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This flowing thing is like a stream of water, spreading from the various acupuncture points around his body, and the feeling is particularly obvious when his body is now numb.

Obviously, this is the mysterious power called “qi” mentioned by Komaki Old Master before.

“Qi” is attached to him like a cloud, as if the blood of the body also circulates with the circulation of the qi, and it is mixed with that qi.

Qi blood energy Blood, in many qigong theories in ancient times, Qi and blood are inseparable.

It was difficult for Ryuto to understand this concept before, but now he probably understands what it is.

Hiss! Just as Ryuto felt the movement of blood as if wandering into the sky, Komaki Old Master also closed the switch, releasing Ryuto from the “Professor Yang’s Kiss” just now.

Looking at Ryuto with a looking thoughtful expression, Old Master also smiled and asked, “How is it? You probably understand now?”

“Understood but it is difficult to describe in words.” After thinking for two seconds, Ryuto gave such a plausible answer.

For the human body, the opening of “qi” or “human body’s micro-electromagnetic field” is like swimming or cycling, which is pure physical memory.

The skills of these movements are actually difficult to describe in words, and it is also difficult to think about what is going on in your head.

In short, the meeting is the meeting, and as long as you learn it, you will be impossible to forget it in your life.

It’s just that the opening and mastering of “qi” is a kind of mysterious and mysterious realm, which is several orders of magnitude higher than swimming, and the difficulty of opening is extremely high. Mastering it can be used in combat The difficulty is even higher.

After the electric acupuncture point stimulation just now, although Ryuto has initially perceived the existence of “qi”, the opening of this level is just a pure entry, equivalent to practice swimming until just floating on the water Up the level.

When Ryuto stood up, the Old Master held one of his fingers, “focus on the tip of this finger, and learn to use your own spirit to control the movement of qi and blood, so that you can use it” “Qi” to produce “jin”.”

As Old Master reached out and held that finger,

Ryuto could feel a warm wave of air coming from that finger, and he unconsciously concentrated there.

He could feel the blood energy that was invisible to naked eye gathered at the tip of his finger, but when he moved slightly, the blood energy that was originally gathered disappeared instantly.

But according to Old Master, this situation is completely normal.

It takes long-term cultivation to condense your blood energy in a certain part, and it takes longer to make the muscles of the body vibrate to transmit energy.

Even if it is only the most primary level of “Ming Jin”, it is impossible to develop without seven or eight years of effort, at least in the traditional perspective.

But anyway, the “qi” in Ryuto’s body has reached a preliminary level of openness.

Although I haven’t mastered it yet, it does exist, and his destination of coming here tonight has also been reached.

“Remember, you must not go to Saito Rudao to fight against you until you are able to use your “dark energy”. A man does not lie.”

Before Ryuto left, Komaki Old Master couldn’t help but exhorted again, as if he was afraid that the kid who didn’t know the immensity of Heaven and Earth dignified was going to die.

“Don’t worry.” Ryuto was nodded with a smile, solemnly vowed and said, “If I break this promise, I won’t be able to marry a wife in this life. Is this all right?”

The Old Master knew that Ryuto was an old pornographic man who was going to marry three wives. This oath must not be poisonous.

So he also took a poisonous oath to this dísciple nodded, believing what he said.

Hey, I hope that fellow Saito Rudao can die sooner. Don’t live until Ryuto masters the “dark power”.

Looking at the back of Ryuto leaving alone, the Old Master sighed in his small broken house.

Then he took out a grass man with “Saito Rudao” pasted from the drawer, took the hammer and nails and nailed them on the wall, as if cursing that guy could die earlier

Of course, Ryuto doesn’t want Saito Rudao to die sooner, he just wants to kill the bastard by himself.

“簌簌簌 puff puff puff.”

However, in the car that went back, Ryuto, who was sitting in the back of the car, couldn’t help but let out a burst of weird laughter, which made Narumi who was driving in front of him feel a little unfathomable mystery.

What happened to the boss? After entering the old man’s room for a while, he laughed and said that nothing strange would happen, right?

Thinking of this, Narumi couldn’t help but drop a few drops of cold sweat on her forehead.

Ryuto naturally didn’t know what the capable deputy was thinking, because he was already immersed in the pleasure of shopping in the mall.

Now Ryuto, his personal attribute looks like this.

Name Kiryu Ryuto

Age 16 years old

Attribute Wisdom&nbp;&nbp;v2&nbp;&nbp;Physique&nbp;&nbp;v4&nbp;&nbp;Courage&nbp;&nbp;v3&nbp;&nbp;Insight&nbp;&nbp;v2&nbp;&nbp;Charm &n [1945900]

Air open rate 1

The title primary level assassin (obtained after a hundred successful sneak attacks, the sense of presence is reduced by 20 when equipped)

Equipped with Uzi submachine gun (rare), with rope hook lock (excellent)

No personal equipment

Props Rogue Velcro, Rogue Analysis Mirror, Rogue Voice Changing Mask, Rogue Hang Glider,

Skills Ancient Style Eight Extremes Fist, Komaki Style Martial Arts, the ultimate meaning of iron bones, the ultimate meaning of copper skin, parkour masters, gangsters do not die with bare hands, Silent Movement Art, breath shielding, universal pilots [19459002 ]

Total assets 172.87 million yuan

Sure enough, this time there is an additional “air open rate” in the attribute column, which means that Ryuto is now able to master this new ability.

The mastery level of 1 is almost the entry level in the entry level, and there is no way to use it for actual combat.

But fortunately, Ryuto is quite rich now.

At first, he saved 120 million yuan to buy the special medicine for Mizue. Later, after upgrading his charm, he spent 50 million yuan and there was still about 70 million yuan left.

As for the remaining funds of about 100 million yuan, it is part of the assets that Ryuto found when he led the team to wipe out the “White Tiger Club” and “Psychedelic Saburo”.

Of course, the cash money in the hands of the two yakuza organizations is definitely more than that, but after all, there are Kaiyang and Tessa among the people who ransack the home this time, and the big guys must divide the assets equally.

Moreover, most of the assets after the equalization have to be allocated to the “Dragon Group” public account. Ryuto himself can only get a part of it, which is about 100 million.

But even so, about 100 million yuan is not a small amount, not to mention that three days later, there will be a larger amount of 300 million yuan, which is John’s “redemption” money.

That is to say, until the “Princess Adult Gift” a week later, the amount that Ryuto can spend on his hands is about 470 million, which can be said to be the largest huge sum of money he has so far.

At this point, Ryuto has to think about how to spend this large sum of money.

He now has the attribute of the “v4 physique international warrior”. If he collects more than 500 million yuan, he can raise his “physique” to the highest level of “v5 extreme superman”.

But if you don’t choose to rise to the highest level at this time, the 500 million or so cash can be used to purchase a large number of skill books, equipment and upgrade other points.

After all, Ryuto’s physical attributes today are actually not very balanced. Both “intelligence” and “insight” are only trifling “v2”, which is a bit different from other attributes.

If you point these two attributes to “v3”, it will only cost about 100 million yuan, and the remaining money can also buy a lot of skills and equipment. It feels that the improvement is no better than the physical improvement from “v4”. The difference from upgrading to “v5”.

What should I do? Forget it, anyway, the 300 million yuan will not arrive until three days later, so let’s go shopping first.

Thinking about it, Ryuto opened the cash recharge store and turned to the column of the skill book.

Sure enough, there are many more “internal strength skill books” in the skill mall this time.

Among all skill books, the “internal strength skill book” is actually a separate column for browsing, and the types are much more abundant than imagined.

What are the ordinary internal strengths such as “Qiankun Foundation Establishment skills”, “physical fitness skills”, “recover one’s youthful vigor skills”, “weekly circulation skills” and so on.

What are the “Tianzhu secret technique”, “Goddess skill”, “Eight Extraordinary Meridians test”, “primordial Dankunya Alchemy” and so on.

What are the skills “the art of vomiting that monkeys can understand”, “Divine Art dedicated to the poor”, “The law of died during meditation in ten seconds in place”, “The secret oil drainage of heaven and man” and so on.

How do you describe these internal strength skills? They just look mysterious and outrageous.

Especially these names are just like excerpts from all kinds of Qigong literature.

As for the effects of these skills, most of them are able to increase the “air open rate” after cultivation, but each comes with some unique effects, and some are even outrageous.

For example, “Divine Art for the Pauper”, UU can extract part of the energy from the air and sunlight after reading the book www.uukanshu.comcultivation. You can eat a meal every few days without starving, although the side effect is thin It can be used for eggs like skin and bones.

What else is the “rule of died during meditation in situ ten seconds”? After cultivation, the “air opening rate” is greatly increased, but it is possible to die during meditation at any time. This is, in situ died during meditation. Isn’t it suicide?

As for the other things, the secret technique and the secret technique, they are basically some very common things that increase the “open rate of qi”. Although the name is fancy, it is actually the most basic ” There is no difference in physical fitness.

After all, in a word, “qi” this thing is not some kind of “Battle Qi” or “Qi Jin” in the fantasy, but only the development of the human body’s potential capabilities.

Martial Artist who is successful in cultivation “Qi” can delay aging, build physical fitness, and enhance battle strength, but it’s definitely impossible to shoot eighteen dragons in one palm after cultivation reaches its limit, and it becomes fantasy world now.


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