Konoha Village.

When Sarutobi Hiruzen was pulled out of the mountain by the crowd, he had lost consciousness. When he opened his eyelids, his eyes were dazed.

His finger bones were completely broken, his shoulders were dislocated, his internal organs were injured to varying degrees, his breath was extremely disordered, and the situation was urgent and in danger.

The Hokage Building immediately held an emergency meeting. Except for the Uchiha clan, all the senior officials were present.

It has been confirmed that in addition to the defection of Uchiha Nin, Konoha has three other major events that cannot be ignored and are waiting to be resolved:

The apprentice of the Third Hokage, Princess Tsunade, and Jiraiya ran away to chase the evil Uchiha Kamiya, trying to avenge the dead Second Hokage Senju Tobirama!

Orochimaru, who was also the direct disciple of the Third Hokage, and the Genin Hiruko were missing. According to the attacked West Gate guard, they were confirmed to have defected!

The underground laboratory left by the second generation Hokage was invaded. The staff and ninjas on duty that night were all knocked unconscious by Orochimaru and Obiru. The laboratory lost precious experimental samples and experimental data!

“Isn’t this… not right?”

“Orochimaru is the direct disciple of the Hokage, how could he do such a thing? Is there any misunderstanding here?”

Mitomonen pushed his glasses, “You mean, he was bewitched? For example, that Obiru?”

Danzo snorted coldly, “Don’t deceive yourself, he was really bewitched, how could he do such a heavy hand, my subordinates were poisoned to death by his venomous snake!”

“Ah… this… I didn’t expect that Orochimaru was the most mature and stable disciple under the Hokage, and now he would defect like Uchiha Nen.” Utatane Koharu sighed slightly.

At this time, an elder of the Nara clan said thoughtfully: “What I am puzzled about is why Orochimaru and Hiruko were able to find the secret research institute of the Second Hokage. This is the biggest secret. Even we have signed a confidentiality agreement and are not allowed to disclose it to anyone other than the top leaders.”

“Hmph, don’t forget whose disciple he is.” Danzo said sinisterly, “Those data and samples are the result of our years of hard work. If they are circulated, we can’t afford the price!”

“In fact, there are traces to follow. Don’t forget that Orochimaru and that Uchiha Nen have always been good friends. If there is no connection between these two things, I don’t believe it!”

“In my opinion, maybe their original purpose was for the laboratory…”

“Hiss, don’t say it, don’t say it…”

The top leaders talked a lot. No one expected that within just one day, the disciples of the Third Hokage actually ran away and defected. Everyone talked a lot, and there was no result in the end. It was a gloomy cloud.

Just as Shimura Danzo announced with regret that he would succeed the Fourth Hokage and save the collapsing building, exciting news came from the Konoha Hospital.

With the efforts of the medical ninjas, the Third Hokage woke up!!!

The door of the conference room was pushed open, and Sarutobi Hiruzen appeared in the sight of everyone with the help of his confidants.

“You should… take good care of your injuries… now…” Danzo said this with almost gritted teeth.

“For the sake of the village, I can’t give up the fight.” Hiruzen smiled back and sat back at the main seat at the conference table in a triumphant manner.

“I already know the problems facing the village today. What countermeasures have you discussed so far?”

The senior executives looked at each other, no one could tell the reason, and finally they could only cast a sullen look at Shimura Danzo.

Hiruzen immediately followed the gaze of the crowd and looked over with a smile.

Under the conference table, Danzo clenched his fists, and his sinister face turned livid.

‘Hmph! A bunch of mediocre people who are just sitting there doing nothing! ’

He did not directly answer Hiruzen’s question, but immediately changed to a questioning tone:

“Huruzen, Orochimaru is your disciple. You should bear the main responsibility for the theft of the laboratory!”

Hiruzen sighed, and in front of everyone, his eyes were full of shame, “The responsibility for this matter is mine. I attended the meeting with injuries just to deal with this problem!”

Next, he roughly summarized everyone’s questions, and after thinking for a moment, he vigorously proposed his response plan.

“First, while maintaining the minimum defense in the village, immediately dispatch all high-level combat forces to pursue Tsunade and Jiraiya. Both of them are the future pillars of the village, especially Tsunade, who is of noble status. They must be brought back to Konoha. No chance of loss is allowed!”

“Second, dispatch all teams, with the Chunin team temporarily taking over as captains, to start from the west gate and search for the traitorous ninjas Orochimaru and Obiru. They must be arrested and brought back to Konoha!”

“Finally, temporarily close the undergroundResearch Institute, suspend secret experiments to prevent leaks. All situations will be discussed after Orochimaru, the traitor, is captured!”

The backbone is back, and the senior executives have received the order, but when the meeting is about to be announced to be over and everyone is about to issue orders, Danzo can’t sit still.

“Huruzen, is this what you call responsible?”

He put his hands on the table, slowly stood up in front of the senior executives, and looked at Hiruzen with cold eyes.

“As the third Hokage, you not only have no way to deal with Uchiha Nin’s defection and Uchiha Kamiya’s lawlessness, but also have made no achievements in the construction of the village over the years, and even failed to teach, resulting in the theft of the laboratory, bringing shame to the title of Hokage…”

In a low tone, he listed a lot of Hiruzen’s “crimes” like an accusation, and finally said slowly:

“I think… you, Sarutobi Hiruzen, no longer have the capacity to be a Hokage. For the sake of Konoha Village and the safety of everyone, you should… step down as soon as possible! Let someone more capable and virtuous take office!”

Hiruzen’s face was solemn, and he looked up to meet his aggressive gaze.

Dead silence.

The entire conference room suddenly became so quiet that you could hear a pin drop, as if there was an invisible big hand in the air, fiercely pinching everyone’s neck.

At this juncture, no one dared to say a word, because the atmosphere between the two at this moment was no different from two commanders confronting each other on the battlefield, with swords drawn and ready to explode. Even the second-generation disciples, Koharu Utatane and En Mitomon, looked embarrassed.

After a moment of silence, Hiruzen said, “The person you call more capable and virtuous should be you, Danzo Shimura.”

When he said this, he kept staring at Danzo’s eyes. Since the other party lost his temper first, he might as well say it out.

Danzo’s mouth twitched, and he nodded, “Yes, there is really no more suitable candidate in the village now except me!”

“Okay, okay. “Hiruzen suddenly smiled, and in the surprised eyes of everyone, he slowly stood up, “As a colleague, I recognize your talent, and as an old friend, I also… recognize your magnanimity. This crisis has caused such a great loss to the village, and it is naturally my responsibility as the Hokage. If everyone is optimistic about Danzo and believes that he can lead everyone into a bright future, then I am willing to step down and let the wise man take over!”

“You!” Danzo vaguely sensed something was wrong, but before he could speak, he was interrupted by Hiruzen.

“But, replacing the Hokage midway is not in line with the rules. Since you want to sit in this position, you must show some results.” Hiruzen knocked on the table, “However, the task of recovering Tsunade and Jiraiya will be handed over to you to complete, what do you think? ”

Everyone thought for a moment and felt that what Hiruzen said made sense. After all, he was indeed starting from the perspective of solving the problem, so no one raised any questions or objections.

“Alas, it’s just that I was seriously injured by Uchiha Kamiya and was unable to participate in this operation. I can only use this injured body to guard the door of my house…” Hiruzen shook his head and sighed.

Danzo’s face turned black. Hiruzen’s behavior was tantamount to roasting him on the fire. After all, he had just “ambitiously” proposed to compete for the position of Hokage. If he backed down at this moment, I’m afraid someone would immediately be dissatisfied!

Under the scrutiny of everyone, he could only nod stiffly.

“Okay.” Hiruzen nodded, “Then, I declare in the name of Hokage that if Danzo can successfully complete the task and bring my two useless disciples back to the village, I will immediately write a letter to the Fire Country Daimyo Mansion and voluntarily resign from the position of Hokage!”

“Okay…” Danzo’s voice was a little hoarse.

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