Start with Uchiha to escape and sail

Chapter 312 Use that trick, Metkai!

The Great Heavenly Lord appeared directly in front of Aizen, showing a arrogant smile. He wanted to draw out Aizen's soul.

He felt that the reward for getting this soul would definitely be able to further his strength.

A Dou Sheng level alchemist is enough to determine the strength of this soul. It is not rare, but it is almost never caught.

Hun Xuzi attacked his teacher before, but he didn't have the soul strength to get it.

So he was very sure that after getting Aizen's soul, he would definitely be rewarded by the palace master and increase his strength!

"You have deep malice!"

"It seems like you are targeting me!"

Aizen, on the other hand, asked with interest.

He hasn't felt like this for a long time. He used this feeling to treat himself, those hollows that could only devour.

"Give you a chance, join the Soul Palace, you can survive."

The Great Heavenly Lord said to Aizen, as if he had given him some kind of gift.

If Aizen is willing to work for the Soul Palace, it will still be of great value. After all, the other party is an eighth-grade alchemist.

The Soul Palace also has a lot of requirements for elixirs.

At the very least, the person in front of him is worth much more than Hun Xuzi.

But what answered him was that the golden flash that Aizen released with his fingers was only released using fighting spirit, and it had the power of earth-level fighting skills.

The golden virtual flash directly cuts through everything it touches, including space.

"Then you'd better die here!"

Seeing Aizen treating him like this, the Great Heavenly Lord was also a little angry and shameless.

A tiger-like ghost head appeared directly from his body and rushed towards Xudian, and the two forces expanded and exploded directly in the sky.

Although he only had the strength of a One-Star Fighting Saint, Aizen did not fall at a disadvantage in the fight.

When the two of them fought, they both deliberately raised their positions. Dai Tianzun did this to avoid affecting his own people, and the same was true for Aizen.

"Fight the enemy as a team of three, with the goal of killing the target!"

Zhisui brought a large team here and said to them.

Itachi also led a large team, and Fugaku also led one. Izuna's team couldn't keep up with the strength, and was only in charge of a small team, mainly sniping Douzong.

Uchiha Yugen left a shadow clone responsible for taking care of these clansmen. If any of them are found to be invincible, he will directly influence the eyes to rewrite the memories of those in the Soul Palace and save his own people.

What is below is just training, the main thing is the battle in the sky.

After all, there are still many people waiting to take action.

All battles take place in the air to avoid affecting the city where Fenglei Pavilion is located.

A bunch of messy abilities, all used in the air are fancy, slow light, negative ghost, booger bombs, etc., appear all the time.

The Dou Wang collective that they fought couldn't react at all. They had never seen such ability.

Above Dou Huang and Dou Zong, there are some dangerous levels from shadow level to super shadow level.

But it was still manageable, and everyone was fighting seriously.

In this world, the Uchiha clan is not used, which makes many clan members feel disappointed and feel that they have not helped the family. This time they all want to go all out to reduce the pressure on Uchiha Yugen.

Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama teamed up to deal with Er Tianzun, and they could barely fight back and forth. The high-level half-saints did not have such strong space control.

Normal space confinement is of no use, so they can only fight head-on. However, the two are old rivals and are very skilled in joining forces, reaching the point where 1+1 exceeds two.

The low-level half-saint of the Three Heavenly Lords was stopped by Metkai.

For others, if they are not strong enough, the two of them will work together to deal with one person, for example, Naruto and Sasuke will work together to deal with the Eight Heavenly Masters of the Dou Zun Eight Stars.

Urahara Kisuke, on the other hand, worked with Yoruichi to deal with Kutenzun, the Seven Stars of Dou Zun.

Several other Tianzuns were also divided up, and there was no one left.

"This Flame Alliance actually blocked the attack of the Soul Palace!"

Old Monster Lin was very surprised when he saw that the people in the Soul Palace did not have any upper hand.

Although it cannot be compared with the Dan Pagoda's response to the entire Soul Palace, it is able to block nearly one-third of the Soul Palace's strength at this time, which is enough to prove the strength of the Yan Alliance.

At this time, he was a little tempted. If he could really cooperate with Yanmeng, Danta's strength would definitely become stronger quickly.

However, if it is involved in these struggles for power, it will be difficult to maintain Danta's transcendent status, and if it continues to fight with the Soul Palace, some people may not be able to accept it.

"What kind of monster are you!"

The Three Heavenly Lords looked at Metkai in surprise.

Because he found that the man in front of him did not use any fighting skills when fighting, and relied entirely on his body to fight.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth mobilized by the fist can actually resist the fighting skills released by himself.

It is much more exaggerated than the Soul Clan. The Soul Clan is so strong because it can directly attack the soul, and ordinary attacks cannot cause much damage to them. Unless they have the ability to attack the soul, they are generally at the same level. is to have the upper hand.

It was obvious that he was restraining those who could only attack with brute force. Like those lunatics in the ancient wilderness, there was nothing he could do against their soul clan, but the attack of the man in front of him could make his heart tremble.


"The proud blue beast from Konoha!"

Metkai stopped, raised his thumb to show his white teeth, and said to the Three Heavenly Lord.

At this time, Metkai was in seven-door mode and in phoenix mode. A pair of burning blue and yellow long wings spread out from behind, and his feet turned into bird claws. Only his hands were still fists, but there were Light up the flames of the phoenix.

What poses a threat to the Three Heavenly Lords is the Phoenix Fire. Although it can be restored, it is extremely damaging to the soul.

The body of the soul clan is different from the spirit body of the God of Death. It is a pure soul body. The flames of the Phoenix will cause the soul body to activate the power of regeneration, that is, to reshape the physical body. However, the soul body completely abandons the physical body. Doing so would harm them.


"Stop looking down on people!"

The Three Heavenly Lord felt that Metkai was playing tricks on him. He felt that the strange flame on his body was causing harm to him, and it looked like the Celestial Demon Phoenix Clan.

But this is obviously a human being, not a monster.

But no matter what it is, you must die!

Since close combat is not possible, then use fighting skills!

In an instant, there were many ghosts, and countless ghosts appeared, including soldiers wearing tattered armor, warriors holding broken swords, and various magical beasts.

These are all the undead souls formed by the people killed by the Three Heavenly Lord over the years. He condensed them with fighting energy and turned them into ghosts.

Following his order, these ghosts rushed towards Metkai like huge waves.


Metkai fought with all his strength, without any thought of backing down.

However, the combat power of Metkai when he opens the seven gates is still too weak, at most Douzun is about eight stars.

He relied on moving the spring water with one hand and constantly restoring healing, so he could barely bear it, but Santianzun was not a vegetarian.

Constantly restricting Metkai's movement through spatial confinement, although it can be broken quickly, it is undoubtedly extremely risky.

Metkai kept pumping his fists and didn't even notice the Three Heavenly Lords among the dead souls. He took out his claw directly, and his soul was directly injured, making Metkai look pale.

"Kai can't seem to hold on, how about I go help him!"

Minato was a little anxious seeing Kai like this.

"No, he can handle it."

"Kai, just use that move, it's okay."

Uchiha Tamaki stopped Minato, and then used his mental power to send the message to Metkai.

Like Aizen, Metkai was not a subordinate, and Uchiha Tamaki felt that even if Metkai's combat power was exposed, there wouldn't be much of a problem.


Upon hearing these words, Metkai's originally pale face immediately showed an excited look.

Second update

Three o'clock due

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