In the room, Nian closed the diary and stood up again against the wall.

His eyes were drooping, and frustration and impulse intertwined, making his body immersed in this complex and turbulent emotion inch by inch, like the surging sea surface, sometimes sinking into the deep sea with the ocean current, and sometimes raising a huge raging wave.

In fact, before seeing the diary, he already had the answer in his heart.

Because the name “Uchiha Kagami” was told to him by his predecessor a long time ago.

But he didn’t understand, and couldn’t figure out why the genius ninja who had both the Mangekyō Sharingan and the power of Wood Release, and inherited the precious power of the Uchiha and Senju clans, became a deserter in the eyes of the clan and the target of criticism in the village?

What did he… do to anger the heavens and the people?

Uchiha Nian took a deep breath, rubbed his sore nose, and suppressed all his emotions.

He whispered to Tsunade, “Why are you telling me this?”

“I… I just feel that this matter is strange and weird inside and out.”

Tsunade clenched her snow-white fist and said firmly, “My parents taught me since I was a child that even if I can’t become a great ninja like my grandfather, I must be righteous and love the world. If your father is really a hero who commands the battlefield, even if he eventually sacrifices on the battlefield, then why do you, as the son of a hero, have to live so… so…”

She carefully glanced at Nen’s expression, and in the dim light, she could see his red eyes and a pair of wet and cold Sharingan.

“If there is a misunderstanding, let’s clarify it, but if there is really a conspiracy in this matter, I will also make the decision for you and let the truth come to light!” Tsunade walked in front of him with a firm tone.

“After all, you are also a genius who inherited the power of Wood Release and Sharingan. As a princess, I will never allow such an unfair thing to happen to you.”

Nian suddenly laughed, “So, if I have always been a mediocre little transparent person with mediocre strength, I am sure Princess Tsunade will not stand up.”

“This…” Tsunade opened her mouth, a little embarrassed.

She wanted to refute, but she was indeed attracted by Nian’s Wood Release talent.

If Nian had maintained the level of the ninja school in the original Hell Valley mission, he would not have entered her field of vision at all, let alone everything today.

“Sure enough, strength is the basis for mastering the right to speak.” Nian thought silently: “The words of the senior are really wise words.”

“Tsunade, thank you for this. Can you give me this diary and photos?” Nian showed a pleading look, “This may be the only thing I miss about my father.”

“This…” Tsunade hesitated, but looking at the other party’s earnest and pitiful expression, she finally couldn’t bear it and nodded, “Okay, then don’t spread it. After returning, I will continue to investigate the truth.”

She immediately prepared to leave, walked to the door, picked up her shoes, and lightly put them on her feet.

“By the way, don’t tell anyone about my visit tonight. I don’t want to alert the enemy before finding out the truth.” Tsunade instructed.

“Sorry…” Nian carefully put the photos and diary away, his eyes changed, “You seem to have been exposed.”

“What!” Tsunade was shocked, and her face was a little confused.

She had obviously avoided all the patrols, but how did she get exposed?

Nian sighed softly, “Since I met Lord Hokage and Lord Danzo during the day, my room has always been full of eyes.”

“This…” Tsunade suddenly remembered that Nian was also an excellent perception ninja!

Perhaps because the aura of Wood Release was too strong, she subconsciously ignored his perception ability.

“It would be fine if you didn’t come, but once you came, things changed. Once you left, it’s unknown what these people will do.” Nian shook his head, “But I don’t blame you, because I didn’t know about my father until today.”

“No, no, I’ll go out and ask them to stop.” Tsunade subconsciously pushed the door, her palm on the door handle.


Nian immediately said: “If you really want to find out the truth, then don’t do anything, go out normally, and go home normally.”

“Why?” Tsunade was a little anxious. She felt that her rash actions had implicated Nian.

“Sometimes, the truth can’t be found by asking.” Nen moved his shoulders, which was a warm-up before the battle. “In fact, I am also curious about what the people outside will do, and their reactions will tell me everything.”

“Idiot, you might be in danger!” Tsunade glared, “What I brought out is the most confidential of confidential! If they know,I will never forgive you.”

“The more dangerous my situation is, the more it proves that there is something fishy behind this matter.” Nian raised her eyes slightly and said softly: “Tsunade, thank you, but you should go.”

Tsunade was helpless, but this was Nian’s choice after all. She had no position to insist on her own approach. Besides, she had already acted rashly once, and she didn’t want to trick Nian a second time.

“You…be careful.” She pushed the door open and went out. The slightly cool air at night penetrated her nose and made her shiver.

She looked around slightly. She didn’t know why. Before she came, she felt that there was no one around, but now she felt that the dark corners were full of obscure sights, like a densely interwoven spider web, staring at her and making her hairy.

At this time, Nian’s faint voice came from the room.

“Go forward, don’t look back. ”

Tsunade pursed her lips and left the Uchiha clan without looking back.

The night was long, and for the first time in her life, she felt that the village was not always full of sunshine and hope.

The moonlight was like water, sprinkling on the earth, coating the low room with a thin layer of silver light.

After an unknown amount of time, there was another knock on the door.

“Who is it?”

“We are the ninjas of the ‘root’, subordinates of Lord Danzo.”

A deep voice came from outside the door: “Uchiha Nen, Lord Danzo has seen your potential. From today on, you are a ninja of the root.”

The second voice continued: “The people of the root have no names, no feelings, no past, and no future. They only have missions in their hearts. They are the roots that support the big tree of Konoha Village and are deeply rooted in the earth… Everything must obey the will of Lord Danzo. Come out now, and we will take you to the root to accept your identity. ”

After a moment of silence, Nian said, “It sounds like I don’t have the right to refuse?”

“Either join the root, or… die!”

A sharp sound of wind passed by, and the door handle was cut off. The moment the door opened, four people wearing tight clothes and colorful masks rushed into the house quickly.

The leader was burly, and his big hand like a palm leaf fan pressed the panicked Nian to the floor, and his knuckles exerted force, as if a thought could crush his skull.

“Be obedient, maybe we can become colleagues.”

“Hahaha…” At this time, Nian chuckled, “It seems… things are far more complicated than I thought…”

Several people looked at each other in surprise, wondering what was wrong with this kid.

Suddenly, Nian turned into a scattered white smoke with a “bang”, and several corners of the room were also ablaze with fire.

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