Konoha Village, late at night.

In the dense forest, a sneaky figure quietly crouched in the bushes, and through the gaps between the leaves, a pair of bright eyes were vigilantly scanning the surroundings.

He has been in this posture for a long time.

Finally, footsteps were heard on the tree-lined path. It was the last patrol of the guards, and the evening breeze brought the sound of chattering.

“Hey, have you heard? Today, the Uchiha clan is in trouble again. The loser of the clan leader battle murdered Uchiha Chisato’s brother, but was killed in return!”

“Of course I know. There is a wood escape kid in the Uchiha clan. Even the Hokage was shocked by this.”

“The Uchiha clan has not been peaceful recently. The clan land was destroyed inexplicably. The brothers patrolling the west district are really suffering.”

“Is this the point? Damn, wood escape! That’s the secret technique of the first generation! Even Princess Tsunade didn’t master the power, but it was mastered by an Uchiha! Isn’t this exciting enough!”

“Hearing what you said, it is indeed So, the first Wood Release in the history of Uchiha, I heard that he also awakened the Sharingan, this boy has unlimited future. ”

“Don’t make rash comments without knowing the whole story. The first Wood Release of Uchiha is not this kid.”

“Listen, our senior Gu Jie is bragging again.”

“Hey, you haven’t been to the battlefield, you don’t know at all…”

“Don’t know what? Hahaha, I say, senior, if you spend more time on training instead of bragging, you won’t be called a ‘ten thousand year old ninja’, hahahaha…”

They passed by as usual, without staying for long, and walked away with the fading laughter.

After a while, an inconspicuous bush trembled slightly, and a figure quickly jumped out, and the leaves fell.

He was dressed in black, wearing a mask on his head, and his long white hair was tied into a neat ponytail. His eyes were cautious, and he looked like he was going to do something big tonight.

He quickly crossed the path, bypassed all the hidden sentry posts, passed through layers of woods, and finally arrived in front of a moss-covered rock.


At this moment, there was silence all around, only the rustling of leaves and the chirping of summer cicadas. He took a deep breath and his eyes showed a bit of excitement.

He was Beiliuhu.

After more than a year of exploration, repeated earth escape surveys, and countless days and nights of careful drawing, he has mastered the full picture of this underground secret room.

Through repeated deliberation and verification, he has basically determined that at this moment, behind the bluestone in front of them, which can be seen almost everywhere in Konoha Village, is the entrance to the underground secret room!

He began to make a seal and gently placed his palm on the bluestone, “Earth escape·Earthquake Wave.”

A wave of chakra spread on the surface of the bluestone, and then completely merged into the soil and stone. Beiliuhu closed his eyes and spread his perception inward.

It was a wonderful feeling. At a certain moment, he even felt that this stone was a part of his body.

“Hollow!” He suddenly opened his eyes, followed his inner feeling, and punched a certain position three times.

The subtle vibration frequency triggered a certain mechanism. After a few breaths, the bluestone in front of him slowly cracked, and fine sand and soil fell. The stones on both sides moved backwards, and the gap expanded into a hole as tall as an adult.

With the help of the slight moonlight, a dark staircase can be found, and the bottom is connected to a long passage.

Bei Liuhu couldn’t hide his excitement. He swallowed unconsciously, his heart was beating, and he was about to step in.

At this moment, a hand suddenly grabbed his wrist. His heart was shocked. He glanced at it hastily, and he only had time to distinguish the pale skin of the man. Then he was knocked down by the other party and fell into the bushes on the side of the road.


A head of black and shiny long hair and a pair of golden vertical pupils appeared in the field of vision.

Orochimaru held the mouth of Beiliuhu tightly, picked up a few stones, and shook his hand towards the bluestone with the door wide open.

Three stones broke through the air, collided with each other in mid-air, and hit the same landing point one after another!

Then, in Beiliuhu’s eyes full of unwillingness and disillusionment, the bluestone vibrated and closed, returning to its original appearance.


He stared at Orochimaru with some resentment, obviously not knowing what the other party’s purpose was and why he could skillfully operate the bluestone mechanism.

“Don’t move!” Orochimaru said in a breath, his tone serious.

Suddenly, the bluestone vibrated again, and a heart-shaking sound of footsteps came from the gradually opening hole!

Beiliuhu widened his eyes, his face full of disbelief.

In his almost horrified eyes, two ninjas wearing Konoha forehead guards walked out of the bluestone. They were silent, with thick dark circles under their eyes.

The two people in the bushes held their breath and concentrated, not daring to make the slightest noise, until the people outside walked away and the bluestone closed, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

“What’s wrong with you? Why do you know the information here? And why are you following me?”

Bei Liuhu asked first, like a string of cannonballs.

“It’s a bit slow to ask now, Bei Liuhu-kun.” Orochimaru smiled slightly, “I have been following you since the first day you used earth escape to map.”


Orochimaru whispered, “Don’t be shocked yet, if I hadn’t led away the guards for you every day and dealt with the threats and obstacles in secret, do you really think that you, a Genin, can find the entrance to the secret room safely?”

“I…” Bei Liuhu was dumbfounded, as if there was a thunder in his mind, paralyzed from head to toe.

He suddenly had a bad premonition, “Do you want to use my hand to find the treasure of the senior and then take it for yourself!?”

“Don’t be silly, Mr. Beiluhu, the senior did propose a test, but I don’t remember him limiting the number of places.” Orochimaru looked calm.

“What do you mean?” Beiluhu asked stupidly.

“You are not a fool, don’t you understand? If you want to get the recognition of the senior, you have to cooperate!”

Beiluhu finally reacted, “Then why didn’t you find me before? Instead, let me explore the way alone?”

“Because there was no need for cooperation at that time, I didn’t think you would succeed.” Orochimaru said as a matter of course: “But now, you have proved your ability.”


“What do you mean? I predicted the entrance two days ago and used means to survey it. This place…” Orochimaru took a deep breath, his eyes burning, “It’s not empty. There are secret personnel coming in and out every night!”

“You mean… there are people guarding here?”

“Rather than guarding, I prefer the word ‘research’.” Orochimaru glanced at the bluestone and pointed at his feet. “Combined with the evolutionary path that the senior once talked about, this place… is very likely a laboratory.”

Hiroshi struggled to get up, “How can I trust you?”

“You have no choice. The two of us are now standing on the same boat. We will prosper together and suffer together. You don’t want to be discovered, right?” Orochimaru sneered contemptuously.

Hiroshi’s eyes flickered, and he was obviously struggling. Soon, he made a decision, “It’s not advisable to stay here for a long time. Withdraw first, and tell me the details later. Since we want to cooperate, we must share the information we have with each other.”

“I have no objection.”

The two withdrew from the bushes one after the other, quickly looked around, and then retreated in the same direction.

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