The lights were dim, and the air was filled with a pungent smell of mold, moisture, and a faint smell of decay. The dark walls were chilly. This was the dungeon of the Hidden Village of Uzushio.

The space was so small that it was suffocating. There was only one narrow iron window hanging on the high wall. Dust floated in the weak light, but it could not dispel the darkness in the corner.

Following the pace of the leading man, Shen Yu and Nian passed through the dark and narrow corridor one after another. The footsteps echoed in the silent prison, making a very obvious sound.

In fact, the entire prison was empty, and there were no vicious prisoners as Nian imagined, until the end, when he saw a group of shadowy guys.

It was a cell in the deepest part of the dungeon. There were about a dozen figures lying crookedly on the cold floor. They were all weak. There was a sealing spell on everyone’s chest without exception. Ink spells came out from the spell, binding their bodies tightly.

They were covered in dirt and looked miserable.

“Brother, it’s these guys who are sneaking around outside the village all day long. Take a look, where do they come from?”

Shen Yu pushed his sunglasses slightly. In fact, he didn’t need to look at them at all. The moment he entered the dungeon, he used his powerful perception ability to scan all these people.

These people were dressed in ordinary clothes and looked ordinary. They were the kind of guys who would disappear directly in the crowd. Whether it was the feedback from the chakra overclocking wave or what he saw at the moment, there was no clue.

Although the seal spell imprisoned the chakra in their bodies, their strength can still be roughly seen through soul perception. Everyone is at the level of Chunin or above, and even several of them have reached the level of Jonin.

Nian frowned slightly, obviously also using the passive perception of the “Spiritualization Technique” to investigate the details of these people.

Seeing Shen Yu coming, the prisoners’ eyes flickered, and they kept silent tacitly, like numb machines.

Shen Yu narrowed his eyes slightly. This group of people together is completely a standard reconnaissance team during war…

It seems that the other party is obviously well prepared and has bad intentions.

Shen Yu was thoughtful. At this moment, what he saw through the appearance, the Uzumaki clan must have seen it a long time ago. It is easy for him, a Yin Dun master, to obtain deeper intelligence. Even his nephew beside him can do it easily.

But whether it is the Sharingan or the soul search of the “Spiritualization Technique”, it cannot be displayed in front of the Uzumaki clan.

He hesitated for a moment, waved to the man behind him, and whispered:

“You’re right, I did see something about a few people.”

“Really!” The man seemed extremely excited and asked, “Who are they?”

“Hey, don’t worry, there is always a but…” Shen Yu said with a smile, “It’s just that I’m not sure yet. If I’m wrong, won’t your Uzumaki clan be in trouble for no reason?”

“This…” The man scratched his hair, showing an embarrassed look.

“This is related to the safety of the Hidden Tide Village, so we can’t be careless about this,” Shen Yu pretended to be in deep thought, “How about this, if you don’t mind the trouble, I will write a letter now and retrieve information from the Chamber of Commerce’s database, so that we can definitely confirm their identities accurately.”

There is a ghost database at the headquarters of the Swordsmith… Uchiha Nian was a little stunned, looking at the uncle who was talking nonsense, and couldn’t help but cast a strange look at him, as if saying:

‘Uncle, you are too good at fooling people! ‘

Shen Yu glanced at him, and a barely detectable smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, as if responding:

‘What’s this, he still has to thank me! ’

“Ah, thank you so much!” The man was excited, grabbed Shen Yu’s hand, and his face was full of sincerity, “We, the Uzumaki clan, will never forget this kindness!”

“Well, I will go back and write a letter, but…” Shen Yu considered his tone and said in a pretentious tone: “We are not good at ninjutsu in the Iron Country. Although we have opened up diplomacy in recent years and the Chamber of Commerce has also reformed a lot, our spiritual communication methods are still very backward. The fastest time for message transmission is one day…”

“It’s okay, then I’ll trouble you, brother. We can wait . “The man patted his chest and said proudly, “Next, you two can live in the village with peace of mind. Don’t worry, I am the district chief of the southern division of the Whirlpool Country, Whirlpool Kongming. My words are still effective. As long as you don’t go to the restricted area, you can walk around the village freely!”

As he said, he suddenly thought of something and looked up at Shen Yu, “Brother, you look young, how old are you this year?”

“3…” Shen Yu blurted out subconsciously, but seeing the other party frowned, he immediately changed his words: “Uh… 23?”

“Well… That’s right, right?, I think you are only in your early 20s. “Xuanwo Kongming relaxed his eyebrows and stroked his smooth red hair, “Brother, I am 8 years older than you, so I will take the initiative here and call you brother!”

“Uh…brother?” Shenyu called tentatively.

“Yeah!” Kongming patted Shenyu’s shoulder, “I am here, you two brothers can stay as many days as you want! If you can really confirm the identity of these thieves, I will never let you work in vain!”

“Hey, it’s just a small effort, not worth mentioning.”

“Hey, you’re welcome. ”

The two of them were arm in arm, happy and intimate, just like a pair of brothers, while Uchiha Nian, who was standing beside them, had already frowned and stood there like a clay sculpture.

In this way, the uncle and nephew came out of the dungeon, and under the warm hospitality of Uzumaki Soumei, they had a full meal, and then were arranged to stay temporarily in the best hotel in Uzushio Village.

The economic strength of Uzushio Village is obviously not comparable to that of Konoha, and it is even slightly inferior to some small countries. Therefore, even the top hotels have some facilities that are a bit quaint and old, but they are better in the environment, with lush trees and strange stones, and you can enjoy more natural scenery.

Soon, night fell and the moon quietly climbed up the sky.

In the room, the windows and doors were closed, and the two sat opposite each other at the table.

“Uncle, leave this kind of thing to me.” Nian said in a low voice.

“It’s rare that I’m interested, you just stay here to protect my body from being disturbed. “Shen Yu waved his hand, “Besides, I still have to walk around the vortex village. If I encounter some restrictions, I need your help to break them.”

Shen Yu rejected Nian’s kindness, closed his eyes slightly, and with the rise and fall of the breeze, a light spirit jumped out from the top of his head, sank into the roof in a blink of an eye, and disappeared.

Nian was suddenly stunned. The operation of the uncle just now was too smooth, and even the steps of seal formation were omitted. The spirit was born from the thought, and the heart moved at will. This is the highest realm of “spiritual transformation”!

Even he, who also practiced “spiritual transformation”, did not react, and Shen Yu’s spirit disappeared.

The only thing he could feel was that the seemingly light spirit contained in it was as vast as the sea and unfathomable.

“Uncle…are you so powerful now?”

Until now, he realized that Shen Yu’s words “I still need your help to break it” were just to coax a child.

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