"Is this guy an idiot... but he has to do it forcibly."

Looking at the back of Ryuto's departure, Mai uses a little complicated Said in his tone.

Originally, yakuza is a group of people who have been isolated from society. This yakuza Young Master has to build a good relationship with other people. The process must be quite difficult.

"He was a stupid person. He knew that he could not do anything, but he still wanted to do it. Even if he might hit his head and bleed, he would not stop."

Suddenly, Ruri couldn't help but think about it. The expression of that guy solemnly vowed in front of him yesterday.

"...Eldest Miss? Excuse me, why do you smile so happily when you mention this?"

Huh? After feeling Mai's surprised gaze next to him, Ruri realized that he was smiling at Ryuto's back just now?

I don't know why, when he knew that this man would go forward for his ideals, Eldest Miss's mood suddenly improved.

"Well, I just can't help but want to laugh at him when I think of the guy bumping into the wall for a while."

"Really? But your smile is obviously not The irony..."

"Cough cough! Mai, the time is almost up, ready to pack up and go back to the classroom."

I haven't waited for Mai to finish. Rarely, Ruri interrupted others, then stood up from the mat, put on his shoes and left.

She walked somewhat hurriedly and embarrassedly, as if she had been pierced by someone.

Shortly after, the bell rang the entire "Metropolitan No. 1 High School", which represented the beginning of the afternoon class.

It's just that the students in Class B of the second year felt sighed in relief before class.

Because of the fiend in human form, Kiryu Ryuto did not appear in the classroom.

For this kind of violation of skipping classes, the second-year class B students and sensei remained silent, and no one seemed to want to mention that name.

At the same time, beside the water tank on the roof of this teaching building, this fiend in human form is lying drownily in the corner, looking like he is eating and waiting to die.

Of course, Ryuto is not eating and waiting to die, he is just waiting for the arrival of the school bell.

In Ryuto's view, it is meaningless for him to go to class now. He can't move around freely in class, and he can't achieve the goal of getting closer to some people.

So he skipped class altogether, lying on the rooftop while resting while waiting for the ebbing of time.

"Metropolitan No. 1 High School" has very rich club activities, and the afternoon classes are also very short. After class at 3:30, it is club time until 6:00.

The three people identified by Ryuto as "communication goals" are all members of the various clubs. If you can find them, you have to wait until after three thirty.

Otherwise, if Ryuto swaggered into someone’s classroom to find someone, maybe someone would call 110 to report to the police... Now he has such a face.

For the rest of this free time, Ryuto still decided to consider upgrading attributes and purchasing props.

After lying down for a while, Ryuto clicked on "Cash Recharge Life Change system" casually, and looked at the situation in the system after a long absence.

Name: Kiryu Ryuto

Age: 16 years old

attribute: Wisdom LV1 Physical LV3 Courage LV3 Insight LV1 Charm LV1

Title : Yakuza Young Master (Charm reduced by Level 1, courage increased by Level 1)

Equipment: Black Star Pistol (Normal), Electric Striker (Normal), Dagger (Normal).

Props: Rogue Velcro

Total assets: 13,450,585,550 yuan

I have to say, at this time After seeing this system screen, Ryuto can indeed feel a little sense of accomplishment.

The first thing is the change in total assets. Originally, after Ryuto spent 500,000 yuan to purchase "Rogue Velcro" yesterday, his total assets were only more than "3.45 million". child.

But because of his achievements in resolving the "Sakata Rebellion", Ryuto was awarded the "First Class Humanity Award" by the "Dragon Group" and a bonus of 10 million yuan.

Although Sakata’s family property was actually confiscated, the organization’s windfall was calculated in billions, but the money was impossible to Ryuto.

Not to mention that he has not officially assumed the second-generation position. Even if he is officially inaugurated, his own money is not as much as imagined.

After all, most of the accounts in the organization are public funds, and you have to bear various expenses. If you want to spend it, you are not thinking about eating.

But fortunately, there is the bonus of the "First Class Humanity Award". This time Ryuto's assets have become "13.45 million", which suddenly became abundant. .

At the same time, because the members of the "Dragon Group" do not have bank cards, what Ryuto gets is a pile of cash, which he holds heavily in his hands.

Although this does not affect the purchase of things in the "Cash Recharge Life Change system", anyway, the ability of this dog system in collecting money must be the first under the heavens.

In addition to the 10 million start-up funds just received, Ryuto also found some help provided by the system, such as the use of the "equipment bar".

sou! As he quickly raised his hand, a pitch-black "Black Star Pistol" appeared in that palm, and the whole process seemed to be magical.

According to Ryuto's exploration last night, a total of three items can be stored in the "equipment bar", and they can be taken out at any time after storing them.

For example, not long ago, he suddenly pulled out the dagger that Mai cut his fingers. It seemed to be hidden in the sleeve, but it was actually taken out of this storage space.

Otherwise, if you really hide the dagger in your sleeves, you may have a "Death God Coming" tragedy after you accidentally fall. Then this one million will be worthy. I was wronged...

As for other malls, they still look the same. There are many items that are awesome at first glance. Unfortunately, I don't know what to buy for the time being.

In order to be optimistic about the poor money on hand, Ryuto decided to wait until the need to go shopping, so as not to buy it and throw it there.

Huh? This is... can you order this?

Just as Ryuto read the attributes and the mall, he suddenly noticed that there seemed to be some changes in the "title" column.

This area was a gray area before. Clicking it has no effect, but now it becomes white. After clicking it, a 2-Layer page appears.

After clicking on this page, the "Title List" interface appears, and there are two titles that can be equipped on the interface.

Title 1: yakuza Young Master (Charm reduced by Level 1, courage increased by Level 1)

Title 2: outlaw (obtained after death three times, rebirth cost reduced by 20% after equipment)

......This title is not bad. In other words, can you still get the title through this method?

After seeing the second title that suddenly appeared, Ryuto suddenly felt overjoyed.

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