Start with Uchiha to escape and sail

Chapter 341 The jade is broken

"Under the same conditions, I will definitely be able to catch up with you!"

Uchiha Madara, on his side, said to Uchiha Tamaki very confidently.

After having Bengyu, it has expanded slightly. He feels that his strength can be greatly increased, and he will definitely be able to catch up with Uchiha Tamaki.

"How about a fight?"

Uchiha Yugen tilted his head and looked at Uchiha Madara.

If you give Uchiha Madara a cheat, the opponent might really be better than you, but it's a pity that he is not.

"Huh, let's wait a few years before we talk!"

Naturally, Uchiha Madara would not seek abuse on his own, and his tone could no longer be tough.

Urahara Kisuke, on the other hand, pretended not to notice. After all, he was from the same clan, so what he said had little to do with him.

Then he reported to Uchiha Tamaki on the use of Bengyu. After all, this thing is still very important. It can help people break through boundaries. This thing is naturally very valuable.

"It's not easy to make broken jade. Let's see if we can inlay this thing into something so that those who need a breakthrough can use it when needed."

Uchiha Yugen said.

The value of Bengyu is still very high. It can be said that apart from the sacred tree, Bengyu has the effect of allowing people to continue to evolve. Although there are limitations, in the hands of the right person, this thing is a treasure.

As long as it breaks through the boundaries of power, it might come in handy. Although it's not absolute, isn't its value higher than those various elixirs that break through levels?

Although this thing depends on the user's strength and potential, it is not unlimited evolution. It can also help increase the speed of practice when worn at ordinary times, but the most important thing is to be able to give this energy to help break through when making a breakthrough.

Compared with the value, it may not be that troublesome to make, but this thing cannot be widespread, after all, who knows what the risks are.

Once this kind of broken jade prop is produced, it can be used by more ordinary people, and can be used by some of my subordinates who have reached the limit of strength but are just a little bit behind.

Basically, those who have reached the limit of their strength and are one step away from breaking through actually have the potential to continue to evolve. Bengyu can just help them, which can quickly improve the strength of their subordinates.

"This should do it."

Urahara Kisuke thought for a moment and then answered.

As long as the embedded object is unconscious, there is basically no problem.

"Except for me, the number of collapsed jade should be controlled within ten. Three of these collapsed jade props should be enough. They can only be used when breaking through a large level."

"By the way, add one more, I have other uses."

Uchiha Yugen finally decided.

The Bengyoku thing requires a desire to keep getting stronger in order to have the best effect. For example, Aizen used to always think about evolving.

The few people who came out of the navy basically have no desire to fight against others. After all, their original ideal was to protect the sea and achieve peace, and now they have achieved it.

After that, most of them were helping Uchiha Tamaki, but he didn't have much ambition, even Edward Whitebeard was the same.

Senju Hashirama cannot be avoided. On the contrary, Senju Tobirama may have a better effect on Bengyu.

For two people like Metkai and Mihawk, Bengyu is very useful, because they will always want to become stronger, and Bengyu will be stimulated by their thoughts and stimulate their potential.


Urahara Kisuke nodded.

He also agreed that Bengyu should not be allowed to spread.

After all, he is the most aware of the danger of this thing, but now on this continent, the degree of danger is not that high, so he is willing to work with Aizen to make Bengyu.

"I have transferred here in this world. I will set up the entrance here first, but after entering, there will be the outer layer. After reaching this place, there will be the inner layer."

"This place cannot be exposed yet. I only give the permission to a few people to open it. Please pay attention to your safety. People from the Soul Clan may be frantically searching for our information. Be careful of them getting in."

Uchiha Yugen gave one last instruction.

The two of them were surprised at the speed of the transfer of the present world, but they all remembered what Uchiha Yugen said. After all, they also knew that if people in this world discovered that they were people from another world, the horrific consequences would naturally be unbearable. accept.

Yanmeng began a period of quiet development.

Bengyu was first used to make Bengyu props, and finally the prop carrier was chosen to be the crown. Multiple sensing areas in contact with the scalp were designed in the crown to link with Bengyu, so that when the user needs to evolve, the user can sense the use as quickly as possible. Only in this way can Bengyu's power be better activated.

The first user was Kushina. Her strength was at the Douzun level. After using it with suitable ammunition, she directly broke through to the Douzun level. After determining the effect, she began to use it on a large scale, but at least the conditions for use are Dou Huang breaks through Dou Zong.

In addition to Aizen, Urahara Kisuke, and Madara, the remaining pieces of Hondama were given to the two Senju brothers, one to Metkai, one to Mihawk, one to Shisui Itachi, and one to Naruto and Sasuke. Sharing one, one for Kenpachi and Unohana Retsu, and one for the Navy.

Although the navy and the others do not have a strong desire to evolve, they must not fail to give what is due.

The main thing about sharing is to see who needs it more, so he can use it first. As long as the host agrees, the Bengyu can be taken out.

These broken jade have all left very complicated seals, and Uchiha Yugen also left spatial coordinates, which can be retrieved in person at any time.

We originally decided on ten, but Niruri and Orochimaru also wanted it, and finally secretly made one for each of them, because if they didn't give it to them, they would have to research it by themselves. If they had that time, they might as well do more. Be more active and practice more medicine.

And the most important thing is that I felt that it was possible for the two of them to develop it, so I gave it to them and didn't waste that time.

The Honyu that Uchiha Tamagen planned to use for the sacred tree was finally obtained. After waiting for a full year, this was because Urahara Kisuke and Aizen used shadow clones to speed up the production, otherwise it would cost a lot of money. I don’t know how long it will last.

"There shouldn't be any problems!"

Uchiha Tamaki held the Bengyu and looked at the huge body of the sacred tree. He felt that if something happened to this thing, it might be very dangerous.

But Uchiha has a strong feeling that if the sacred tree uses Bengyu, it will definitely have good results, because the instinct of the sacred tree is to absorb all kinds of energy, refine its essence, and bear fruits.

This instinct may be able to activate Bengyu, and Bengyu's power may be able to stimulate the potential of the sacred tree, allowing it to complete its evolution, and the fruits it bears may be stronger.


"If there is danger, just take it out, and there are ways to replace the sacred tree!"

Uchiha Yugen thought for a while and felt that the evolution of his bloodline still had to rely on the sacred tree, and he had prepared a backup plan if something went wrong.

So I squeezed Bengyu's hand and slowly pressed Bengyu into the trunk of the sacred tree.

Second update

Four updates owed

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