Outside Konoha Village.

Fires surged, thunder flashed, and countless ninjutsu rushed towards the giant Uchiha Nen.

Just as he was about to hit, Nen’s body suddenly swayed, and in just a breath he shrank back to his original size. This move made most of the ninjutsu that were originally aimed at various parts of his body miss.

While dodging, Nen looked at his red and broken fist peaks. He still underestimated the indestructible body of the monkey demon. Although this guy did not transform into a stick, his body hardness should not be underestimated.

At this time, the Third Hokage shook open the scroll, and as a puff of smoke spread, he had a huge wind demon shuriken in his hand. The moment this heavy weapon appeared, he threw it over without hesitation.

“Fuma Shuriken·Shadow Clone Technique!”

The air was cut with a sharp hissing sound, and the Fuma Shuriken flying in the air split into two, two into four, and continued to split. In the blink of an eye, it completely covered Nen’s vision, as if a lead-black cloud had fallen from the night sky.

Nen did not hesitate. As the scarlet sunflower in his right eye turned slightly, his body also rotated at high speed, turning into a blurry and invisible afterimage. As the blue light flowed, chakra was released from all the acupuncture points in his body, and the whole person turned into a huge chakra ball rotating at high speed.

“Return to the sky!”

The sound of “ding ding dang dang” continued. Under the absolute defense of high-speed rotation, the Fuma Shuriken was shattered, and countless metal fragments were scattered, splashing dense sparks.


Not only Hiruzen, but all the Konoha ninjas present were dumbfounded, and everyone had an expression of seeing a ghost.

If the “Double Transformation Technique” just now was a coincidence and could be explained by a variant of “Susanoo”, then what about the current “Eight Trigram Palm·Heaven Resurrection”!

This is the secret of the Hyuga clan. Even the branch family with pure blood, few people can comprehend it! Now it is actually performed casually by a kid from the Uchiha clan!

“Wood Release, Susanoo, Double Transformation Technique, Eight Trigram Palm·Heaven Resurrection…” Hiruzen frowned and thought about the countermeasures quickly in his heart, “What is this guy’s ability? Wood Release is fine, but the following secret techniques, I have never seen him perform them before!”

After all the wind demon shuriken were dissolved, the mind stopped rotating, and the slight panting proved the difficulty of defense.

Taking advantage of this gap, the dazed Ape Demon lying on the ground also regained consciousness. It shook its furry head and transformed into the Vajra Ruyi Stick again under Hiruzen’s hand, falling back into his hand.

“Don’t stop the attack, keep your distance, and continue to suppress!”

Hiruzen shouted, jumped back first, and the whole person turned into five identical figures in a puff of smoke.

“Five escapes, large-scale bullet technique!”

He took the lead, and the five clones formed different hand seals, five large-scale ninjutsu of different attributes, like a surging river, rushing towards Uchiha Nen.

Earth, wind, water, and fire intertwined in the air, and under the cover of blue thunder, a devastating explosion occurred.


Nen’s eyes were much more solemn, and a huge amount of chakra burst out of his body. His black hair moved without wind, and clear light flowed through his body. A huge skeleton was projected from his body, making a deafening roar!

That’s not all. He frantically urged his pupil power, and flesh and blood quickly grew in his skeleton, and the meridians quickly filled his body. Finally, he was completely formed in a burst of radiant light, turning into a seven-meter-tall half-body giant.

Facing the Five Styles Great Link Bombs that were surging like a tide, it raised its giant hammer, spun it for a few weeks, and then threw it out!

Thunder surged, lightning flashed, and the giant hammer was like a golden sword, splitting the tide in front of it, carrying thunder and killing!

“Earth Style: Earth Link Wall!”

The ninjas did not dare to neglect it, and they formed seals one after another and slapped the ground in unison.

The earth and rocks splashed dust all over the sky in a wave, and dozens of thick earth walls rose from the ground one after another, like a fortress protecting everyone.

And Nin on the other side was also bathed in the bombardment of ninjutsu, and with the protection of the second-level Susanoo, he was safe for a while!

The thunder hammer roared, and in a burst of violent sound, it smashed several walls in succession, and the flowing lightning tore the earth!

At the critical moment, it was still Hiruzen who acted quickly, swung the iron rod with both arms, and hit the thunder hammer hard like hitting a baseball!


The violent metal vibration sound resounded throughout Konoha Village, almost tearing everyone’s eardrums.

The Vajra Ruyi Stick became thicker and longer in an instant, and Sarutobi Hiruzen’s arms were exposed with blue veins, outlining his ferocious muscles, and his feet slammed into the ground.


Accompanied by his deep and powerful roar, the thunder hammer was actually changed by this force.The golden lightning changed direction and shot into the air at a 90-degree angle. The trajectory of the golden lightning in the air formed a perfect right angle.

At this time, Nian, who was in Susanoo, suddenly stiffened, and a strange sense of restraint spread throughout his body.

This familiar feeling made Nian’s heart rise with anger. His eyes penetrated through the layers of earth walls and the dazzling ninjutsu, and instantly locked onto a figure.

“Nara clan?”

His right eye was shining with mysterious light, and the blooming sunflower rotated slightly, as if recording the marks of the years.

“Good job!” Hiruzen said, “The bottom of Susanoo is a flaw, pull him out from here!”

The ninja of the Nara clan immediately took the order and clasped his hands fiercely, “Secret Technique·Shadow Seam Technique!”

Under Nian’s feet, countless slender tentacles suddenly emerged from the shadow, like materialized ropes, tightly wrapping Nian’s limbs.

“Come out!”

The tentacles suddenly straightened, and Nian was also thrown out of Susanoo by this force. The orange halo spread out like ripples, and he was thrown high into the air.

Unexpectedly, there was no panic on his face, but he opened his limbs. Under the moonlight, everyone was shrouded in a giant shadow.

Hiruzen’s pupils shrank, and he suddenly had a bad premonition. He immediately inserted the iron rod into the ground, and used its sudden extension speed to push himself out of the range of the figure.

While others were still raising their hands to form seals, preparing to aim at the moment when Nian fell and concentrated their fire.

When Nian was about to fall, he put his hands together, “Shadow Control Technique!”

Suddenly, everyone’s movements became sluggish, and the shadows under their feet seemed to turn into a quagmire, fixing them to the ground tightly, and it was extremely difficult to even move a finger.

At this time, Nian in the air began to fall, and his handprints suddenly changed, “Fire Style: Great Fire Extinction!”

A huge amount of flames fell like a meteorite, and the moment it landed on the ground, it turned into a sea of ​​​​explosive fire.

“Earth Style: Earth Flowing River!”

At this time, Hiruzen, who had just escaped a disaster, shouted loudly, and his hands crossed and changed, and the ground turned into a huge quagmire, which surged out like a mudslide, colliding with the sea of ​​​​fire, and confronted each other!

With the light water vapor that immediately evaporated in the air, the mud also formed into a solid earth wall, blocking the flames outside the wall.

Hiruzen threw out a whip kick, and the diamond stick on the ground was immediately kicked out, spinning and crashing through the crumbling earth wall, and shot in front of Uchiha Nian in the billowing smoke and dust.

At this time, Nian had just landed, and there was no time to dodge. In a hurry, he could only use his skeleton to protect his body.

But the expected collision did not come. The Vajra Ruyi Stick was divided into ten, ten into a hundred, and assembled in an instant under Hiruzen’s shout, turning into a solid cage, trapping him in the center.

“Vajra Prison Wall!”

Hiruzen clapped his hands, “Fire Dragon Flame Bomb!”

Red flames crossed the sky, like the breath of a violent dragon, a fire dragon plowed the earth straight and crashed into the cage!

Nian looked at the cracked skeleton, gritted his teeth, and his pupils were lit up by the surging flames!


After the sky-high explosion, Hiruzen reached out and recalled the scalding Vajra Ruyi Stick.

In the scattered charred smoke, Uchiha Nian’s swaying figure was revealed.

His whole body was charred, and both arms were turned into charcoal. Under the scorching flames, his originally delicate facial features were destroyed, and only a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan remained bright.

Hiruzen snorted, “Uchiha Nen, you lost!”


Nen spoke incoherently, with a hint of mockery in his eyes.

Then, his right eye suddenly flashed with a strange light, and the whole person suddenly returned to his original state in the distorted light, with a steady breath, returning to his peak state, as if everything just now was an illusion.

Hiruzen’s face changed drastically, his eyes almost bulged out of his sockets, and his tone was full of disbelief:

“This is…”

Nen raised the corner of his mouth, and in a contemptuous tone, he gave him the answer:

“Heaven always stands!”

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