
In the western part of the Wind Country, in front of the gate of a fortress, a red snake was constantly raging and shuttling through the crowd.

Although it was huge, it was quite agile. Its huge body was like a flexible dump truck, winding forward at high speed, rolling up the yellow sand all over the sky, and its tail could cause mountains to collapse and crack the ground with a sweep.

“Ding Ding Dang Dang!”

Countless shurikens and detonating kunai hit it, but except for a few sparks, there was no effect. The hardness of the scales of the Xinya has surpassed ordinary steel, and even the detonating kunai was directly ignored.

However, its desire to attack was also quite strong. It proudly shuttled between the enemy formations and rushed forward. Every time it swung its tail, several ninjas flew backwards with blood.

Under the absolute suppression of its size, the ninjas’ defensive formation was like paper, torn into pieces, as small as ants.

“Wind Style: Wind Killing Formation!”

“Fire Style: Flowing Fire Falling!”

They did not sit still and wait for death. Instead, they used a set of wind and fire ninjutsu in perfect harmony. The wind helped the fire, and the flames that shot up into the sky instantly engulfed half of Xinya’s snake body.

Xinya opened his mouth and spit out a large amount of purple-black venom that poured out like a waterfall, extinguishing the flames in an instant. The two ninjas were also splashed with venom because they failed to dodge in time.

“Not good!”

Before the two of them could open their mouths to call for help, the parts splashed with venom began to emit “sizzling” white smoke, accompanied by a “cuckoo” sound that made people’s scalps numb. The two soon froze in place, petrified from head to toe.

The snake’s tail rolled up, and the two stone statues instantly exploded into stone chips all over the sky.

“Well done, Xinya!” The Third Kazekage shouted loudly.

“Stop talking nonsense!”

Xinya scolded impatiently, turned around and dived into the enemy formation, and began to crush the remaining enemies.

Several ninjas kept jumping back, narrowly avoiding the attack of the snake’s tail, but they were still swayed by the wind and were about to die on the spot.


Fortunately, his companions came to support him in time, and several explosive kunai hit Xinya’s head, and the explosion shook the air slightly.

Xinya shook his head and reappeared from the black smoke, with a huge lantern-like vertical pupil revealing bloodthirsty murderous intent.

It was not afraid of these attacks. In fact, except for its tail, its head was the hardest part of its body. The power of the explosive talisman was just tickling it. Its only weakness was… eyes.

Everyone thought that its reverse scale was its weakness, but they were all wrong. Its eyes were the most vulnerable part of its body. It was connected to some nerves of the brain. Once it was injured, it would probably lose its combat ability immediately.

Normally, it relies on a reckless and fierce fighting style to cover up the fragility of its pupils, but the “accidental” explosion just now affected its eyes, causing its movements to suddenly pause.

It immediately became furious, with its dark red snake tail raised high, aiming at the two people who had just attacked, and smashed down with the momentum of a meteorite falling to the ground!

As the two solemn faces were shrouded by a huge shadow, the two immediately bent their knees and jumped back, ready to dodge out of the attack range.

Suddenly, the third generation of Kazekage on the side took a long step and leaped up first, and his hands that quickly completed the seal flashed with dazzling lightning.

“Thunder Release: Thunder Arrow Prison!”

He swung his hands violently in the air, throwing out a dazzling ball of thunder, and the two were instantly struck by lightning, and their bodies were bathed in a sea of ​​lightning that splashed like water, and billowing burnt smoke came out.

“Watch out!”

At this moment, the snake’s tail came crashing down, sweeping up the two’s charred bodies, and throwing them far away like rags and sacks. Before they even hit the ground, they were already dead.

“Immortal Technique: Triple Suffering!”

The snake’s tail suddenly rushed out, and its huge tail turned into a long whip, hitting the ground with a “boom”. The powerful impact created a strong wind, sweeping all the ninjas into the yellow sand.

But the smoke and dust slowly dissipated, and three huge gullies appeared in the desert, shaped like a trident, with countless ninja corpses inside.


In the distance, on a towering sand dune, Shen Yu said with interest.

He looked at Orochimaru on the side and found that the disciple was staring at the snake’s tail in the field, with a certain light in his eyes flashing like breathing.

He chuckled and asked meaningfully, “Orochimaru, what do you think of Shinga?”
-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

“Very strong!” Orochimaru’s eyes were solemn, “Let’s not talk about the advantage of size, it knows how to cooperate, which is already ahead of most summoned beasts, and… there is an inexplicable power in this guy’s body… It’s comparable to the tailed beast…”

“Do you like it?”

Kamiyu showed a meaningful smile, “If you like it, I’ll give it to you.”

“What?” Orochimaru was stunned, his golden vertical pupils widened, and subconsciously felt thatFang was joking, but the next moment, he suddenly felt that this was not a joke for Shen Yu.

After all, this master was not only extremely powerful, but every move seemed to be full of meaning.

Off the field, the battle continued.

The battle lasted for three hours because even though the Third Kazekage and Orochi Shinga cooperated well, the enemies seemed to be endless and continued to emerge from all directions.

Moreover, after the opponent learned of Shinga’s weakness, the balance of victory began to tilt towards this group of masked ninjas.

“Tsk tsk.” Shen Yu put his hands behind his back, “The size of this group of people is almost equal to that of a ninja army.”

Orochimaru nodded solemnly, “It seems that there is a reason why this fortress must be attacked.”

Shen Yu glanced at him, “What do you think this group of people is for?”

Orochimaru’s thoughts turned, and he suddenly thought of a possibility, and took a breath, “Could it be that they learned the information of the Uzumaki clan and wanted to seize Uzumaki Kana in the fortress?”

“When looking at things, never just look at the surface, think from multiple angles, and you will have a more comprehensive answer.” Shen Yu said earnestly.

Seeing Orochimaru’s puzzled look, he chuckled and said, “I’ll ask you a question. For such a huge fortress, knowing that it is so precious, why is there only the Third Kazekage guarding it alone?”


“Don’t forget, this is the Land of Wind. Even if the Sand Village is slow, it will not let its own shadow fight alone, right?”

Orochimaru thought, “Maybe… they are not as united as they seem on the surface?”

“Don’t be silly. The Third Kazekage was able to take the position in the shortest time. Do you think it is possible if he doesn’t have a stable enough support rate?”

Kamiyu shook his head and gave the answer directly: “This group of people are obviously from the Sand Village.”


Orochimaru asked in confusion, “Our own people? Why attack our own fortress? Why kill our own shadow?”

“I don’t know. This may be the tradition of the Sand Village.” Although he said “I don’t know”, his eyes were moving around the body of Orochi Shinga. His narrowed eyes flashed a ray of light.

Soon, Xinya showed signs of fatigue under the continuous attack, and the Third Generation Kazekage also retreated to the fortress early, and only Xinya was still struggling to hold on.

“Xinya, this place is about to be captured, retreat quickly!” The Third Generation Kazekage raised his head and shouted.

Xinya turned his head to look at him, with a human unwillingness in his eyes, “It’s not over yet! I’ll attack again, and this time I will definitely knock them all away! You come to cover me!”

After saying that, regardless of how the Third Generation Kazekage reacted, it rushed out directly, bringing up rolling yellow sand.

Because it had unreserved trust in the Third Generation Kazekage.

“Our combination can’t lose, charge!”

It shouted, the snake head raised high, and was about to spit venom.


Suddenly, a streak of lightning flashed across the sky, like a sharp arrow, striking Xinya’s back of the head from top to bottom. Inside the lightning, there was a steel needle-like iron thorn, which directly pierced Xinya’s right eye.

Lightning gives speed, and iron provides piercing power…

Severe pain came, but Xinya was stunned. Such a sharp lightning escape and magnetic escape, the caster can only be…

It habitually turned its head, but found that the vision of its right eye had already fallen into darkness. It could only turn its head clumsily. In the remaining left pupil, a cold figure was reflected.

The third generation of Kazekage!

He had not yet put down the handprint, and there was only coldness on his expressionless face.

“Why…” Xinya’s body was shaking. Compared with the severe pain in his body, the mental damage directly destroyed his fighting spirit.

“Xinya, your power is hard to control, but now, we have a way to truly control you.” The Third Generation Wind Shadow spoke lightly, and as soon as the words fell, Xinya’s huge body fell to the ground with a bang.

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