Konoha Village, an unknown underground base.

This is the personal research institute of Senju Tobirama.

The facility is located in the core area of ​​Konohagakure Village. It is large in scale and surrounded by dense woods. It not only ensures the secrecy of research work, but also facilitates the development of ninjutsu or various experiments.

Uchiha Kagami followed Tobirama into the stairs, pushed open the secret doors one by one, and entered the empty laboratory. He had not recovered from the shock just now.

“Teacher… recognized me…”

“He wants me to become Hokage…”

He was a little absent-minded, and Tobirama’s earnest expression and gratified words kept replaying in his mind. He just followed him into the laboratory mechanically, so that he ignored the surrounding scenes.


Tobirama pulled down the switch, the circuit was connected, and several rows of bright yellow headlights lit up, and the dark laboratory immediately became clear.

Kagami recovered and began to look around subconsciously. A strong sense of disobedience suddenly arose in his heart.

The first thing that caught his eye was a huge central control console, covered with flashing screens and buttons, connected to a variety of experimental equipment through sophisticated circuits.

Special sealing devices for the development of ninjutsu, chakra analysis instruments, and more than a dozen unnamed biochemical experimental equipment. If it weren’t for Tobirama introducing them, he would have even thought they were some kind of combat machinery.

Dust floated in the beam, and the air was filled with a strange smell of metal and potion. Rows of refrigerators and filing cabinets passed by on both sides. Through the glass storage cabinets, you can see various test tubes, culture dishes and colorful reagents.

Jing felt dazzled. He was now in the center of the laboratory.

Going further in, the interior of the laboratory was divided into several clearly organized areas, rest area, herbal medicine area, training area… Listening to Tobirama’s understated introduction, it seemed that each area had different functions.

Jing opened his mouth wide and looked at his teacher in surprise, as if he had met him for the first time.

Although the laboratory is equipped with advanced scientific and technological equipment, Tobirama still retains some traditional elements, such as the family emblem of the Senju clan, ninja tools, and some ancient scrolls and books on the wall.

This made Jing slightly relieved and realized that he was still in the ninja world.

He had nothing to say. He saw too many things that he couldn’t understand today. If he had to sum it up in one sentence, Tobirama’s research institute was simply a model of the combination of biology, technology, and ninjutsu.

In a certain cultivation room, he even saw lava. In the rolling heat waves, there was a dark purple plant growing, with branches and twigs growing horizontally, growing like a bunch of thorns, and a faint black gas was steaming on the surface.

The air was distorted, and the heat could be felt through the glass.

“That’s the ghost bud grass. Don’t look at its unprepossessing appearance, but it’s the key to our experiment this time.” Tobirama noticed his gaze and explained, “The solution in the ghost bud grass can easily and effectively reduce the body’s rejection reaction. This is a kind of penetration and fusion based on the gene level…”

Soon, Tobirama brought him to the core of the laboratory. The moment he pushed the door open, Jing was stunned and dumbfounded.

What did he see? In a huge container tank at the deepest part of the room, the buried first generation Hokage was quietly soaking in the dark green solution, his eyes closed, his face peaceful, and his long black hair scattered like seaweed.

A thick stack of experimental materials was placed on the workbench on the side, and the walls were covered with a variety of charts and data. Obviously, a certain research has been carried out to a certain extent.

“Sense! (Teacher!)” Jing opened his eyes wide and pointed at the glass tank in the distance with trembling hands, “This is…”

Tobirama sighed softly, “It takes strength to become a Hokage, but your current strength mainly comes from the pair of Mangekyō Sharingan. Once you go blind, your strength will drop instantly.”

“Your information reminded me that if the vitality contained in my brother’s cells can be transferred to you, perhaps the self-healing factor can be used to continuously repair the optic nerve, thereby avoiding the risk of blindness…”

Listening to Tobirama’s story, Jing still felt unbelievable, “Teacher can do even this kind of thing?”

“The question is not whether I can do it, but whether you… can accept it?” Tobirama said calmly: “I can’t guarantee that the experiment will succeed. Once it fails, your life and Konoha will perish together.”

“It seems that the teacher has handed the village to me in disguise.”

Jing took a deep breath, “Then come on, as long as I can win this war and protect more companions, I am not afraid of failure!”

Only he knows his physical condition best. Every time he uses the Mangekyō Sharingan’s pupil technique, both his vision and body areThe strength of the body is decreasing day by day.

He doesn’t know how long he can hold on, three months? One month? If this goes on, there will be a day when he will be completely blind.

Tobirama opened the refrigerator, and with the cold air gushing out, he took out a small bottle of golden solution as if it were a treasure.

The test tube shook, and under the light, layers of light golden ripples appeared.

“This is the gene liquid that I spent several weeks extracting from the cells in my brother’s body.” Tobirama carefully held the test tube, “Our ultimate goal is to inject it into your body, fuse it with the cells all over your body, regenerate genes, and completely inherit his power.”

Jing’s pupils contracted unconsciously. He felt the vigorous vitality in this small bottle of solution, and the pure vitality was as strong as the scorching sun.

He even had a hunch that if this solution was dripped into the soil, a towering tree would rise from the ground in an instant! If it was all spilled, a dense forest would be created in an instant!

He really couldn’t imagine what terrible things would happen if he injected this bottle of solution into his body now…

Either he would be burned to ashes, or he would become a tree man…

“Don’t worry, of course not now.”

Tobirama returned the gene liquid to the refrigerator and locked the door layer by layer. “In the next three days, I will also extract your gene liquid from you, analyze and compare the differences, and then use a special fusion agent to try to fuse the two…”

“Through continuous adjustment, adjust the concentration of the gene liquid until it is assimilated into the one that suits you best…”

“After all the samples are perfectly fused, the injection of the gene liquid will begin.”

“This is destined to be a long process, and we may have to endure countless failures…”

Tobirama’s eyes penetrated his eyes, and his tone was full of trust and firmness, “No matter what the final result is, I, and the entire Konoha Village, will bet everything on you.”

Jing nodded solemnly.

“First, I need to check your current physical condition and measure your current physical fitness in all aspects…”

Three days later, Tobirama had a light red solution in his hand.

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