Hello fellow Taoists, this is Piglet.

This is not the main storyline chapter, it is only a supplement to the setting of Susanoo. Those who do not need to supplement the setting can skip it directly.

Considering that some Taoists may have questions about the names of Susanoo in the article, such as “initial Susanoo”, “first-order Susanoo”, etc., here is a unified name, and this will be used in the future.

The following is the Susanoo setting that I have sorted out by combining the information from the original work and various channels, plus my personal understanding.

Susanoo form setting:

Principle: High-output chakra release, materialize energy, form a high-density chakra body, transform into a burly war god to fight, and will grow in stages as the user’s pupil power increases, the ultimate pupil technique of attack and defense.

Susanoo Elementary: Ribs + arms, can be used for attack, defense, protection, control and other purposes. The body is not completely wrapped by Susanoo, but leaves a large gap, but the defense is enough to resist most attacks.

Susanoo · First Stage: Half-body skeleton, with a skull-like appearance, chakra will completely cover the body, and the defense will be further improved, but there is still a gap under the feet, and too fierce attacks can also break its defense. At this time, Susanoo can carry some simple weapons, such as ordinary swords, etc., and the means of attack is ordinary physical attack.

Susanoo · Second Stage: Half-body skeleton + muscle, covered with meridians and flesh on the basis of the skull, wrapped in outer chakra, can unlock the curse seal, and can use its own exclusive weapons and ninjutsu, such as the Eight-foot Mirror, bows and arrows, etc. This type of Susanoo has the best balance. Madara’s two-faced little blue man and Sasuke’s crossbowman often used this form before obtaining the power of the Six Paths. At the same time, Susanoo in this state can use the universal long-range attack ninjutsu-Yasaka Magatama.

Susanoo · Level 3 · Crow Tengu: Half body + Crow Tengu armor, Crow Tengu armor is added to the original Susanoo, the defense is greatly improved, and the weapons that can be used are also more abundant, such as the Tenken Sword, Kagutsuchi Sword, etc. This Susanoo is extremely powerful, but the chakra consumption is also greatly increased, and it is extremely unstable. It is difficult for ordinary Mangekyo to maintain this form for a long time. It belongs to the limit of ordinary Mangekyo. Only the Eternal Mangekyo can make this Susanoo grow legs and become taller than a mountain.

Susanoo · Level 4 · Mature: Unlock the full body form, based on the second-level form, add the lower body and legs, and the volume is greatly increased. The caster will be located at the head of Susanoo. In terms of weapons, not only can the original Susanoo-exclusive weapons be used, but also the “Susanoo Sword” with a large attack range. The form between the second form and the complete form retains the balance and full capabilities of the second form, while increasing excellent mobility and filling the original defense gap under the feet.

Susanoo · Fifth Stage · Complete Form: Based on the third-stage Crow Tengu, the body rises from the ground, gets rid of the half-body restriction, and the armor is further integrated. It is called the “real Susanoo”. Only those who have exerted the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan to the extreme and have a huge chakra can open the complete form of Susanoo. At this time, the volume of Susanoo becomes extremely huge, and the chakra tends to be stable. Its power can not only easily split mountains and meteorites, but also has the ability to fly, and can seal and use the technique that the caster is good at.

Susanoo · Fifth Stage · Power Equipment: Based on the third-stage Crow Tengu, Susanoo is equipped as armor on the Nine-Tails, combining the overwhelming strength of the Nine-Tails and the extremely strong defense of Susanoo. At the same time, it can also use Susanoo’s weapons and link the Tailed Beast Ball to launch skills.

Susanoo 6th Stage Ultimate: Use Susanoo to replace the Outer Path Demon Statue as the container of the tailed beast’s chakra, fuse the chakra into a human form, and perfectly combine the power of the tailed beast and Susanoo. At this time, Susanoo is as powerful as a ghost, and can release the strongest skill “Indra’s Arrow”, which is very powerful. According to the Nine-Tails, Sasuke’s degree of fusion of the tailed beast’s chakra is comparable to that of the Six Paths Sage.

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