The dim warehouse, the sad beauty in front of her.

Such scenes were eye-catching, not to mention that Yamamoto didn't give too much alert to the crying waste Young Master behind.

So when Ryuto suddenly shot him from behind, Yamamoto barely reacted.

Now Ryuto's physical attribute is "LV3 physique. Professional expert". In other words, his physical ability belongs to the level of a professional boxer or professional wrestler.

Being hit by such a professional-level punch from the back to the "brain occiput" can completely cause fatal consequences.

Fortunately, although Ryuto is a professional expert, Yamamoto's situation is similar.

Yamamoto has been in the street since he was a teenager, or lived as a gangster who eats fights for his meals. He also specialized in karate cultivation later.

Such a special experience made his single combat capability quite powerful, and he even had a glorious record of sending dozens of enemies to the hospital with strength of oneself empty-handed.

So, at the last moment when Ryuto's fist was about to hit the mark, Yamamoto turned his head slightly with the survival instinct honed in countless fights.

Puff! It was this turning of his head that made Ryuto's punch not hit the critical point between the neck and the brain, but instead hit Yamamoto's side face.

After a strong punch, Yamamoto's body couldn't help but stagger to the side.

At the same time, a broken posterior molar also flew out of his mouth with blood and blood foam.

I have to say that Ryuto this fist is really strong enough. If it can really hit the back of the head, Yamamoto must be on the ground now.

But the point was missed. Since it missed, then the next round is my turn!

Yamamoto's response was also extremely fast, when he realized that he was under a sneak attack.

While he staggered to the side, he quickly supported his body with his left hand, turned his head and looked towards Ryuto while inserting his right hand into his arms.

His favorite special pistol is hidden in the inner pocket of Yamamoto's clothes. At this distance, it is enough to blow Ryuto's head with one shot.

From the start of Yamamoto's beating, until he quickly reached out to support his body, his other hand began to draw the gun and turned his head to take aim.

This series of actions can be said to be in one go, very smooth, just like the instinctive reaction of the body.

It can be seen that Yamamoto is indeed a very elite black suit, and belongs to a pretty good top thug in the "Dragon Group".

When his palm touched the pistol in his clothes, Yamamoto had already seen Ryuto's death.

So he drew his gun and shouted: "Kiryu Ryuto! Go...×%¥#@§№☆2113●◎□◆○◎5261★▲△!"

Don't get me wrong, the next half of the sentence was not that Yamamoto suddenly became an ancient god and started to yell in the language of ancient gods.

But his whole body muscles suddenly tightened, and his flexible tongue was uncontrollable like a cramp, and his words naturally turned into strange ancient gods.

At the same time, a burst of unbearable pain spread throughout Yamamoto's body. The man instinctively wanted to scream, but he couldn't scream because of his tongue cramps.

For Yamamoto, who is a member of yakuza, it is not the first time he has encountered such a sour feeling. He has had a similar experience when he was electrocuted by an electric shock device before.

But what Yamamoto doesn't understand is who actually called him.

After all, Ryuto is behind him and there is still a little distance, and there is obviously nothing in his hand.

This...what is this electric shock device...hiss!

Just when Yamamoto fell to the ground convulsively, Kamiya Ruri (the corpse) who had fallen next to him actually stood up!

She stood up! She actually stood up! How can it be!

Yamamoto is extremely puzzled as to why Eldest Miss, who has been so cold, is still alive, and she also holds a delicate electric shock device in her hand.

At this time, Ruri is covered with blood, but her posture is still so majestic, like a queen of blood returning from hell.

Of course, this is not human blood in fact, but the blood of some fresh fish stored in the warehouse.

Thanks to the slightly dim environment in the warehouse and the smell of sea water floating around.

Even a veteran such as Yamamoto can't tell whether Ruri's body is contaminated with human blood or fish blood for a while.

"hmph, miscellaneous fish, when did this Young Lady say that it's your round now?"

Sizzle! Before Yamamoto could figure out what was going on, Ruri squatted down and charged him with a shock device.

"×% ¥#@§№☆2113●◎□◆○◎5261★▲△!"

Yamamoto, who was quickly passed through his body by electric current again, was like an electric eel He twisted his body on the ground, muscle cramps, facial twitching, and his eyes were almost out of his eyes.

"I like to be a dog for Tenmoku Nagahime so much, right?"

"You always have a gun on your body to be cool, right?"

"Bring someone here Kidnapping this Young Lady is fun, isn't it?"

Whenever Ruri asks a question in a casually tone, she presses the button of the shock device once.

So the "rogue electric shock device" that Ryuto bought for half a million continuously released a moderate-intensity electric current, which caused Yamamoto to constantly twist on the ground.

I have to say that this "rogue electric shock device" is also absolutely extinct. Electricity will only cause great pain and make people unable to move even a little bit, but there is no risk of death.

This is simply a must-have Divine Item for home travel and tantrums.

Of course, Ryuto never thought that the woman Ruri could be so terrifying, and her temper could be so big.

In the beginning, when Ruri continued to vent the shock of Yamamoto, Ryuto still watched with a smile.

When it was the tenth time that Yamamoto started to smell like burnt, Ryuto couldn't laugh.

" it almost? We have to implement the next step."

When Ruri pressed the switch of the shock device for the 20th time , Ryuto finally couldn't help but reminded.

At this time, Yamamoto has been confused by the continuous electric shocks, his eyes are dizzy, his saliva is turbulent, and his crotch is wet.

"Huh? Sorry, I seem to be a little fascinated. I forgot the ebbing of time."

Ruri came back to his senses when he heard Ryuto's reminder, and then revealed a sorry smile.

Ruri's smiling face is quite charming.

Especially after seeing the happy expression of her desperately holding an electric shock device to turn a person into an electric eel, this smiling face is even more precious.

Why don't I remember that Ruri still has the side of shaking S... Forget it, anyway, the 1st Step plan is perfect.

Ryuto dragged Yamamoto, who had fallen on the ground, to the side corner to hide it, and then took out the pistol that had killed him from his arms. Only then did Ryuto feel sighed slightly in relief.

After all, holding this thing in your hand, it feels no ordinary peace of mind, especially if you have just experienced its formidable power firsthand.

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