Uchiha Jing looked at his brother. He didn’t even have the courage to draw his kunai for this man who killed all his companions in a second.

After experiencing that terrible illusion, his desire to fight had been completely extinguished. Shurikenjutsu, fire escape technique, and even the illusion he was most proud of were not worth mentioning in front of him.

What if he really burst out with the power in the illusion? If he acted rashly, it would probably cause his companions to die tragically!

“Do you think that as long as you don’t take action, your companions won’t die?”

Jing’s heart sank, and he looked up in horror. Shen Yu was looking at him leisurely, with a half-smile in his eyes, as if he could easily see through all his thoughts.

The skeleton reappeared, and a dark bone arm was raised high, slowly moving above Hiruzen and others, like a giant python foraging in the ancient forest, greedily searching for its prey.

“Good brother, who is your best friend?” Shen Yu asked softly, his voice was like a gentle brother caring about his brother’s social life.

But in Jing’s ears, it was no different from the whisper of the devil!

“What…what are you going to do?” He didn’t dare to answer.

“What? Of course I want to punish you. If you hadn’t betrayed me, I wouldn’t have had such a big grudge with Konoha.”

Shen Yu smiled at his brother. Although he said it harshly, his smile was still clear and dust-free, rippling with warm sunshine.

“Don’t tell? So cunning, then I have to guess it myself.” Shen Yu stroked his chin, and his huge bone hand shuttled in the air.

The bone hand slowly swept over everyone, from Danzo, Hiruzen to Akimichi Tofu, and then to Mitomon En and Utatane Koharu beside him…

Everyone stared at it, their eyes trembling, cold sweat dripping, and the shadow of death loomed in everyone’s heart.

“Is it him?” The contemptuous voice hit the heart like a heavy hammer!

“Bang!!” The bone fist smashed down.

A heart-wrenching scream, mixed with the numbing sound of bone cracking, Qiu Daoqufeng’s body was deeply embedded in the fist pit, life or death unknown, and the hot blood quickly dyed the water red.

“Ahhhhh!” Jing rushed forward desperately. The double torture of illusion and reality was about to drive him crazy.

“Stop.” Shen Yu turned his head slightly and glanced at him.

Jing’s fingertips just touched the skeleton, and he stopped abruptly. When his eyes touched the gorgeous Mangekyo Sharingan, his body seemed to be out of control, and all movements stopped suddenly.

“It’s an illusion!”

His heart stopped suddenly, and a trace of indescribable fear and confusion flashed in his eyes!

“Don’t be impatient, our game is not over yet.” Shen Yu smiled and said, “It seems that I guessed wrong, so… the game continues.”

Danzo stared at the bone hand in fear, his breathing became more and more rapid, he had a hunch that this time it was coming for him!

The bone hand stopped above him, and he could even see the blood on it. Danzo’s face was pale and his heart was pounding.

“I’m going to die!”

“I’m going to die, die, die!”

“No! I can’t die like this!”

“I haven’t become a Hokage yet, and I haven’t made a name for myself yet!”

“Move, damn it!”

He wanted to escape, but he couldn’t muster a bit of strength. Among these people, his injury was the lightest. He was just kicked by Shen Yu just now.

But that kick happened to hit a certain position, which was the key acupuncture point for his chakra to circulate. The kick was neither light nor heavy, which caused the ninjutsu he had brewed to explode in his body. Countless tiny wind blades attacked him and ran around in his body, causing serious damage to his meridians, so he could not move.

The bone hand was approaching, and the shadow cast by the moonlight was getting bigger and bigger, and his body was covered with goose bumps.

“Think of a way!”

He gritted his teeth and suddenly shouted:

“Sir Shen Yu! I usually look down on Uchiha Kagami the most!”

Everyone was stunned, even Hiruzen on the side looked at him blankly.

“That’s right, the person I hate the most is Uchiha Kagami. What is he? He is just a guy who can only brag. After all, I am the one who has the worst relationship with him…” Danzo ignored the gazes of his companions and talked to himself.

“Tsk.” Shen Yu curled his lips, and with a casual wave of his Susano bone hand, he pushed Danzo far to the side, and rolled and crawled far away, just like sweeping away a troublesome insect.

“You don’t even have the qualifications to die in my hands.”

Shen Yu’s indifferent voice floated over from afar.

At this time, a black shadow flashed, and a bone hand appeared beside Hiruzen, pinching his head with two fingers, and lifted him in front of Shen Yu like a chicken.

“You’re still okay.” Shen Yu smiled evilly and drew out the long sword behind him.

In Jing’s horrified eyes, a knife stabbed into Hiruzen’s heart with a “puff”!

As the knife twisted, hot blood gushed out like a spring.

Hiruzen’s eyes bulged out, his body spasmed, and the intense pain made him open his mouth, but he couldn’t make a sound.

He kicked his legs and was silent.

Uchiha Jing’s pupils shrank into needles, and that moment was frozen in front of his eyes, and the piercing cold ran from his spine to the top of his head.

“Is this… the real ninja world…?”

From birth to the end of the Warring States Period, he was well protected by Shen Yu.

From joining Konoha to now, he has been well protected by his teachers.

In the final analysis, this is the second time he has personally felt death except for the time with his parents.

His heart stopped beating at this moment, and his bloodshot pupils flashed with great fear. His face was ashen, and his mouth trembled unconsciously, but he couldn’t make any sound.

This unbearable appearance made Shen Yu frown.

“Strange, isn’t it him either?”

Shen Yu glanced at his frightened brother, and the disappointment in his eyes could no longer be concealed.

From the beginning, his crazy killing had only one purpose, which was to stimulate Uchiha Kagami to open his eyes.

Uchiha, the most delicate clan, no clan has deeper love than Uchiha.

Once the Uchiha who understand love loses that strong love, love will be replaced by stronger hatred, resulting in extreme pain. At this time, their Yin Release Chakra will undergo a qualitative change, acting on the optic nerve, and the eyes will change accordingly.

This is the reflection of the soul pupil, the Sharingan.

On this basis, more extreme and stronger emotional stimulation can make the Sharingan evolve to the final state, that is, the Mangekyō Sharingan!

As far as Shen Yu knows, when the Sharingan is opened to three magatama, the stimulation of life and death is the key factor to induce the evolution of the Sharingan, such as witnessing the death of an important person, which is how he opened his eyes.

In his heart, his brother is a complete traitor. For a guy like this, the real important people are definitely not in the clan.

But after trying for so long, even if he saw Sarutobi Hiruzen die in front of him, this guy still didn’t have any signs of opening his eyes.

“Is it because the bond we have established is not enough?”

Shen Yu glanced at Hiruzen’s body, pondered for a moment, and his gorgeous right pupil turned faintly. An unknown force acted on Hiruzen. From a perspective that no one could see, Hiruzen’s broken heart healed miraculously, but his heart veins were still damaged, and the external injuries were still there, cleverly maintaining a half-dead state.

Judging from the current situation, Sarutobi Hiruzen is more useful alive than dead.

His affinity is still good, otherwise he would not have been able to be a Hokage for so many years in the original time and space.

Therefore, Shen Yu decided to spare his life first, and wait until he and Kagami have established a deep bond, and then kill him again in front of Kagami.

As for that Akimichi Takafu… it doesn’t matter. Shen Yu doesn’t care about his life or death at all.

“It’s time… to get down to business.”

He held the knife and walked step by step to the side of Senju Hashirama. He raised his hand and swung the knife without any hesitation.


A figure appeared silently and blocked the knife. The sparks splashed, illuminating the cold face and a pair of murderous eyes.

Silver hair and red eyes, tall and straight, wearing a black tight combat uniform with blue layered armor on the outside, and a special white down collar on the shoulders. The action is decisive and the killing intent is awe-inspiring!

Senju Tobirama!

He still wore the iron forehead protector in the style of a face protector, but the logo on the forehead has been changed from the clan emblem of the Senju clan to the logo of Konoha.

“I’ve been waiting for you for a long time, Tobirama-sama.”

Shen Yu was not panicked at all, and even looked at him with a little excitement, as if he had expected it.

Tobirama didn’t dare to look directly into his weird pupils, so he didn’t see the deep sarcasm in Shenyu’s eyes.

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