Jing lowered his head, and his vitality was slowly draining from his body.

“Brother, I can give you my eyes, but I have a condition.”

Shen Yu showed an expression of “as expected”, “Tell me.”

“Five years…” Jing took a deep breath, “After five years, I will personally offer my intact eyes to you. During this period… please don’t attack Konoha!”

“Just like that?” Shen Yu raised his eyebrows.

“Yes, I only need five years, brother.” Jing said weakly: “It was not easy to establish Konoha. Before that, I lived in a dark world every day, worried and anxious, worried that you would leave me forever one day, just like my father and mother…”

Shen Yu’s heart moved, the breeze blew his long hair, and his eyes trembled imperceptibly, like a stone thrown into a calm lake, causing ripples.

Jing said weakly, “I have tried my best to avoid their affairs. I know, it’s not my brother’s fault. You were also forced to be dragged to the battlefield and forced to fight. They prayed for you and practiced medicine for you out of love, so they were killed…”

“What qualifications do you have to blame me?” Shen Yu’s eyes twitched slightly, “It was the Senju clan who killed them!”

“Yes, so I resent the war, the hatred, and this chaotic world! In war, everyone is a victim…”

Jing struggled for a while, and his internal injuries were affected, causing him to cough uncontrollably.

After a while, he calmed down. “The emergence of Konoha not only made the two tribes stop fighting and make peace, but also ended the chaos and saved all the children in the world from the suffering of war. In my heart, this is the right path to peace.”

“Brother, how much I want… how much I want you to live with me in Konoha. We go to school together and become apprentices together. With your talent, you will definitely be valued. It is not impossible for you to become a Hokage in the future… But the reality is that no matter whether I walk on the streets of the village or return to the clan, I have to accept countless cold eyes and Pointing fingers at me…”

“My companions in the village suppressed me because of my Uchiha identity, and my clan excluded me because I was the disciple of Master Tobirama. Konoha did not consider me a friend, and Uchiha did not consider me a clan…”

“At home… there was only that cold bed. For 11 years, whether in the village or in the clan, I was alone… alone…”

“I gave you a chance.” Shen Yu sneered, “But not only did you not leave with me, you also betrayed me.”

The eyes of Jing, the two blood holes burst into tears, “I don’t understand, no I really don’t understand why you left the village, why you destroyed everything crazily, and why you attacked Konoha with Madara-sama! ”

“Brother, I never thought of killing you. My only purpose in practicing hard until now is to catch up with you, so that you can return to Konoha and feel the real peace… If possible, I am even willing to die for you…”

He smiled miserably and touched his empty eyes, “For me, there is more than a pair of eyes. Even if I give you my life, what’s the harm? Blame it on me for being too weak and not being able to stop you before all this happened…”

“I know that now that Hashirama-sama is dead, it is wishful thinking to take you back to Konoha…”

“War is coming, I need strength to protect Konoha and keep this humble and hard-won peace…”

“I only ask you… Brother, I only ask you to give me 5 years, I will protect these eyes, and I will do my best to live until I deliver these eyes to you…”

As he spoke, his breathing became weaker and weaker, the frequency of his chest rise and fall became lower and lower, and the fingertips to the heart became colder inch by inch.

Shen Yu remained silent, quietly looking up at the sky. In his clear pupils, the sky was no longer pure ice blue, but like the undulating sea surface under cirrus clouds, dark blue and deep.

“So, the future you chose is just to linger for five years?”

“Heaven’s Constant Standing” was running slowly, time was still, space was stagnant, Jing felt as if he had left the orbit of the world, and under the influence of an indescribable mysterious force, his body recovered in the blink of an eye.

His hollow eyes were intact, his body warmed up, his heart resumed beating, and power flowed through his muscles, as if all the injuries on his body were wiped out in an instant, without any process.

“Brother… Is this brother’s power…”

His vision was restored in an instant, and he saw his brother’s face again, and… that sharp look.

Shen Yu suddenly attacked, and a sword finger pierced Jing’s heart, the sword light spurted out like a pillar, breaking a blood hole in his back, and blood rain splashed down.

Jing opened his mouth in disbelief, bloodshot eyes, although he opened the moment he recovered”Garuda”, but Shenyu’s sword directly surpassed his absorption frequency!

“Such a powerful pupil technique, you actually used it like this, I’m too lazy to adapt.” Shenyu shook his head, his tone could not hide his disappointment.


Jing knelt on the ground with a plop, sweating profusely.

What’s going on? Why didn’t this scene appear in the future?

In the future when “Takama-hara” flashed, there was a scene where Shenyu tried to take his eyes as soon as he looked back, but he would return in vain under the timely coverage of “Garuda”.

If this move was aimed at his eyes, then there is no doubt that his eyes would be blinded instantly, and his head would be pierced through together.

Jing was breathing rapidly. Although his heart was repairing and his flesh and blood were healing, he still felt cold all over. A great fear lingered in his heart and lingered.

“What? Are you scared?” Shenyu hugged his shoulders with both hands, stepped on Jing’s shoulders, and tilted his head.

“I’m too lazy to go to Konoha to kill people, so you should bear this attack to vent your anger for them.”

“Brother, you…”

“Shut up.” Shen Yu kicked him away, the lines at the corners of his lips were cold and hard, “My brother has died forever on that night 11 years ago. I buried him with my own hands.”

Jing fell backwards and crawled a long way before he could barely get up.

“I…” His eyes trembled, and he reached out to the figure in front of him, probably wanting to grab his sleeve, just like before, but he couldn’t grab anything.

Shen Yu turned around indifferently, the sunlight blurred his outline, making it unclear, and only heard a trembling voice: “As of today, if I can’t see your intact eyes in 5 years, Konoha… has no need to exist.”

The ground exploded, a whirlwind suddenly rose, and a shadow shot into the sky, rippling a circle of milky white air waves.


Jing’s knees softened, as if he had lost all his strength. He knelt on the ground in despair, with two lines of blood and tears dripping down his cheeks.

He covered his heart, which was very uncomfortable, as if something had been gouged out by someone alive.

What he didn’t know was that in the deepest part of his heart, Shen Yu had already set a confinement spell.

This was the only sealing technique that Madara passed on to Shen Yu. If you bury the seal in the opponent’s heart, you can control the opponent at will. If you want to take the seal off, your actions will be suppressed and you can’t remove the seal by yourself.

However, Shen Yu’s attainments in this area were too shallow, and he only learned a little bit.

He couldn’t control Jing’s body at will, but could only set up restraints so that he would protect his eyes in the first place when facing an unavoidable crisis. When his eyes were overloaded, he would forcibly interrupt the output of pupil power to prevent the Mangekyō Sharingan from being excessively damaged.

Jing looked at the sky, and a deep fatigue penetrated into his bones. Just thinking of that resolute back, his internal organs seemed to be churning.

He looked sad and closed his eyes silently.

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