Inside the base, Shen Yu pushed the door open and entered, and a man sitting on a stone chair came into view.

Uchiha Madara was still shirtless, with bloodstains crawling all over his body along the gaps in his muscles. From a distance, his body was covered with scars, most of which had healed and scarred, leaving only a piece of flesh on his chest that was still bloody red.

It beat like a heart, and every time it twitched, a little blood would seep out.

In contrast, Madara looked calm and at ease. Seeing Shen Yu return, he looked up.

“It’s a little later than I expected.” Madara spoke in a low voice, seeming to have experienced a lot.

“Ah, something unexpected happened.” Shen Yu walked towards Madara, thinking that Guang really didn’t lie to me, and Lord Madara was really worried about me.

He took the initiative to explain: “Thanks to Senju Tobirama, I went to the Iron Country. Although it was embarrassing, it was not without gain.”

“Oh.” Looking at the blood-stained Madara, Guang Xiu frowned slightly, picked up the towel and threw it into the water skillfully. Madara glanced silently, and his face twitched slightly.

“What is this for?” Shen Yu scratched his head.

Guang explained: “Mada has transplanted the flesh and blood of Senju Hashirama, but it has not healed for a long time, and the blood cannot scab, causing the wound to be exposed. In order to avoid infection, the excess blood must be cleaned.”

As she spoke, she had already come in front of Madara.

“Uh…” Shen Yu was speechless.

You should take a look at Madara’s expression first, he is obviously resisting.

“It doesn’t matter, she is right.” Madara said with a tense face.

Shen Yu pondered for a moment and said, “Wait, if you want to clean the blood stains, I have a better way.”

As he spoke, he came to Ban, stretched out his palm, and aimed at Ban’s chest from a distance.

“Master Ban, it’s time.”

“Yes, anytime.” Ban looked indifferent.

Suddenly, his skin quickly felt cool, as if he was soaking in spring water. He was a little surprised that there was no pain from wiping his body in the past.

In a blink of an eye, his upper body was soaked, the blood stains fell off, and his skin became clean and tidy again. Thousands of small streams of water wrapped the bright red blood and converged on Shen Yu’s palm.

“This doesn’t seem to be water escape?” Ban narrowed his eyes, “Water vapor in nature?”

“As expected of Master Ban.”

Shen Yu nodded, and in front of Ban, he couldn’t help showing a bit of pride, “This is one of the gains I mentioned.”

He threw the water ball into the sink with a flick of his hand.

“I… have adapted to the sea.”

Ban suddenly raised his eyes, his pupils trembling slightly, “Hehe, it must be painful.”

“Yeah, I almost died.” Shen Yu looked at Ban’s chest, “But compared to Master Ban, it’s still a lot worse.”

Ban leaned back on the chair with his head raised, his eyes wandering, “I have been in the ninja world for many years, and I have never been so weak. The chakra in my body is extremely disordered, like thousands of balls of wool entangled with each other, cut and untangled, let alone fighting, even my mental strength is not as good as before…”

“You still have us!” Guang said firmly.

“Pain is only temporary, and you will be reborn after you get through it.” Shen Yu said softly, “This is what Master Ban told me.”

Ban’s eyes regained their spirits and looked into Shen Yu’s eyes.

“I am very much looking forward to… Master Ban’s power of all things.” Shen Yu smiled.

A smile also crossed the corners of Ban’s mouth. He slowly exhaled and said in a gentle voice: “Tell me about your experience these days.”

“Uh, so, when I’m not here for a few days, you will give this to Master Ban?”

In the warehouse, Shen Yu stared at the piles of carrots and fell into deep thought.

“This thing is good. I heard that these help wounds heal…” Guang’s pretty face blushed, and her two little hands clasped together, her voice became less and less confident.

“Carrot soup, carrot rice, steamed carrot, dry fried carrot, carved hollow carrot…”

That can’t be eaten all the time… Shen Yu’s forehead drooped with a few black lines. Poor Master Ban, what has he experienced these days.

“These are good, but they can’t maintain basic nutrition. Although I don’t want to admit it, Master Ban is weak now.” Shen Yu turned around, “I’m going out for a while, and I still have to have the necessary ingredients.”

A few minutes later, he came back with a round wild boar in his hand, which had just been slaughtered.


A foot-long blade of light appeared from Shen Yu’s fingertips, shining like translucent jade.

He quickly gutted the wild boar, took out the internal organs, and cut it into large and small pieces of meat. The whole process was smooth and there was no blood on his body.

All the splattered blood was wrapped by the water and sent to the sewer.

Soon, as the onions, ginger and garlic were fried in the pan, a faint smell of meat wafted out of the kitchen, and the sizzling sound of the meat in the pan made people salivate.Even Guang beside him couldn’t help swallowing his saliva.

Shen Yu glanced at her and suddenly found that the little girl was staring at him intently, staring at his every move, cooking steps, heat, oil temperature, types of seasonings, and the amount of sprinkles, etc., unwilling to miss any details.

“You want to learn, I can teach you, right?” Shen Yu began to stir the wok.

“I didn’t learn it. I don’t need you to teach me anything except fighting.” Guang snorted.

Big sister, look in the mirror before you say this, your Sharingan is open… Shen Yu shook his head and laughed, raised his hand and cooked the fried sugar color.

In the stone room, Uchiha Madara, who was pale, suddenly twitched his nose. He raised his head and his stomach rumbled.

Soon, Shen Yu walked into the stone room with a plate of delicious pork belly.

“Mada, this is the pork belly I made for you.”

“I cut the side dishes.” Guang quickly added.

“It’s fat but not greasy. Would you mind giving me a taste?” Shen Yu said with a smile, “It’s good for your injury…”

“I’ve tasted it first. It’s not poisonous. You can eat it without worry.” Guang wiped his moist thin lips.

Ban, who was resting with his eyes closed, slowly opened his eyes. The pork belly in front of him was fragrant and bright in color, but he just glanced at it.

“No need.”

“As expected of you, Lord Madara. It seems that ordinary food is not to your liking.” Shen Yu raised the corner of his mouth, “But this is not ordinary pork, but a wild boar from the deep forest. It also has chakra in its body, which is considered a ninja beast…”

As he said, he looked at Uchiha Guang and winked, “Speaking of which, this is also the first time I use ninja beasts to cook. I can’t guarantee the taste. It seems that… Lord Madara doesn’t dare to challenge its taste.”

Guang looked at him strangely, nodded belatedly, and agreed: “Yes, Lord Madara can’t do it…”

“Humph, it’s just a ninja beast.” Madara snorted coldly, “Give it all, I’ll eat it all for you!”

The two looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

Madara picked up a trembling piece of meat and slowly put it into his mouth.

! ! !

He suddenly opened his eyes wide.

It is tender and elastic, with a dense texture. With a layer of red soup, the aroma of meat and fat alternate in the mouth, which is very enjoyable.

“Oh? You are very motivated. I can’t lose to Master Madara!” Shen Yu picked up the chopsticks and joined the battle.

“You… you are cheating, wait for me!” Guang puffed up his mouth and came over.

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