Start with Uchiha to escape and sail

Chapter 351 A monster comes to your door

After entering, it is the first floor of the Sky Tomb. Everyone disperses directly, usually people of all races gather together.

Although the people of the Soul Clan were unhappy with Uchiha Tamaki, they knew that no one was Uchiha Tamaki's opponent, so they ran away first to avoid being noticed by Uchiha Tamaki.

"The space intensity here is stronger than the small world of the ancient tribe. It is worthy of being the space built by Dou Emperor."

Uchiha Yugen did not start sweeping immediately, but first paid attention to the situation in the space.

I found that the space here is very tough, even tougher than the space in the present world after I strengthened it. However, after all, it was created by Dou Emperor who was stronger than myself. Maybe the space ability is not necessarily stronger than myself.

But the power used by the other party was incomparable to him.

Then he opened the white eyes on his forehead, scanned the surroundings, and found a lot of energy bodies. He directly transferred an energy body of Dou Zun One Star in front of him and killed it directly.

An energy core fell out of thin air. Uchiha Tamaki picked it up and studied it carefully.

"Is this what forms the energy body with Dou Zun's strength?"

Uchiha Yugen couldn't understand it, but he felt the fighting spirit in this energy core.

However, it was of little use to him now, but Uchiha Yugen put it away directly and prepared to take it out for research by his scientific team.

He had already found the passage to enter the second floor, but he did not rush directly. Instead, he walked forward slowly and entered the cultivation mode. The energy of the world here is very rich, far stronger than the outside world.

"At this current rate, we should be able to reach the Dou Sheng 2nd Star in two months at most."

Uchiha Yugen felt the energy of heaven and earth pouring into his body continuously.

The speed of this cultivation is faster than directly catching those Dou Zun-level energy bodies. After all, the energy bodies in this place cannot be cultivated. Therefore, for thousands of years, the energy of the world has only been opened once every twenty years and someone has come in to use it. Other times it is stored slowly.

It is richer in the energy of heaven and earth than the Dan Realm of Dan Pagoda.

Uchiha Yugen, so walk slowly. The first level is the largest space. Generally, it will take a whole day for Douzun to fly non-stop to reach the end. Uchiha relies on walking. After walking for a week, he has not reached the end yet. .

"In this place, apart from the Dou Sheng energy bodies on the third level which are of some value to me, the only thing left is that I can see Xiao Xuan."

"What benefits can be gained from him?"

Uchiha Tamaki was thinking as he walked.

There are only a few valuable places in the Heavenly Tomb. Regarding his current strength, apart from those Dou Sheng energy bodies, Xiao Xuan can be seen.

But he is not Xiao Yan, Xiao Xuan is unlikely to give him any help, and maybe there will be a fight.

Secondly, there is not much value in Xiao Xuan, unless he is voluntarily absorbed by Uchiha Yuxuan, which can quickly increase Uchiha Yuxuan's strength, but it is impossible for Xiao Xuan to do such a thing.

Therefore, Uchiha Yugen was not in a hurry. When he felt that the energy of the first layer of heaven and earth was somewhat attenuated, Uchiha Yugen did not hesitate to teleport directly to the entrance of the second layer and enter the second layer.

The energy of the world here is more dense than the first level, and the energy bodies that exist are also stronger. Uchiha Yugen also absorbs them without hesitation, and at the same time kills those energy bodies that have no eyes and only have fighting instincts.

"The only way to deal with that Otsutsuki clan member is to find the seniors of my soul clan in the Sky Tomb."

"There's no need to fight fearlessly. Once we find the soul clan seniors, let them help us collect energy bodies. This will be faster!"

Hunfeng directly stated his plan.

Another member of the Soul Clan naturally did not dare to have any objections, because Hun Feng was the young leader of the Soul Clan.

At this time, it was already the peak of the ninth rank of Dou Zun, and he was not far away from breaking through to the semi-sage. He just happened to catch up with the ancient clan's sky this time, so he came to participate.

Hunfeng was very unhappy when he saw Uchiha Tamaki. Seeing Hun Qianmo being suppressed like this, he was very dissatisfied and wanted to take revenge on the other party. However, he was not strong enough. When he entered the sky, he could only look for Soul Clan seniors above the Fighting Saint level. .

Neither of them hunted energy bodies along the way. They all hid their figures and carefully searched for the passage to the lower level.

It took three months to reach the third floor.

Although he has the peak strength of Dou Zun, he cannot stop all the inexhaustible energy bodies in this tomb.

When they reached the third floor, the two of them were even more cautious. After all, there would be Fighting Saint-level energy bodies here, and they might not necessarily be their seniors from the Soul Clan.

However, after all the hardships, they finally found

"This is the second star of Dou Sheng. When I go out, I don't know if I can get to the fifth star of Dou Sheng."

Uchiha Yugen said calmly.

At the same time, he raised his hand and easily killed the energy body of Dou Zun Jiuxing who was rushing towards him without any sense.

Uchiha Yugen had picked up dozens of such energy cores along the way, but he only used a few Douzun Nine Stars energy cores, and the low-level ones basically had no great effect.

Uchiha Tamaki sighed in his heart, no wonder he was willing to let him come in as a fighting saint. He probably thought that after joining, he could improve his strength by one star, which was already very good.

It's just that Gu Yuan didn't know that Uchiha Yuxuan was practicing extremely fast at this time. He could directly extract the energy of heaven and earth from the sky tomb to practice, which was much faster than absorbing energy cores.

"Next is the third floor, where Xiao Xuan is."

"I wonder how much effect the Fighting Saint-level energy core can bring?"

Uchiha Yugen was already waiting to see Xiao Xuan.

As soon as he entered the third floor, Uchiha Yugen felt an attack coming, but there was no threat.

"Duan Kong!"

Sing the ghost's name softly.

An invisible wall appeared, directly attacking his fighting skills.

Then Uchiha Yugen glanced around, and as expected, they were people from the Soul Clan.

"Two fighting saints and one star?"

"That's it?"

Uchiha Yugen showed a look of contempt.

The pride of the ancient family genius is vividly displayed.

You don't even have to look for it when you get down to the third floor, the monsters are delivered directly to your door.

"The two seniors are him!"

Hunfeng pointed directly at Uchiha Yugen and said.

He was also the one who launched the attack just now. He was easily stopped by Uchiha Tamaki with a single move of earth-level fighting skills, making Hunfeng understand that his own strength was insufficient and he could only rely on the seniors in his clan.

"You kid, you look down on the strength of our Fighting Saint One Star?"

"Before we died, we were all three-star Dou Sage. But now, our strength has been weakened. But our strength is not one-star like you... Are you a two-star Dou Sage?"

Hun Diao just opened his mouth and wanted to make a sarcastic comment.

After all, on the third floor, there is someone who makes them breathless and usually very boring. Now that they have the opportunity to bully them, they naturally have to behave well.

But before he could finish speaking, he discovered that Uchiha Yugen's strength was not that of the First Star of the Fighting Saint as his clansmen said, but the strength of the Second Star of the Fighting Saint.

Third update

Four updates owed

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