“Sealing Technique: The Demonic Seal!”

Uzumaki Kongming’s face was solemn. Under the solemn gaze of the elders of the Uzumaki clan, he completed all the seals with familiarity and precision, then put his hands together, and the air suddenly shook!

The strange and dark breath spread like mist, and the whole meeting room suddenly became cold. Accompanied by the sharp sounds of ghosts crying and wolves howling, a faint figure slowly emerged behind Uzumaki Kongming.

Holding ink-colored prayer beads, holding a short knife in his mouth, with a messy lion’s mane, his cheeks were ferocious like a ghost, and he seemed to be crying but not crying, and seemed to be smiling but not smiling. The corners of his mouth were raised, revealing white fangs, as if he was pitying the lives of all things, and also as if he was mocking the withering of life. Eight balls of pale nether fire slowly burned around his figure.

The god of death, appeared!

Shen Yu faced his huge figure, the surging air blew his hair, and his open shirt rustled, but his eyes were calm, and he was not shocked when the mountain collapsed in front of him.

In comparison, the caster, Uzumaki Kongming, was not so relaxed. His soul had been tightly bound by the long hair of the god of death, and his body had become an altar for him to descend to the world of the living. After the sealing ceremony was completed, he would accompany the god of death to hell forever.


The man in front of him promised that he would be fine!

Looking at Shen Yu’s calm eyes, his heart instantly felt more at ease, and his expression became firm.

After a discussion in the meeting room, everyone approved the plan proposed by Shen Yu.

But whether everything can be completed as desired, it is still necessary to overcome the first difficulty:

Can “Shiki Fengjin” achieve precise division and separate the “wedge” seal on Shen Yu’s body!

With this thought, Xuanwo Kongming immediately activated his power. After performing the spell, his vision was synchronized with the shadow of the god of death behind him. With his eyes of the god of death, the world seemed to become much clearer, and even the inside of things was extremely transparent. His vision completely entered another realm.

At this moment, he could clearly observe the life energy contained in every blade of grass and every tree. Everyone in the conference room was like a burning flame, which was the breath of chakra. Every meridian in their body and every movement were clearly visible, and even everyone’s soul was extremely clear!

And the person standing in front of him was simply a small, blazing sun!

His body is well-proportioned and strong, and contains unimaginable blood and energy. Every inch of muscle texture is like a divine iron that has been tempered a thousand times. With every move, he has the power to move mountains and lift tripods…

The soul in the sea of ​​consciousness is even more magnificent and profound, immeasurable, as if it is blending with the heaven and earth at any time, which is hard to describe…

The majestic and huge amount of chakra is pure and vast, flowing like the sea…

Even Kong Ming, who is a member of the Uzumaki clan, feels inferior to him. He has only seen that level in the ancestor Uzumaki Ashina!

But now is obviously not the time to be amazed. The “Shiki Fujin” technique can continue, which consumes his own vitality. Time is limited. He immediately gathered his mind and observed Shen Yu through the vision of the god of death, trying to find the “wedge” seal he mentioned.

This search really found some clues.

Whether it was the refined body like a divine weapon, the ethereal soul, or the mighty chakra, there was actually an aura that did not belong to Shen Yu at all.

Some kind of existence, like a seed, was deeply rooted in his body and spirit, and with his power as the source, it grew little by little, and refused to stop for a moment.

This aura was extremely mysterious and elusive. If it weren’t for the goal in mind, it would probably not be discovered at all!

Shen Yu frowned slightly, and noticed the increasingly solemn expression of the vortex Kong Ming. He suddenly had some guesses in his heart, and asked:

“How is it, can you see the existence of the ‘wedge’?”

Kong Ming’s forehead was sweating, “I can see it, it’s hard to describe what it is, it’s neither real nor unreal, like a dream, and it exists in your body and soul at the same time. The combination of the two is the so-called ‘wedge’.”

“Is it troublesome?” Shen Yu raised his right hand and stared at the diamond mark on the palm of his hand with a slightly cold expression.

“It’s not just a trouble. The mark on your hand is just an external manifestation. Its core is like a seed, and it has become a part of you! It uses your body to give birth to chakra that belongs to you and doesn’t belong to you, and…”

Uzumaki Kongming swallowed his saliva, “It is slowly waking up, and growing stronger with the passage of time, like a thawed and melted ice cube, constantly turning into water and merging into your body. If it’s normal, it’s fine. Once you use chakra to fight, or use its power, the melting speed will increase rapidly…”

“It won’t be long before the situation will reverse, andYou will become a part of it, and eventually die, and it will wake up completely and take its place…”

Hearing Kong Ming’s solemn description, the elders took a deep breath.

Uchiha Nian frowned and clenched his fist unconsciously.

They thought that Shen Yu’s trouble would be very difficult, but with the foundation of the sealing technique passed down by the Uzumaki clan for thousands of years, they should be able to win!

What they didn’t expect was that it would be so difficult!

The Uzumaki sealing technique can easily seal physical objects, seal chakra, and even seal souls, but if all three are sealed at the same time, the difficulty is not calculated by addition!

Shen Yu, the person involved, had a calm expression and raised his eyes and asked: “The short sword of the god of death can cut everything. Can’t this sword cut off the ‘wedge’? ”

“If you want to cut it off, you must have a target. Now the ‘wedge’ and you are inseparable. If you cut it rashly, it will most likely hurt your essence. Your body and soul will be damaged to a considerable extent!” Kong Ming replied with a stern face, his face became paler and paler, and he was about to give up.

He took a deep breath, “If the ‘wedge’ mark still remained at the moment it entered the body, maybe it could be cut off with a single knife, an ice block that has not melted at all…”

“Really? “Shen Yu’s eyes lit up, and the kaleidoscope pattern on his right pupil was like a rotating magic circle, instantly pulling his state back to the target point.

Kong Ming suddenly opened his eyes wide. Just at that moment, the power of the “wedge” was briefly separated from Shen Yu, and the spirit that did not belong to him was washed away, just like all the water flowing back and becoming part of the ice again.

Unfortunately, the opportunity was only a moment. The next moment, the ice began to melt again and became part of Shen Yu.

Shen Yu looked directly into Kong Ming’s eyes, his eyes were burning, “Can you cut it off just now?”

“Yes!” Kong Ming answered immediately, his tone tired and excited, “I can do it again!”

“It’s just that it’s only a brief moment to separate it from you…” He was a little embarrassed again, “At that moment, I can drive the phantom of the god of death to seal it. If it is sealed alone, it will probably be very difficult…”

“It doesn’t matter.” Shen Yu smiled slightly, “It’s okay to be able to separate, which means that our first difficulty has been overcome. ”

As he spoke, he looked at the vortex, and his deep gaze outlined his clear outline. “Heaven’s Constant Standing” was immediately activated, and the power of time and space was slightly distorted, and everything returned to its original state.

Vortex stared at his hands in disbelief. The shadow of the god of death disappeared instantly, and the bound soul returned to his body. The depleted vitality was also restored on the spot, as if nothing had happened.

“This is…” He couldn’t help but mutter to himself, “Your power…”

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