“I am also a ninja, and this is how ninjas fight.”

Behind Hashirama, Shen Yu slowly drew out his light blade, his limbs were normal, and his previous embarrassment was completely gone.

With the next knife, he aimed at the neck.

“The compatriots of Konohagakure are all part of my body. The people in the village believe in me, and I believe in everyone…”

“What?” Shen Yu frowned, not hearing what Hashirama was saying.

“I will pin my dreams on the distant future, and you…” Hashirama said weakly, “Go to hell and repent!!!!”

He shouted, squeezed out the last bit of strength from his whole body, turned around with all his strength, and punched Shen Yu in the chest!

This punch condensed the entire will of the ‘God of Ninja’ and gathered all the fairy chakra. It was the last swan song of his life!

The huge force actually broke through the defense of the “Poseidon Body”, and the force penetrated the bones, causing Shen Yu’s internal organs to shift.

Shen Yu coughed up blood and flew backwards, turning into a straight line, and this direction was exactly where Jing was at the moment.

He had just run to Tobirama and pulled out the “Frost Heart”.

The distance of a thousand meters passed in an instant, and Jing felt a flash in front of his eyes, and a person flew in front of him.


Jing stared blankly at the face close at hand, the strange and embarrassed face, and was a little at a loss for a moment.

It was not until a touch of warmth flowed through his wrist that he saw his trembling hands and the knife that pierced his brother’s heart.

“You have worked hard over the years, brother.” Shen Yu’s head was weakly supported on Jing’s shoulder, whispering in his ear.

Familiar words, familiar tone, familiar… warmth, pulled his thoughts back to yesterday.

On the Hokage Rock, in a corner where no one cared, a person accompanied him to talk, to watch the stars with him, and to look at the prosperous Konoha with him… That was the first time in so many years that he felt less lonely.

“So… it’s you…”

Jing took several steps back, looking at his brother lying on the ground in horror, his facial features twisted little by little, and his expression gradually became crazy.

In the distance, Hashirama looked at Shenyu’s body and could no longer hold on. The facial lines representing “Sage Mode” slowly disappeared, like a falling sunset.

He fell back limply and closed his eyes tiredly.

Jing couldn’t believe what he saw in front of him. He stepped back uncontrollably, instinctively wanting to escape from it all, until he could no longer retreat and his back hit the rock.

“No, no, no, I killed my brother!”

He looked at his bloody hands, and his eyes were dark red, which was the blood and tears that blurred his vision.

“Jing, chop off his head and gouge out his eyes!”

In the distance, the weak Tobirama suddenly spoke.

Jing, who was about to collapse, was suddenly stunned. What did he hear?

The teacher who had always been the most respected, not only watched him kill his brother with his own eyes, but also let him torture his corpse?

“Hurry up!” Tobirama covered his chest, where blood was gushing out. His voice was weak and urgent, “Hurry up and do it!”

Jing looked at his teacher blankly, then at his brother, hesitant and at a loss.

Should I do it?


I don’t even know why he left the village that year?

I still don’t understand what the will of Madara he insisted on is?

I still don’t know why he is against Konoha?

I don’t know what he has experienced in these years? Is he living well?

I don’t understand… why he has let me go again and again?

It turns out… I don’t understand him so well.

He obviously doesn’t understand anything, but he still shamelessly stands in the sun to judge others, judges his own brother…

It’s so ugly…

If I could talk to him earlier and understand everything about him earlier, perhaps the ending would not be so tragic…

Until the end, I killed him with my own hands.

He was so powerful that he was fine even when facing Hashirama. Why did he die in his own hands?

“Why? Why should I kill him? I am the one who has no right to do it!”


The extreme coldness swept in all directions, and the cold and piercing chakra burst out. In the unbelievable eyes of Tobirama, Jing opened a pair of blood-red eyes.

As the bloodshot crawled all over the pupils, the tails of the three magatama gradually lengthened and connected together. The ink-colored patterns expanded outward and finally changed into a fixed shape, like a slender clover.

Mangekyō Sharingan!

Tobirama opened his mouth wide, and for the first time in his life, he lost his composure. Something beyond his understanding appeared. His face was as pale as lime. He didn’t know whether it was because of pain or fear.

Suddenly, Jing trembled, and a moment of astonishment flashed across his face, and then he returned to nature. All emotions were withdrawn from his eyes, leaving onlyThe heart was as calm as still water.

Tobirama’s throat rolled and he opened his mouth, but before he could ask, he saw Jing shooting a kunai at him.


A breeze moved, and a large hand appeared out of thin air as fast as thunder, with two fingers extended far away, reaching in front of the newly born Mangekyō Sharingan eyes.


Jing disappeared out of thin air and appeared beside Tobirama, catching the kunai with one hand and resting the other hand on Tobirama’s shoulder.

Shen Yu missed and looked at his brother with some surprise, his left eye had turned into a gloomy white.

And his body had already turned into crystal light and dissipated, like a bubble that collapsed in the sun, leaving no trace.

“Why?” Puzzled eyes flashed in Jing’s eyes, and the blood and tears on his cheeks had not yet dried, “Why do you do this?”

“Of course it’s for you, brother.”

Shen Yu tilted his head and smiled, the lines on his right pupil rotated like a clock, and the injuries on his body were restored to their original state in the distorted moonlight. Chakra quickly recovered, and the pale and empty left eye also bloomed with a strange red light again.

Everything before was for this moment.

He deliberately took that punch from Hashirama…

The direction of being repelled was adjusted…

Even the knife that pierced his heart was only effective when he secretly attached “Autumn Dew on the Leaves·Golden Armor” to the blade…

“I didn’t expect that your movements were so fast. It seems that the Mangekyō Sharingan has made you a lot stronger.”

As soon as the voice fell, he saw a flash of afterimage, and he appeared in front of Jing again, and his slender big hand grabbed Jing’s head.

Silently, Jing activated the “Flying Thunder God Technique” again, and disappeared with Tobirama.

“What happened?”

Shen Yu frowned. His normal speed was enough to beat most of the Kage-level strongmen in the ninja world, but he was easily avoided by this brother who had just opened the Mangekyō Sharingan twice in a row.

At this moment, he suddenly raised his eyes, and a hundred meters away came in an instant. His right hand stretched out like lightning and grabbed a certain void.

He grabbed a figure out of thin air, and his big hand tightly pinched Uchiha Jing’s neck, as if he had pulled it out of space.

“Stupid, you must always record the opponent’s intelligence during the battle. You will never learn it…” Shen Yu sneered and raised his left hand, stabbing Jing’s eyes.

Jing coughed and his face turned red. He stared at the fingers that were getting closer and closer without blinking, and a smile suddenly crossed his mouth, “Actually… I have learned it.”

With a “bang”, he turned into white smoke and dissipated.

“Shadow clone?” Shen Yu frowned. At the moment of distraction, Uchiha Jing suddenly appeared from the other side, which was exactly where Tobirama was just now.

He had already left the Flying Thunder God Mark.

He threw a kunai in the direction of Hashirama without hesitation, but Shen Yu would not let him do so. He blocked the kunai with a flash body technique.

“Ninjutsu·Kunai Shadow Clone Technique!”

A flash of blue light, the kunai instantly turned into thousands of densely packed kunai, which seemed to be able to shoot Hashirama into a hornet’s nest.

But Shen Yu understood that although Jing was a green boy, he was also a real Uchiha, and his shuriken throwing skills were not to be underestimated.

Those kunai looked dangerous, but in fact they could not hurt Hashirama at all.

“You really underestimated me.”

Shen Yu gave up chasing the kunai and rushed towards Hashirama, ready to wait for him.

As expected, Uchiha Kagami appeared next to Hashirama in an instant, but before he could touch Hashirama, he was greeted by a fist as big as a sandbag!

Kagami was not panicked at all, and the kaleidoscope in his left eye quietly turned, allowing the fist to hit his chest.

A trace of surprise flashed across Shenyu’s eyes, but he did not hold back. The power burst out from the peak of his fist, and a sonic boom was created in an instant.


Kagami’s chest was visibly rippling, and his whole body trembled violently, flashing countless afterimages in the space, and then returned to normal.

He raised his hand to fight back, and the same sonic boom punch hit Shenyu’s chest, blasting Shenyu, who looked surprised, away.

“What the hell?” Shenyu frowned, and his feet drew two hundred-meter-long tracks on the ground.

Kagami did not hesitate, and immediately grabbed Hashirama’s arm and escaped into the void, without a trace.

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