortunately, this is a one-time strongest killing move, which has been used by him.

Unless he personally recovers the jade box, there is no way to perform it a second time.


The knife flashed, and Urashiki’s reaction was a little slow, and his pale blue hair was instantly cut flat, and the hair was flying like cotton.

“Damn it! Is this kid a perpetual motion machine?”

Shen Yu paused his attack and took advantage of the gap to try to activate “Heaven’s Eternal Stand” again, trying to recall the consumption of activating the complete form of Susanoo just now.

But Urashiki kept up with his rhythm, and the Rinnegan focused, and the deep pupil light locked onto Shen Yu’s figure.

Sure enough, the retracement failed without any surprise.

“The chakra required to activate the pupil technique was indeed consumed, but I did not go back to the time just now. This novel feeling is the first time.”

Since it is impossible to replenish the consumption, it is necessary to save consumption before completely cracking Urashiki’s magic.

He immediately dispersed the “Autumn Dew on the Leaves” gathering version of his left hand, and the light in his palm twisted, and black flames floated out.

“Flame Release·Ran Arrows!”

With a single hand swing, countless flames condensed into sharp arrows at the same time. The terrifying temperature turned the air into a pot of boiling hot soup. The arrows disappeared and shot towards Urashiki in an overwhelming manner.

Urashiki immediately moved his body sideways, like a white ghost, dodging the hot black arrows with his graceful body.

But he didn’t realize that Shenyu didn’t deliberately block his movement. The flame escape was just a feint. The black arrows fell densely, and he was forced into the corner set by Shenyu.

“Humph, it seems that you can’t predict everything.”

Shenyu smiled indifferently, and his hands suddenly crossed. In an instant, countless crystal clear filaments appeared in the air, with a black and golden luster, tightly wrapping Urashiki’s limbs.

“What!” Urashiki’s eyes widened, like a fly that strayed into a spider web, the silk thread trembled wildly, and no matter how he struggled, it was in vain.

The silk thread cut into the pale skin, and Urashiki’s wrists and ankles oozed red blood. The more he struggled, the deeper the silk thread cut.

“There is actually a chakra creation that can cut my body!” The sharp pain of cutting made Urashiki sweat.

The air suddenly exploded, and a milky white sound wave exploded in front of him. The afterimages instantly gathered into the figure of Shen Yu, and a swinging fist cut through the air and hit him hard in the face.


Just as a drum-like sound was heard, Pu Shi’s entireHis face was severely deformed, his bones and horns were completely shattered, and his head led his body to fly toward the ground, with his body spinning 360 times with his head to the soles of his feet as the central axis!

“Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle!”

Blood was splattered, and under the blessing of huge kinetic energy, his limbs were instantly cut off by the silk thread, and his body flew to the ground, and the warm blood was thrown out of his body by the centrifugal force, leaving a whirlwind-like trajectory in the air.

The fist that was as fast as a phantom kept the last pause of the punch, and then calmly retracted it.

Shen Yu stood in the air, looking down at the embarrassed Urashiki, and Urashiki’s broken limbs did not fall with him, but were held up in the air by a layer of water film.

“It turns out that gods can bleed, well, go back and study it.” Shen Yu said in a light tone, reached into his arms, and “swish” spread out the scroll, and stored part of Urashiki’s flesh.

This humiliating scene immediately made Urashiki furious, with his hair standing up like a spear, “You… bastard!!!”

In almost the blink of an eye, bones and flesh regenerated at the same time, and his limbs recovered as usual. Except for the messy blood stains, there was no trace of injury.

He bent his knees subconsciously, his eyes flashing with bloodthirsty light, and he wanted to pounce into the sky and tear Shenyu apart immediately.

The wooden vines were pulled out suddenly and tightly wrapped around his feet.

But how could such an attack be able to restrain him? He only needed to exert a little force to break the vines inch by inch, but Shenyu had already completed the seal in this short delay.

“Wood Release: Wood Dragon Technique!”

The ground shook violently, and an extremely huge dragon head rose from the ground, opened its fangs and huge jaws, and caught Urashiki in its mouth. The dragon’s body was winding and circling into the sky.

It is worth mentioning that the size of Shenyu’s wooden dragon is indeed a bit exaggerated, more than twice as large as the one that Uchiha Jing used at the beginning.

Shenyu flew and landed on the dragon’s head, as if standing on a gray-green mountain.

The whistling wind passed by his ears, and the scenery on both sides of his vision fell rapidly. Shenyu was climbing up with Urashiki, who looked ferocious, and the wooden dragon broke through the clouds.

“Next, listen to me carefully.”

Shenyu spoke calmly, still with that indifferent tone.

“You have the ability to trace back the world’s timeline, and you can predict and change the future to some extent.”

“What!” Urashiki was stunned. He never expected that even the “weak Shenyu” at this time could guess his ability with just three moves and two styles.

“Don’t be nervous. I have fought against enemies who can manipulate the future.” Shen Yu continued:

“However, you who can modify the future did not dodge this move. This shows that you are not incapable, but you don’t want to, because this is the future that you can choose and is the most beneficial to you.”

Shen Yu sheathed the knife, “I just imagined hundreds of ways to attack you in an instant. This move of wooden dragon ascending to heaven is a trap I deliberately set, and you really jumped into it.”

He paused, and a deep light flashed across his left pupil. The pattern of the magic circle rotated a scale like a clock. “Moreover, the range of your time retracing is not large. It seems to be less than ten seconds.”

Ura Shi felt a chill on his back. He even suspected that he had traveled through the wrong time and space. “At this point, why are you still talking nonsense to me?”

“This is not nonsense. In fact, 80% of what I said just now is just a guess, but your reaction tells me that I guessed right.”


Shen Yu raised the corner of his lips slightly.

“Well, the information has been confirmed, and it’s time to let you feel the real fear.”

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