The two figures crossed each other, and with a sound of a blade breaking into flesh, Uchiha Naka was stabbed in the heart and was in danger.

But… he hadn’t lost yet!

The next moment, Naka’s Mangekyō Sharingan glowed, and he wanted to do the same and transfer all the damage to Zhili, but…

Zhili’s right eye spun slightly, and as blood flowed out, a layer of soft golden light instantly wrapped around her body, making her look like a gilded Valkyrie statue, instantly immune to all negative effects.

The golden light only existed for a moment and then dissipated inch by inch, but it also successfully made Naka’s damage transfer ineffective!

The source of fear was that things were beyond his expectations. Naka didn’t expect that his long-hidden pupil technique would fail. His face suddenly changed, and his strength was gradually withdrawn from his body. His consciousness was about to become blurred…

“No! I can win!”

Naka made up his mind and decisively launched “Izanagi”!

In an instant, the Mangekyō Sharingan in his right eye lost all color and turned pale. He lost his eyesight as a price to turn the fact that his chest was cut into an illusion, changing his fate of death.

Zhili panted slightly, and a voice pretending to be calm suddenly came from the stone beside him:

“You can successfully sneak attack my back. Is it the pupil technique of your eyes? It’s really good…”

Naka hugged his shoulders with both hands, showing his red and white eyes, “But as long as you have ‘Izanagi’, you will never be able to defeat me!”

He pulled out the short blade at his waist, his eyes were fierce, “The next move will kill you directly!”

A breeze blew, Zhili’s purple hair rippled like waves, and in Naka’s stunned eyes, she actually let go of the long sword again, and the tip of the sword was inserted into the ground, and the crisp buzzing sound seemed to penetrate the soul.

Time changed, white clouds moved, and the sun moved towards the east. Time seemed to be flowing backwards rapidly, but the battle between the two continued until the world collapsed.

Naka’s forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he felt a strange touch under his feet again. He looked down and found that he had stepped on those violets again without knowing when. The petals were flying, like elves hovering in the air.

He subconsciously looked up, and a faint blue butterfly floated in front of him again. The unknown fear spread in his heart, making his heart beat wildly.

Zhili touched the ground with his toes, jumped high, and his clothes fluttered like a butterfly. Taking advantage of the moment when Naka was distracted, he had already rushed in front of him.

She stretched out a hand, not to attack, nor to form a seal, but to slowly extend it as if to hold his hand.

Naka stared at the figure that suddenly appeared in front of him, and waved his knife in response. A burst of white smoke scattered, and Zhili performed the substitute technique again, turning into two wooden stakes and falling to the ground with a “bang”.

The familiar scene and the touch that he had just experienced made Naka completely dumbfounded!

His heart continued to pump, and the intense panic made him gasp for breath.

Because he found that his right eye, which had just been blinded by the use of “Izanagi”, had regained its sight!

This also means…

The sound of the wind in his ears was like a fatal note, and a thin blade of light came from behind. He just turned around and was cut open in the chest by Zhili who flashed by.

He urged his pupil power to try to transfer the damage, but this move failed again in front of Zhili who was protected by golden light.

“Not yet… not yet lost!”

In order to avoid the fate of dying again, he gritted his teeth and activated “Izanagi” again to modify the reality of death.

Zhili’s cold voice floated past his ears:

“The Izanagi you rely on will not protect you…”

She faced Naka, her slender hands loosened slightly, and the long knife was inserted into the ground. The crisp buzzing sound almost drove Naka crazy.

The faint touch from his feet, even without looking, Naka knew that he had stepped on those violets again.

The blue butterfly danced, its beautiful wings shone with dreamy light, all of which were reflected in his intact eyes.

Zhili stretched out her hand, still with a sincere look on her face, and stepped forward step by step, as if waiting for him to hold the jade hand.

“What is this! What on earth is this! I have experienced it three times! Three times!!!!”

He swung his knife like crazy, and the butterfly wings were shattered like the surface of the water.

At this moment, in reality.

Uchiha Naka stood quietly by the side, his eyes closed, motionless like a scarecrow, breathing evenly, as if he fell into a deep sleep.

Uchiha Zhili looked at him quietly, her lips slightly opened, and she sighed softly.

This was the ultimate illusion she had created in a year, inspired by the illusion of the Blood Pond Clan, specifically to restrain the existence of “Izanagi”, and the name of the pupil technique was… “Izanami”.

This was a move that did not require eye contact at all, and did not require any visual contact, only usingThe physical touch between the two can make the target fall into a powerful eye technique of illusion.

She thought that the young and promising Uchiha Naka was the destined choice for the clan leader, but since he took office, the Uchiha clan has not been truly united, but has become more turbulent.

He would decisively eliminate anyone who disagreed with him, so that the atmosphere in the clan became more and more deadly during his bloody rule.

Zhili knew that this was wrong, but her brother died in her former “kindness”, and Naka used this reason to silence her many times.

After learning from the pain, she decided to start from the root, so that Naka, who was trapped in the vortex of power, would wake up completely and become a truly reliable and trustworthy clan leader, rather than a ruler who used fear to grab people’s hearts.

Killing him might be easier, but this would undoubtedly be a repeat of the same mistakes, which was not what she wanted.

His refusal to face the truth, just like the “Izanagi” he relied on, was an evasive behavior that distorted reality and refused to accept his true fate.

What Zhili had to do was not only to restrain him and completely defeat him, but also to make him wake up and accept his true self from the heart.

“Izanami” came to her mind.

In the Jigokudani mission, the “Five-point House” of the Blood Dragon Eye illusion gave her a lot of inspiration. It imposed a mark on the spiritual world with certain fixed conditions. Once a specific behavior was performed and accumulated to a certain extent, it would act according to the wishes of the caster.

Zhili optimized this condition and used the pupil power to record the physical touch between the two people. Its principle is actually very simple, but it does take a certain amount of preparation time to complete this technique thoroughly.

First, start recording at any moment of the action, and record the touch of your own and your opponent’s bodies in your eyes like taking a photo. The moment when Chiri first throws the knife is the beginning of the recording, which can be set as A;

Second, as time goes by, continue to record the scene that left a deep impression on both parties, set the moment when Naka stepped on the violet flower as B, and the scene of destroying the butterfly with his own hands as C, and record them one after another in your eyes.

After accumulating a certain amount of moments, deliberately reproduce the same body touch as that scene in A. Chiri loosens the handle of the knife again in front of Naka, allowing the long knife to be inserted into the ground, creating A’.

At this point, the memory point appears closed, “Izanami” is activated, and Chiri will sew and connect the picture A and the picture A’ at the cost of losing one eye, and then reproduce the new B’ and C’ in the illusion.

The same scene is repeated, trapping the opponent’s consciousness in the three scenes remembered in his mind, over and over again, in an infinite cycle, and he can only wander in eternal time along the established illusion track.

This is the forbidden technique she created, “Izanami”!

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