Land of Thunder, Extreme Thunder Gorge.

On the only way back to the Hidden Cloud Village.


A violent explosion shattered the rocks!

Two streams of light moved at high speed between the mountains and collided with each other. Under the strong fluctuations, the ground continued to tremble.

Then, a dark red beam of light tore through the dust curtain like an anti-aircraft gun and pierced through. Wherever it passed, the rocks exploded until the figure with dazzling lightning flashing all over the body was embedded in the mountain, and then slowly dissipated.

The man broke through the wall, his clothes were tattered, his breath was disordered, like a wild goose drenched by heavy rain, and the light all over his body was dimmed a lot.

Dark skin, thin but not thin body, it was the first generation of Raikage, Ai!

He jumped to the ground with a jump, and then quickly turned around, facing the billowing smoke and dust, his dark face was full of solemnity.

There were corpses all around him. The Kumogakure envoys who returned from Konoha were all dead or wounded. His guards were all beheaded and blood was everywhere.

“Why! Why!”

“Why are you doing this!” The first Raikage roared with thunderous anger in his eyes.

The smoke and dust scattered, and two sturdy figures slowly appeared.

They were tall, with ferocious muscles, and naked killing intent in their fierce eyes. The heavy and tyrannical aura was overwhelming.

One had golden hair that was wantonly flaunted, and the other had dark silver hair. The sharp long horns brought a strong sense of oppression, and the two pairs of eyes were flowing with strange purple light.

“Kinkaku, Ginkaku!”

The first Raikage said angrily, “I know there are many disagreements between us, but why did you attack and kill your companions? What’s the difference between doing this and being a traitor!?”

“Baka, do I need to explain to him now?” Ginkaku sneered and turned his head, “Kinkaku, what do you think?”

Kinkaku moved his neck, making a “crackling” sound, “There’s really no way, after all, he’s a companion, it’s okay to tell him.”

“Someone doesn’t want you to live, and…” Ginkaku raised his eyebrows and pretended to be embarrassed: “If you don’t die, we can’t find a reason to attack Konoha.”

“If we kill you, our companions in the village will think that Konoha killed our Cloud Hidden Land Mission, so they can share the same hatred and unite as one.” Kinkaku added.

“What!” The first Raikage’s eyes widened, “You…are you crazy? The ‘God of Ninja’ is still alive, how dare you do this!”

The brothers looked at each other, with unspoken mockery in their eyes, “This is not something you should consider.”

“Old man, you don’t have much time left. Instead of abdicating, you might as well use your last bit of strength for the village before you die.”

The two brothers approached together, and as soon as the voice fell, a strong tailed beast chakra burst out from his body!

The dark red tailed beast coat slowly covered the body surface, and their bodies grew little by little until they turned into two huge monsters with six tails.

Half-tailed beast transformation!

“How hateful! You disregarded the lives of your companions just to satisfy your own selfish desires. As the founder of the Hidden Cloud Village, I will never let you two do whatever you want!”

The first Raikage roared, and the surging lightning chakra enveloped his whole body, the current surged, the thunder shone, and the light all over his body became more dazzling.

“Asshole, do you really not understand or are you pretending to be confused?” Silver Horn sneered, and the exoskeleton was generated inch by inch, wrapping the limbs and head like armor, “The real reason for killing you is… We brothers have been annoyed with you for a long time!”

The ground was in turmoil, and the two brothers moved together, stomping the ground with four claws, and rushed up like hungry tigers.

“Even if I am torn to pieces, I can’t watch you ruin the future of Yunyin!”

The first generation of Raikage turned into lightning and raised his arms to meet the attack, “Lightning Release: Double Thunder Plow Hot Knife!”


The lightning and the power of the Nine-Tails collided brazenly, the ground exploded, the wind blew up, the scattered arcs smashed the surrounding rocks, and the circular shock wave swept a hundred meters in an instant!

This is a pure confrontation between beasts!

The three of them went back and forth in Yunlei Gorge, punching each other, and from time to time there were thunder and lightning across the sky, energy bursts, and the Yunlei Gorge soon raised dust and smoke.

Because of his advanced age and the fact that he was attacked by the Jinyin brothers beforehand, the first Raikage soon showed signs of defeat and was knocked away by a headbutt from Jinjiao.

He coughed up blood and flew backwards, the lightning on his body flickered and was almost extinguished.


Ginjiao launched a sneak attack from the ground, and his two pale bone claws deeply penetrated the Raikage’s arm. He opened his mouth wide and used the hard teeth given to his head by the exoskeleton, and bit the Raikage’s neck with a “click”!

“Ah!” The Raikage groaned, and the lightning chakra in his body completely dissipated.The severe pain went straight into his brain, and the Silver Horn was tearing his flesh and blood crazily!

In a short breath, blood gushed out like a spring, quickly dyeing his chest red.

He clenched his teeth, concentrated the last of his strength on his left hand, and slapped the Silver Horn’s hard skull hard, and the huge force burst out, knocking him out.

However, a purple-black sphere had already accumulated power and spurted out from the mouth of the Golden Horn. The terrifying gas explosion came in an instant, and a straight long line was instantly blasted out of the ground!

! ! !

The huge explosion sounded throughout the canyon.

“Tick, tick.”

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and the first generation of Raikage leaned against the stone wall weakly, and the whole person slumped in a pool of blood, his eyes were dull, and the light gradually faded.

Half of his body had disappeared.

At this moment, a fragrant breeze blew from the side.

In the last moment of the First Raikage’s life, he saw a cloaked figure and a long sword burning with black flames that pierced his chest.


“Amaterasu” burned fiercely and soon wrapped the First Raikage’s body. In less than three breaths, it was burned to ashes.

The figure glanced around slightly, and her eyebrows were slightly frowned.

Two beast-like figures fell from the sky and landed in front of her with a “boom”. The wind blew, and her black robe fluttered, outlining her perfect figure.

She raised her hand to lift the cloak, revealing her beautiful and refined face, like a lotus emerging from the water.

Uchiha Hikari.

The gold and silver brothers walked forward slowly, and their tall and majestic bodies formed a sharp contrast with the slender and delicate girl.

They stared at the girl, and finally leaned over together, knelt on one knee, and knelt in front of the girl in the posture of servants.

“Meet the Master!” The brothers Jin and Yin shouted in unison, their eyes pious and respectful, with an absolute sense of obedience.

Guang seemed a little dissatisfied, looking down at the two brothers with a look of disdain.

The breeze brought the cold and gentle voice of the girl:

“Why did you make such a big noise? Clean up the battlefield quickly, destroy the bodies and leave no traces!”

“Yes! Master!”

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