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This small pot looks like a snow pan that is usually used to cook vegetables. It contains half of the boiling oil in the boiling state and it is still dark kerosene.

When Narumi brought this hot pot of kerosene to John’s eyes, the scorching hot breath made his eyes hot, and even the severe pain in the fingers was suppressed for a while, it can be seen How exaggerated it is.

This this this is!

After seeing this hot pot of kerosene, John’s body trembled abruptly, because he had already thought about what the oil might be used for.

Although the kerosene after fully heating looks unobtrusive, the temperature can exceed 300 degrees, which is much hotter than the peanut oil and rapeseed oil used for vegetables.

Sprinkle the boiled kerosene on your body. This is the classic repertoire of Yakuza World, “Men’s Bath”.

As if feeling the fear from John’s heart, Ryuto casually pressed his head and pressed his handsome protagonist’s face to a distance of less than a finger from the pot.

“I ask you one last time, what is your purpose in pursuing Yuna Senpai? Who sent you here?”

Ryuto’s words were still so calm, he didn’t even tell John what the consequences would be if he lied again this time.

Although everything is self-evident, in this situation, no one can think of the consequences.

“No, you won’t do it. This is not what human beings do. Doing this kind of thing will definitely be punished by God and go to hell!”

As if frightened by the frying pan in front of him, John shook frantically while shouting vaguely.

To be honest, when I heard such a ruined girl, I don’t know how many girls, and even killed some of them, when they said the words “will go to hell”.

Ryuto really has to sigh that the thickness of human skin can reach such a realm.

I did a bad thing, just say a few words of forgiveness from God and it’s over.

When others do bad things, they ask God to punish others to go to hell.

motherfucker! Yes, God’s feelings are your nursing home? This is too shameless.

So Ryuto said with a sneer: “If God really exists, then he should pray for my forgiveness and forgive me for creating your group of human trash that does evil in the name of God, understand?” [19459002 ]

“How dare you disrespect God”

Hiss! Just as John was about to scold this time and the others angrily, Narumi took a spoon and shook a spoon of hot kerosene onto John’s face, which immediately burned him to the surface again.

“Are you an idiot?” Seeing that this foreign devil wanted to use some devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence to bluff his boss.

Narumi couldn’t help but laughed: “Who do you think you are talking to? We are yakuza, you talk to yakuza about God? Isn’t it okay here?”

While laughing, Narumi also stuck a finger on John’s forehead, as if poking a schoolboy who had made a mistake.

And Ryuto added: “Give you three seconds to organize the language. If I do not hear a satisfactory answer after the countdown, you will know what the ingredients are thrown into the pot to make tempura. Feeling.”

When he heard this remark, John’s eyes suddenly widened.

After the hot kerosene on the face came into contact with, the intense pain was still endless, it was only the result of a small spoonful of trifling oil.

If the whole head is pressed into the oil pan, it would be easier to just die.

However, John knew that if he did not speak again, this youngster would do so without the slightest hesitation.

Madman, madman, madman.

It’s over, this yakuza Young Master is a lunatic, his brain is absolutely abnormal!

Before John could finish scolding in his head, Ryuto had already begun to count down coldly: “Three, two”

“I said! I said! It was Owada Hideo, the president of the “Great Beauty Association” who asked me to come! He asked me to seize the family business of the “Tsukimi Group”! It was the whole plan he arranged! I just assisted in the implementation. !”

It seems that the last psychological line of defense was defeated by this terrifying atmosphere,

John finally couldn’t help but burst out all the things he knew.

The president of the “Great Beauty Association”? Owada Ying?

The moment Ryuto heard this sentence, Ryuto couldn’t help but slightly opened wide, and there was a strong killing intent in his eyes.

The name Ryuto is too familiar. After all, I have had close contact with his son Owada for one night, close enough to send people to the hospital, and he was almost caught by his elder sister Owada. Killed.

In fact, Ruri had already had doubts about the special collusion between John and the “Big Beauty Association”.

But it didn’t expect that the entire plan was led by the “Big Beauty Association” behind the scenes, and John was just a tool man responsible for implementation.

In the original scarlet album 2: Extinction, this link is not mentioned in the plot.

In other words, neither the “Big Beauty Association” nor the Owada family mentioned it at all in the plot.

John pursues Yuna because he covets her beauty on the surface, this time only.

But the story of the game is after all the story of the game. Those stories can only show some parts related to the protagonist. As for those that are not obviously related to the protagonist, there is no mention at all.

Within the realm of the game, the player is just an ordinary high school student.

The things that high school students can touch and the area of ​​life are extremely small, so it is naturally impossible to thoroughly understand this World.

From the understanding of Ryuto to the present, the depth of the plot that can be known through the game is only about one-tenth, or even one-hundredth, of the true depth of this World.

For example, the “oldest association Yatawu” mentioned by Ruri before has no trace at all in the game. This is also true of the “Big Beauty Association” and John’s conspiracy.

Although John is dead at the end of the plot, his conspiracy with the “Great Beauty Association” has not been exposed, but because of the nasty things he did in private.

In other words, even if Ryuto has mastered the situation of most of the enemies in the game, he can’t get the first step in this real world. He still has to gather intelligence.

While Ryuto was thinking, John couldn’t help shouting: “I really only know this! Let me go! Or do you want money? I can give you as much money!” [19459002 ]

This time John was telling the truth, he really didn’t know anything else.

The marks caused by the kerosene splashed on the face are hot and painful.

The part of the palm with three broken fingers behind is even more painful.

Now John doesn’t think about anything anymore, he just wants to leave here as soon as possible and go to the doctor as soon as possible, no matter how great the price is.

However, after hearing what John said, Ryuto raised his eyebrows first, and then kindly asked: “Aiya, if you have money, you said it earlier. I forgot that you are a rich and pampered young master. Kari is sure Have a lot of money, right?”

“My bank card can use 10 million at any time! This money is enough to redeem you!”

“Ten million? So poor? Too few, bastard, send beggar?”

“no no no, that’s a lot, I am 10 million dollars, U.S. dollars.”

Huh? US dollars? Ten million dollars?

Ryuto couldn’t help letting out a “wheeze” when he heard that John was able to call such a large sum of money at any time.

Indeed, although ten million US dollars sounds like a small quantifier, it is simply an astronomical conversion compared to the Japanese yen.

Calculated according to the current exchange rate, one dollar is almost equal to one hundred and eleven yen.

For 10 million US dollars, there is a full 1.1 billion yen, which is even more valuable than the heads of Ryuto and Sonya at the time.

It’s just that although the money is very fragrant to pick up, it can’t be taken away casually.

After all, after this, the “Teddy Group” will definitely learn about the disappearance of Lord Crown Prince.

At that time, as long as you investigate the account, you know that such a large sum of money is missing. This must be a powerful search clue.

So if you want to take the money, direct transfer is definitely not possible, you have to go around and wash a few times through some financial means before it can be credited.

It is impossible for ordinary people to have the ability to launder the black money, but fortunately, Ryuto has a financial Grandmaster Rank subordinate here.

“Ojiri, go and call Takato over.”


Following Ryuto’s order, Ojiri immediately ran out of the basement, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com soon invited Takato over.

At the same time as he came, Takato was still holding two laptops in his hands. Obviously he already understood the situation here.

In Takato’s gaze, John trembling with fear transferred the money to the account of an unknown foreign country through the two-way operation of the computer and mobile phone.

As the prompt on the computer screen changed to “rnsrsss”, this special transfer was completed.

“How about? Is it all right?”

“Well, I will transfer the money to different accounts in batches, and then use some operations to make them walk around the world, so that if you use it out, you will not be aware of the source.” [19459002 ]

“How long will it take?”

“The first batch can be settled in three days at the earliest. When the time comes, the amount entered will become Japanese yen, which is about 300 million yuan.”

For such financial operations, Takato is one of the experts, it is only a matter of time to launder the money.

And the most important thing is that he can still make sure that even the professional organizations of the “Metropolitan Police Department” can’t find out the whole sequence of events, and ensure that the money that comes out can be used at will without leaving a little trouble.

“Very good.” Suddenly, Ryuto was satisfied and nodded, and walked over to personally lift John from the chair.

After the rope on his body was untied, John’s almost happy tears almost shed.

Little bastard in the island country, dare to treat me like this. After I go back, I must spend a lot of money to invite people to bring you down!

Although thinking like this in his mind, John smiled at Ryuto happily: “Can you let me go now?”

“Yes, go well and not send it.”

ka-cha! Before he could finish his words, a fist full of great power hit John’s face directly, hitting his neck directly with a 180-degree rotation.

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