Kannabi Bridge, underground base.

Uchiha Kuang sat on the bed in the secret room with his knees down, eyes closed, trying to divert his attention by refining chakra, but he couldn’t concentrate after trying several times, so he opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling blankly.

Suddenly, the ground shook slightly, and a heavy sound came from the stone door.

Kuang trembled slightly, and her beautiful eyes immediately regained their spirit. She jumped off the bed quickly, like a kitten, and rushed to the door of the base in three or two steps.

“Ban… Madara-sama!”

Uchiha Kuang stood at the door of the base, leaning against the wall, his long hair was haggard, covering his face limply, his face was as pale as paper, and his black clothes were tattered, and the whole person looked very embarrassed.

However, what Kuang cared about most was…

“Ban-sama, your eyes…what’s wrong?” She squinted and moved closer, and then she could see Madara’s face clearly, and one of his eyeballs had completely turned white.

It was a kind of empty, pure white, not the gray-white pupils of the Hyuga clan. Madara’s eyes seemed to be fused with the pupil and the white of the eye, and it was eerie.

“Some unexpected situations occurred, but… fortunately the plan was successful.” Madara said weakly, adjusting his breathing slightly, “I can still afford this price.”

He took something out of his arms and carefully spread his palm. The light saw that it was a small piece of meat, which contained extremely rich Yang escape chakra and looked bloody.

Looking at the piece of meat in his hand, Madara moved the corner of his mouth and pulled out a tragic and victorious smile, “The peace of this world will eventually be created by me!”

Like the original time and space, he did not really die. Before the battle with Hashirama, he secretly kept a hand.

He preset “Izanagi” in the Sharingan.

This is one of the Uchiha clan’s ultimate eye techniques, which can transform unfavorable things that happened within a period of time into illusions, and only choose things that are beneficial to oneself to become reality.

This is the real “art of rewriting fate”, which can change even the reality of death. It is a terrifying eye technique that can make oneself invincible.

The price is… after the activation, one of the caster’s Sharingan will inevitably go blind.

Madara used “Izanagi” to fake his death and survived at the cost of one eye blindness. When he woke up slowly, he found himself in the secret room of Konoha. The guys in Konoha did not bury him obediently.

He sat up and spit out a piece of meat from his mouth. It was bitten off when Hashirama was not prepared, and it was also the ultimate purpose of his trip.

He gasped heavily, and while slowly regaining his calm, the unwillingness in his heart surged up like a tide.

“I didn’t expect to be defeated by Hashirama…”

He quickly cheered up, escaped from the secret room of Konoha Village, and quickly returned to the base according to the pre-set retreat route.

“Master Madara, where is Shen Yu?”

Guang walked around Madara lightly and looked behind him. Seeing no one, he lay at the stone door again, looking out like a meerkat, his beautiful eyes narrowed into a slit, sparkling.

“He didn’t come back with me.” Madara glanced at her and walked into the base step by step, “Don’t worry, that guy won’t be killed easily.”

“Oh, okay.” Guang’s heartbeat seemed to miss a beat, and he quickly closed the stone door, “Master Madara said he’s fine, so he must be fine.”

Faced with Guang’s worries, Madara acted calmly, he was very confident in Shen Yu.

From Madara’s point of view, Shen Yu’s pupil technique also has the ability of time and space, enough to compete with Tobirama’s Flying Thunder God Technique. As long as he doesn’t waste time, it’s not difficult to run away.

Moreover, after leaving Konoha Village, he specifically checked the breath of the Nine-Tails and found that the summoning contract had not been lifted, which showed that Shen Yu had completed the task.

Madara turned his head and looked at the light with his one eye, “Go and prepare, and start transplanting Hashirama cells immediately.”

Iron Country.

The blue sea was surging, fish were swimming on the surface, colorful seaweeds were blooming, and faint spots of light were projected down, swimming with the waves.

Suddenly, a residual image flashed by and instantly tore the sea surface.

It was difficult to see what it was. It was simply a high-speed cruising torpedo. Countless bubbles gathered into a straight trajectory, splitting the fish and seaweed like a sword, and then slowly dissipated.

After a few breaths, a huge sound wave roared and smashed all the corals like a bomb.

Shenyu was swimming in the sea. At this moment, he did not suppress his strength at all, but used his new ability to completely immerse himself in the pleasure brought by high-speed sailing.

After the secondary optimization of “Moxu Luo”, his current swimming style has become extraordinary, and water control has become an instinct.

When he moves, he subconsciously controls the water around his body.Molecular density, put yourself in a thin molecular bubble, use compressed water flow to propel yourself forward in the ocean, compress the water behind you, “soften” the water in front of you, the role of muscles is limited to adjusting the course, and you will not be exhausted by high-speed movement.

It is no exaggeration to say that his current swimming speed is far faster than all marine creatures. Shen Yu roughly estimated that his current fastest speed is almost 60 times the speed of sound!

“Sea King… is also pretty good.” Such a thought popped up in his mind.

He opened his hands, and the whole person moved sideways like a ghost, and turned into a backstroke. The dark reef flashed past his nose almost quickly.

“Hahahahaha! I’m not a human anymore!” Shen Yu shouted excitedly, dancing with joy, but unexpectedly, the sea water poured into his mouth, “gulp” choked out countless bubbles.

Swimming at high speed, he almost approached the land in less than 5 minutes.

But for some reason, someone wandered aimlessly in the sea for a few hours…

Hiding in the trench to sleep…

Breathing with dolphins…

Dancing on the back of a blue whale…

Throwing killer whales into the sky…

Pushing turtles to race…

After playing for a long time, he swam to the land with great reluctance.


He jumped out of the water like a cannonball, turned 720 degrees freely in the air, turned two and a half times in the air, and landed on the ground in an extremely standard and perfect posture, with his knees slightly bent, his hands raised straight, his eyes slightly closed, and a proud smile on his face.

“Please give the judges a score!” He shouted passionately, still immersed in his own world, like a madman.

With a clang, on the shore, an old man who was catching fish dropped his shovel and it fell at his feet. He looked embarrassed and quickly lowered his head to pick it up.

Shen Yu opened his eyes and his old face turned red.

He really didn’t expect that it was already early in the morning and someone would get up so early to go fishing.

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