The door behind him opened, and Pochi, who had turned into an ordinary cat-sized one, floated onto his shoulder.

“30,000 taels, be my navigation.” Shen Yu said leisurely.

After figuring out the reason, he quickly accepted the fact that being a road idiot now does not mean that he will always be a road idiot.

If he really completes the evolution of magnetic field induction, all space-based ninjutsu will be invisible in front of him. Under the premise that his mental power is strong enough, the entire ninja world, no, even outside the planet, but within the field, will become a living map in his mind!

To a certain extent, there is also a kind of magnetic field between people. He can even use magnetic induction to influence the human body, assimilate and change his emotions, and then use illusions to control their spirits.

But this is a double-edged sword. If the mental power is not strong enough, if you rashly sense it, you may be empathized by others and become confused.

“Lead the way?” Pochi narrowed his eyes, “30,000 taels is not enough, at least 50,000.”

“Haha, whatever you want.”

The man and the cat quickly walked out of the cat house and walked to the city gate.

“Isn’t Shenyu worried about being exposed? It’s not like you to walk down the street so brazenly.” Pochi licked his paw.

Shenyu spread his hands indifferently, “Calculate the time. Senju Hashirama is busy with the Five Kage Talks right now. It’s impossible for him to come all the way to see me. As for Senju Tobirama… Hehe, I wish he would come to see me.”

He had learned about the information about the Fire Country through Zesuke a long time ago. He spent several thousand taels. Although it was expensive, it was true and reliable.

A cow-colored ninja cat passed by Shenyu’s feet and stretched lazily as if no one was around.

Then, the ninja cat stood up, formed a seal with its two front paws, and slapped the ground.

“Summoning Jutsu Meow!”


A large amount of white smoke dissipated in front of him. Shenyu turned his head slightly and stared at a group of fresh Uchiha.

“Hey, long time no see.”

He found a familiar figure, his eyes were light and his mouth was smiling, “Good brother.”

Uchiha Jing was stunned. The boy standing across the street looked familiar…

Handsome features, gentle as jade, and black-dyed hair naturally scattered. Although the clothes have changed, the extraordinary temperament is exactly the figure he has been thinking about day and night?

“This is…”

“Uchiha Shenyu!”

Beside Jing, Uchiha Setsuna immediately bent his body and drew his sword, as if facing a great enemy.

In an instant, the two of them opened their Sharingan in response.

The Chunin who were traveling with them drew their swords and cast hostile eyes, and the scene suddenly became tense.

What’s funny is that these people all wore furry cat ear props on their heads, and together with the children behind them, they also tried to make ferocious expressions.

This thing is called a cat tool. Wearing it, you can understand cat language. For Shenyu, it is completely unnecessary because he has already adapted to the language of cats through pupil techniques. This skill made Uchiha Guang envious.

“Meow!” The cow cat jumped up, and its fur instantly stood up. It hid aside and bared its teeth.

Uchiha Setsuna was unmoved. He was also a ninja who survived the Warring States Period. In the final decisive battle, he was surrounded by the Thousand Hands and surrendered. He survived by chance.

But Uchiha Shenyu was different. He fought with the Thousand Hands until the last moment, and he had to stop until Madara-sama was defeated by Hashirama.

Five years ago, Madara left Konoha and called on the whole clan before leaving, but Setsuna did not leave with him.

On the one hand, he was really tired of war. Peace was hard-won, and he didn’t want to go back to that life of suffering;

Secondly, Madara didn’t explain clearly what the “real road to peace” he mentioned was, which made most of the tribe members confused and completely unable to understand the behavior of the tribe leader;

Finally, when Setsuna looked around, he saw that all the tribe members were looking at each other, sitting there without moving, and he didn’t have the courage to stand up.

But the man in front of him not only followed Madara-sama out, but also showed his Mangekyō Sharingan in a high-profile manner, and made a strong move, blowing up the gate of Konoha Village, and even Senju Tobirama couldn’t stop him!

Especially a few days ago, at the end of that shocking battle, Tobirama exhausted all means and tried his best to kill him. Although the result was not announced to the public, Setsuna speculated that this famous “speed ghost” was probably dead.

But now, he is still dressed brightly and standing in front of everyone with a bright look.

Therefore, he has to be nervous now!

“Jing, I’ll go first, you cover the tribe members to evacuate!” Shan Na stared at the figure opposite him, “Tsk, although I look down on you, but now there is no one else I can rely on except you!”

In fact, Shan Na’s mood is complicated, because he has always looked down on the doorAlthough he could not find any fault, he felt uncomfortable every time he faced those eyes full of scrutiny and vigilance.

If it were not for the sake of Senju Hashirama, he would have been unable to bear it.

Now looking at the high-spirited Shenyu, he actually had an…unspeakable envy.

Damn… Why was it not me who followed Madara-sama at the beginning…

“No! You can’t stop him.” Uchiha Jing said in a tragic voice: “At this moment, it is me who should stay behind!”

“What a joke? Do you think I don’t know that he is your real brother?” Setsuna whispered: “The drama of brothers killing each other is really ugly.”

“This is not my choice.” Jing said in a low voice, because he knew that Shenyu’s eyes were always on him.

“Really!” Setsuna said angrily: “You left when I told you to, so this is why I hate you!”

Their little actions were seen by Shenyu, but he just sneered and slowly withdrew his gaze.

“Let’s go.”

“Go south for three thousand meters, meow…”

The man and the cat ignored everyone and walked away.

Jing and Setsuna were stunned at the same time.

“He…didn’t do anything?”

Setsuna let out a long breath, and his tense nerves gradually relaxed. This feeling of hovering between life and death was really long overdue.

A gust of wind blew over, and his back felt cold. He realized that before they even fought, the other party just gave him a look and he was already sweating profusely.

Uchiha Jing stared at the back unwillingly, with mixed feelings.

For some reason, although the conflict was avoided, the more careless Shen Yu’s attitude towards him was, the angrier he became.

“Swish, swish, swish!”

Suddenly, three shurikens flew out of the team and headed straight for the back of Shen Yu’s head.

Pochi didn’t even look at it, but moved his tail, and the blue mist rolled up, easily blocking the shurikens.

! ! !

In the eyes of Jing and Setsuna, Shen Yu paused, turned back slowly, and frowned slightly.

Damn it!

Who threw it! ! !

Setsuna turned back suddenly. It was a Chunin in the clan, about sixteen or seventeen years old. He had just opened the Sharingan a while ago and was eager to prove his age.

At this moment, he was excited, and there was a little hope in his excitement. He looked at Setsuna, trying to get praise from his predecessor.

‘I overcame fear! Dare to face a strong enemy! ’


Uchiha Setsuna roared, but it was too late.

Shen Yu just took a step forward, and his body was in a daze, and he came to the crowd in an instant.


The strong sonic boom was like a bomb, and the impact was accompanied by a strong wind, blowing everyone away.

The two jonins in the team were the first to stabilize their balance. Jing turned around in mid-air and pulled the three boys to his chest to prevent them from hitting the building behind them, while Setsuna stabbed the ground with his sword, leaving a long groove.

When they looked up, the terrifying scene was reflected in their wide-open Sharingan eyes:

Shinyu was wearing a skeleton, and a huge bone arm stretched out from the curling black air, grabbing the chunin who had just attacked.

“Lord Madara will not get angry with the weak, but I am not as noble as him.” Shenyu slowly drew his sword, and a cold breath spread, “You shot me three shurikens, and I will return you one sword, which is reasonable.”

Silently, “Frost’s Heart” was suddenly unsheathed, and a green light flashed by.

With a “puff”, in the horrified eyes of all Uchiha, the chunin was split into two pieces, blood splashed from the fingers of the bone hand, and organs flowed.

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