Start with Uchiha to escape and sail

Chapter 374 Aizen attracts attention

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Refining medicine officially begins.

Under various alchemy furnaces, various flames rise directly.

But the most eye-catching thing is those strange fires.

Yao Chen's Bone Spirit Cold Fire, Hun Xuzi's Nihility Swallowing Fire Earth Fire, Yao Wanchen's strange fire Nine Nether Wind Flame, and Old Shennong's Life Flame.

These people are alchemists with strange fires. Among the nearly a hundred contestants, they can be said to be the most conspicuous ones.

Even the people in their group did not get too close to them, because the flames would be suppressed by the strange fire and would not be able to exert their strongest effect.

However, a few people just started refining the medicinal materials and did not start refining the medicine immediately. At the same time, while they were refining the medicinal materials, their eyes were locked on Aizen.

They were very curious about how this ancient alchemy technique was used to refine medicine.

"What's this!"

Among the spectators, some looked at Aizen in shock.

Aizen didn't hide it at this time. After all, he felt that it was not easy to defeat these contestants.

After all, he has only been refining pills for a few years, and his experience is not comparable to these. Although there are a lot of ammunition to refine, the ninth-grade treasure pill can be refined 100% successfully, and the success rate of xuan pill is also very high, but this time he wants to To completely defeat these people, we must refine the ninth-grade golden elixir.

So this time he went all out and showed his true strength, and Uchiha Yugen also told him that there was no need to hide it, it would always be exposed in the future, and now he was able to deceive many people by using the ancient alchemy method. , without revealing one's identity.

So Aizen took out the machine he made and placed it directly. Guang Guang was using the machine to refine the medicinal materials.

The machine is not big, five meters long and two meters high.

Aizen put the medicinal materials in one by one, and at the same time injected energy into the machine to start it and start decomposing the medicinal materials.

Of course, I also have to take the initiative to control it. If I purify the medicinal materials myself, I can probably keep the impurities at one ten thousandth. But with the addition of a machine, it can reach one hundred thousandth, which is more than ten times better.

The main purpose of using this machine is to improve the power of observation of the soul, and at the same time control the flame formed by the energy to maintain the most stable condition. It can also preserve the spiritual power of the medicinal materials in the purified product to the maximum extent, because the machine is closed Any gap in contact with the outside world.

This kind of thing that no one had ever seen before naturally attracted the curiosity of most people, including the alchemists who were purifying the medicinal materials. At this time, they all stopped and observed Aizen's techniques.

A large amount of soul power surrounded Aizen, but they were just observations and did not have any malicious intent, so Aizen didn't care.

"In just one stick of incense, you can purify the bone spirit flower?"

"Even if I attack with all my strength, it will still take an hour!"

The first medicinal material put in was quickly purified, flowed directly from the outlet of the machine, and fell into the jade jar prepared aside.

An eighth-grade alchemist on the side said in shock.

After all, this improvement was too much, and Aizen didn't show any hard work, but looked very relaxed, which made these alchemists very moved.

Even the top alchemists were very concerned about Aizen's method of refining medicine. They unanimously decided to give up purifying medicinal materials and take a look first.

Aizen continued to purify. The process was very easy without any accidents. It took about six hours to purify all the medicinal materials prepared.

"I will purify these medicinal materials. It will take at least a day!"

"Is this because of that weird machine? Is it a treasure handed down from ancient times?"

"The purity of the refined medicinal materials is very high. I need to go all out to achieve this step!"

Old Shennong, Hun Xuzi, and Yao Wanhuo, although they are rivals, it does not prevent them from discussing at this time.

After all, this method is indeed unheard of, but it does seem a bit powerful.

I remembered that the jade slips advertised in the invitation could greatly increase the success rate of alchemy, proving that this method is indeed real.

But after discussing for a while, nothing could be discussed at all, but they also knew that the other party's method must be related to these weird instruments.

After Aizen was purified, he did not start the next step immediately, but sorted out the purified medicinal materials.

Seeing this, others also began to catch up and purify the medicinal materials. The elixir refining time took a total of twenty days, which was still a bit nervous for high-level elixirs.

Those alchemists who were not strong enough and had been watching the show could only start purifying the medicinal materials in a hurry, while the big guys started slowly and leisurely.

At the same time, in a small temporary world in the void.

"How prepared are you for surveillance? We need to collect as much data as possible."

"Every one of them is indispensable. Only with enough data can we analyze the most suitable method of refining medicine."

Uchiha Tamagen's shadow clone said to Urahara Kisuke and the others.

At this time, Urahara Kisuke, Orochimaru, and Niryuri were quickly inputting various codes to enter the machine.

In addition to the three of them, there are also shadow clones of the three of them. After all, there are not enough manpower. Most of the people in the Death Technology Development Bureau are not strong enough to take on this task.

So the three of them were responsible for this matter.

The main purpose is to collect various data when refining medicine, and then use it to analyze the most suitable method of refining medicine.

Various observation techniques prepared in advance in the outside world were hidden by Uchiha Yugen using the power of space, so no one discovered them.

"There is too much data to be processed. Now the main thing is to observe the process of decomposing and purifying medicinal materials by the power of the soul, which consumes a lot of computing power."

Kisuke Urahara answered the current situation.

This kind of data can be used to improve the process of machine decomposition of medicinal materials. Every second of elixir refining is useful.

"Area D is normal"

"Area C is normal!"

"H area is normal"

At the same time, the shadow clones began to report the current situation.

Orochimaru's attention is mainly focused on the ancestor of Danta.

Because at this time, he changed his body again, this time it was the elixir area of ​​the ninth-grade Xuandan!

He integrated the power of blood, the origin of heaven and earth, etc. into one elixir. However, he was unable to refine the ninth-grade mysterious elixir himself, so he asked Aizen to help him refine it.

Orochimaru came up with this idea after hearing Uchiha Yugen say that someone's body was formed by pills.

"The alien fire data is complex and requires a lot of computing support."

Nirvana said calmly.

So Urahara Kisuke and Orochimaru immediately separated new shadow clones to help Nirvana in calculations.

Although they are strong enough to withstand the burden brought by hundreds of shadow clones, these calculations will consume a lot of energy and are very difficult for them, so the number cannot be maintained too much. Although they can sustain it energetically, they will not be able to sustain it mentally. Can't stand it.

Second update

Four updates owed

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