The battle ended very quickly. Shen Yu skillfully put the bodies of Konoha ninjas together and burned them to ashes with a fireball.

Ninja battles are also intelligence battles.

Destroying the bodies can conceal their own intelligence to the greatest extent. Even if it is a corpse, ninjas have ways to extract information.

At this time, Madara came over.

“I watched your battles yesterday and today. Humph, I can only say that you rely too much on your eye skills.”

He commented, seeming a little dissatisfied.

“Uh… I would like to hear more.” Shen Yu suddenly became restrained.

“Whether it is ninjutsu or taijutsu, they are too crude. Not only are they not elegant in battle, but they can’t become strong just by fighting with poor intelligence!”

Madara shook his head, “If you can’t kill the enemy at first sight with your fighting style, you will definitely suffer a big loss in the next battle.”

Shen Yu was a little embarrassed. Madara’s comments were sharp.

His foundation was indeed very poor. He was pushed to the battlefield with almost no training. His fierce and brutal skills were honed in the battlefield.

After opening the Mangekyō Sharingan, he developed this self-sacrificing fighting style to the extreme.

In short, although the Mangekyō Sharingan gave him a magical ability and made him quickly powerful, it also led him to a wrong path – one-sided pursuit of killing efficiency while ignoring basic practice.

You know, the truly powerful techniques are accumulated little by little through details and efforts.

Take Might Guy in the original time and space as an example. Was the amazing kick that almost kicked out the finale just based on the Eight Gates? No, the Eight Gates only magnified his basic physical fitness infinitely. The truly powerful one is still himself.

If he hadn’t practiced hard for decades and polished his body bit by bit, how could he have gained power far beyond the Five Kage after opening the eighth gate? How could Ye Kai have the power to kick the Six Paths?

Without accumulating small steps, one cannot reach a thousand miles; without accumulating small streams, one cannot form a river or sea.

This truth is very useful no matter where you are.

“Physical skills cannot be won by being brave and fierce. The key lies in the control of details. Ninjutsu cannot increase its power by simply exploding chakra…”

Ban’s comments continued. At the end, he shook his head and said, “Forget it. While you are still young and have not completely gone astray, I will give you some pointers.”

Kamiyu was surprised and happy to hear this, and there seemed to be stars in his eyes.

“From your fighting style, you are a bold and careful person, and that chakra blade also proves that you have the talent to finely control chakra. Hum, you can be called a good embryo…” Ban raised his chin, “Then, are you willing to endure my tempering?”

“I am willing!” Shenyu nodded immediately, like a chicken pecking at rice.

After cleaning up the battlefield, Shen Yu looked at the stone wall in front of him. What caught his eyes was a complicated and difficult sealing technique. He wisely stepped aside to make room for Madara.

Madara placed his fingers on the stone wall and muttered to himself, “Sealing time and space… I see.”

Shen Yu was a little excited. He didn’t expect Madara’s sealing skills to be so strong. Just as he was looking forward to how Madara would unseal the seal, a touch of sea blue light suddenly flashed in his eyes.


Madara opened the initial form of Susanoo. As the huge blue fist swung out, the stone wall was instantly shattered. In the smoke and dust that rose to the sky, the sealing technique was also destroyed.

“Uh…” Shen Yu’s eyes were dull.

“What are you looking at?” Madara glanced at Shen Yu and folded his hands on his shoulders. “As long as the carrier is destroyed, no matter how strong the sealing technique is, it will lose its effectiveness.”

The earth and rocks fell, and when the smoke and dust dissipated, a dark hole appeared in front of the two.

“Fire Style: Burning Fire.”

Shinyu snapped his fingers crisply, and the air above his fingertips twisted slightly. A wisp of flame ignited out of thin air and quickly expanded into a palm-sized fireball.

Under the illumination of the fire, the situation in the cave was clearly visible.

“Oh? Are you so proficient in Fire Style…” Madara stared at Shinyu’s operation, slightly surprised.

Generally speaking, ninjas can control the running route of chakra by making hand seals, so that it can act on the body or outside the body, which is called “jutsu”. Indra, the ancestor of Uchiha, once created twelve basic hand seals, which were circulated in the world and benefited the entire ninja world.

But for ninjas who are proficient in a certain ninjutsu or a certain nature change, because their bodies are already familiar with the operation of chakra, they can simplify the hand seal process. Those with extraordinary talents do not even need to make hand seals to achieve instant ninjutsu.

Shinyu walked in front with the fireball in his hand. At the innermost part of the cave was a spacious open space. On the ground, the black-colored technique in the form of a magic circle was dissipating in circles.

“It’s underground.” Madara’s voice floated behind him.

“Yeah.” Shen Yu nodded, seeing that Ban didn’t have anyHe did not know what to do, so he began to seal and pressed one hand on the ground.

“Earth Style: Earth Flow Wave.”

A strange wave spread out in all directions, with Shen Yu’s palm as the center, the ground turned outward inch by inch, and the soil and rocks flowed like a flowing stream.

Shen Yu’s chakra has six attributes: wind, fire, water, earth, thunder, and yin. Although he is not good at many ninjutsu, they are all practical, such as fire style and thunder style, which are more focused on merit, and earth style, which is more focused on defense and assistance, which are basically for combat and survival.

Soon, a pit of medium depth appeared on the ground, and a black-haired girl was hugging her knees and curled up in it.

She was thin, wearing a shabby black dress, and her long silky hair was winding on the ground, like a lonely lily.

Sensing the air circulation and the slightly hot firelight, she trembled slightly and slowly raised her head.

“Uchiha Wuming, from today on, you are free.”

A white hand stretched out and handed it to her.

She looked up, and her black eyes reflected a gentle face.

“Who are you? Why? Why did you let me go?”

She tilted her head in confusion, her voice soft and gentle, like a swaying wind chime.

“Like you, I am an abandoned person. As for the reason for letting you go… you can understand it as a group for warmth.”

Shen Yu smiled, in the warm firelight, his pupils were as warm as jade, and his faint smile seemed to be able to seep out the sun.

“In short, you don’t have to stay in this dark place anymore.”

“Unconditionally?” She hesitated, “But why, why do you want to save someone like me for no reason…”

“Why, have you accepted your fate?”

Shen Yu stared into her eyes, recalling the lines of Boruto in the original time and space, his voice full of determination, “Don’t lose to the fate that others have decided for you, decide it yourself, create it yourself, this is your fate!”

In an instant, her eyes were surging, as if a stone fell into the clear lake, spreading gentle ripples.

She stared at the boy in front of her in a daze. In the dark seal, she couldn’t even feel the passage of time. The long emptiness almost wiped out her emotions, leaving only endless hatred and layers of ice in her heart.

But now, these ices are melting layer by layer.

For some reason, Wuming, or Uchiha Guang, took Shen Yu’s hand and let him pull her up.

Shen Yu couldn’t help but use his eyes to measure her height. She was actually half a head taller than him.

She looked about 12 years old, probably frozen at the age when she was sealed. Her eyebrows were picturesque, her eyes were like autumn water, her face was small and soft, and her facial features were perfectly proportioned. Although a little dirty, it was hard to hide her beauty.

Her black clan clothes were tattered, and her slender white feet were exposed. She had no shoes, but only a rough bandage around her ankle.

The moment she stepped out of the cave, the dazzling sunlight shone on her pale cheeks. She was not used to it and couldn’t help squinting her eyes.

She raised her hand to cover her forehead and slowly moved out of the cave. It seemed that the last time she walked in the sun was a long, long time ago.

“Is this Wuming?” Ban was also looking at her.

After a long time, she finally adapted to the light a little, and her vision slowly focused. Shen Yu’s back became clearer and clearer until a familiar “round fan” clan emblem came into view.

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