In the laboratory of the Iron Country, the white light slowly twisted, and a dark and deep portal opened out of thin air.

Shen Yu walked leisurely, his black hair fluttering, and walked out of the portal slowly.

Orochimaru and Beiluo, who were chatting, immediately interrupted the conversation and ran over quickly. The two leaned down in front of Shen Yu, knelt on one knee, and said in unison:


The tone was respectful, revealing a strong admiration.

“Yeah.” Shen Yu smiled and nodded, raised his hand and flicked it, and the water vapor in the air automatically condensed into a transparent table, gently lifting the two.

“What were you talking about just now?” He asked softly.

“Senior!” Obiru’s eyes were filled with excitement, “The equipment and environment here are not inferior to Konoha’s underground research institute! The few demon buds I brought all survived! I was just discussing with Orochimaru how to maximize the use of the space in the cultivation area!”

“Yes, senior, not only the cultivation area, but also the equipment in the biological laboratory are all available. Combined with the research data of the second generation Hokage, I will be able to continue his experiment soon!”

Orochimaru nodded in agreement and looked around, “I have carefully checked that every device and every pipe connection of the central control console is almost the same as that of the Konoha laboratory. It is as magical as the shadow clone technique.”

Kamiyu tilted his head and smiled, “Of course, because this is moved from Konoha’s underground research institute.”

“What!” Both of them were stunned, wondering if they had heard it wrong.

Shen Yu walked to the central control console and tapped a button. “What you see in Konoha are all rebuilt by them based on previous experimental equipment. Some of the equipment is even less functional than here.”

“But… such a large laboratory, even if it is moved out piece by piece, it is still a big project. Won’t it be discovered by the village?” Orochimaru was the first to question.

“Your imagination is limited by your strength.”

Shen Yu smiled slightly, “I have a technique called ‘Susanoo’. For the Uchiha clan, as long as their eyes are developed to the level of a kaleidoscope, they can generally use this pupil technique, but my technique is different. For some reason, my completed Susanoo is as tall as a hundred feet. With its wings spread out, it can soar into the sky, which is more than enough to accommodate this laboratory.”

He touched his chin, and his narrowed eyes revealed some memories. “At that time, except for the room where the body of Hashirama Senju was stored, I cut the core of the entire underground research institute like cutting a cake. It was separated like this, and was carried away from Konoha from the sky with the completed Susanoo. There should be only a big pit left at the original place. ”

Hidden Hu was surprised: “Such a big commotion, didn’t anyone in Konoha find it?”

Shen Yu smiled but said nothing, and Orochimaru turned his head and said: “What if it was found? Just listening to the description of the senior, you can know what kind of behemoth Susanoo is. If you were a guard, would you dare to stop it?”

Somehow, Hidden Hu remembered the uncle Tono he met in the Konoha laboratory before. The trembling look of living seemed to be still in front of him, and he immediately nodded with understanding.

“So.” Shen Yu opened his hands, and his light tone was full of deadly attraction like the abyss, “Every piece of equipment here, even every piece of floor, is exactly what Tobirama used before! This way, it can ensure that the experiment will not cause errors due to environmental limitations, and reproduce his previous success one-to-one! Now I will give it to you completely!”

Orochimaru and Hidden Hu looked excited, and their breathing became a little faster.

They knew very well that the experimental samples brought by Obiru, the experimental data brought by Orochimaru, and the entire laboratory brought back by the senior, combined together, were the treasure leading to the “Road to Power”!

And this treasure, it is obvious that someone has benefited from it!

“Senior, do you mean that the Second Hokage has ever succeeded?” Orochimaru asked with a hopeful tone.

“Of course, now that things have come to this, it is time to tell you everything.”

Shen Yu closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened them again, his black jade-like pupils had turned into gorgeous and exquisite kaleidoscope patterns, with a hint of blue-purple light in the scarlet.

“My name is Uchiha Kamiya, I am the pure descendant of Indra, the son of the Six Paths Sage, and the disciple of Uchiha Madara. My eyes are the eternal eyes that can change fate!”

“You may not know that the Mangekyō Sharingan looks powerful, but it is a forbidden path that is like drinking poison to quench thirst. Once an ordinary Uchiha clan member opens it, there is only one ending for him, blindness! This is no exception except me!”

“Only when you become blind, can you transplant another pair of normal Mangekyō Sharingan to allow the pupil power to merge, make up for the congenital defects of the genes, and open your eyes to see the light.Ming Yongchu’s Eternal Sage Eye!”

“On top of this, let the blood genes of Uchiha and Senju merge with each other. With the Sage Body and Sage Eye, it is possible to return to the ancestors and obtain the power of the ancestor Six Paths Sage, yin and yang merge, and master the power of the universe!”

Shen Yu slightly raised his head, and his fingertips brushed across his eyes like the breeze. At this moment, he was a sneering demon, a madman immersed in his own world, and a peerless celebrity. He was arrogant, domineering, unruly, and his handsome face revealed a god-like pride.

“At this moment, I appeared in front of you, and I have seized the research results of Tobirama, and at the same time, I have both the Sage Eye and the Sage Body!”

Orochimaru and Obiru opened their eyes without blinking, their pale cheeks were slightly flushed, and two different pairs of pupils bloomed with the same light, which was a desire for power and worship of the man in front of them.

“Are you two willing to worship me as your master? ”

The two of them trembled, and with almost no hesitation, they knelt on the ground at the same time with a “thump”. This is the standard ceremony of apprenticeship!


Shen Yu walked forward slowly, and this time he helped them up with his own hands. Seeing the two of them in tears of gratitude, he couldn’t help but recall his past self.

The boy who stubbornly followed Uchiha Madara and left Konoha with him…

When the two of them were a little more stable, Shen Yu smiled and asked:

“Do you still remember what I told you about changing your fate against the will of heaven?”

Hirohu nodded immediately, his eyes showing piety, “Living beings are born with defects. Some people are born with blood limit, superior to others, while some people can’t even complete the most basic chakra attributes, and even have no talent for cultivation…”

He said firmly: “To change your fate against the will of heaven is to constantly seize the creation of others, make up for yourself, and turn the power of others into your own, constantly seize, constantly merge, turn your body into a furnace, and let all rivers return to the sea until you transcend! Become an existence that transcends everything! This… is the essence of ‘chakra’!”

“Flesh and blood are weak, and will continue to age, degenerate, and be damaged as time goes by, until death rots them, while the soul is the source of the self!” Orochimaru gave a different answer:

“Only by constantly taking over bodies, welcoming new life again and again like a snake shedding its skin, can we resist the erosion of time and become an existence beyond death. Only in this way can we keep walking in the eternal river of time until we master everything!”

“So… you should understand my intention.” Shen Yu put his hands behind his back, unfathomable.

“Understand!” Beiliu’s voice trembled slightly, he was so excited now, “Although our paths are different, the starting point is the same, that is… gene fusion experiment!”

“That’s right!” Orochimaru nodded, “The connection between soul and body can only be better controlled from the genetic level! ”

Shen Yu clapped his hands, and a space vortex twisted on his side, “Then, the first task I give you is…”

“Da, Da, Da.”

A tall woman walked out of the vortex, with thick black hair like a waterfall, a tall and graceful figure, and eyes like water. Her beautiful face was charming, and her gaze revealed a coldness that was not worldly.

Orochimaru immediately recognized the person and bowed.

Hello, Master’s wife!”

Shen Yu’s face was slightly embarrassed, and the originally beautiful and refined light was instantly broken, and the rosy clouds flew on his cheeks.

“Ahem!” Shen Yu coughed, “Your first task is to use all the resources at hand to perfectly integrate Hashirama’s gene fluid with her genes, so that you… Master’s wife, will become the second perfect ninja with a sage body and sage eyes!”

“Can you do it?”

“I can do it! “The two said in unison, eager to try.

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