The interim government that day.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs held an impromptu press conference.

At the meeting, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs strongly protested against the United States interfering in Colombia's internal affairs, condemned the secret support for the rebels, and demanded that the United States immediately stop its actions, otherwise it would affect the relationship between Colombia and the United States.

The tough statement surprised the reporters attending the meeting, including foreign media reporters.

It was the first time for them to see the interim government speak so harshly to the United States.

Then reporters asked questions, and a white reporter asked:"Hello, what evidence does your country have to prove that the United States has done these things?"

The spokesperson glanced at the reporter who asked the question with indifference, then picked up a stack of photos in front of him, and said in a cold voice:"This is the evidence you said, I have as many as you want." As soon as the words fell, the reporters on the scene looked at the photos in unison.

If you stand closer, you can see one or two.

If you are too far away, you can't see

"This looks like Audley."

A reporter recognized the man in the photo.

"The other person is Colonel Robert of the US military base in Columbia."The spokesperson added in a cold tone.


Looking at the scene of the two shaking hands, it is really possible that the United States is secretly supporting Audley behind the scenes.

At the same time, the Colombian Foreign Minister personally met with the US ambassador to Columbia and talked for almost half an hour.

When he came out of the building, the US ambassador had a gloomy face and left in a hurry.

That night, the TV station broadcast this news.

It also released the footage of Robert's meeting with Audley, as well as the video footage of the US military delivering weapons to the rebels.

Suddenly, the"907" incident caused a sensation across the country.

Countless people strongly opposed it. Strongly condemn the United States.

Demand that Americans get out of Colombia.

Although many people actually yearn for the United States in their bones, there will still be a group of nationalists who desire their country to be strong and love their country.

Now that the country is about to be unified and the war is eliminated.

The United States jumped out to act as a troublemaker. This behavior has undoubtedly increased many people's dissatisfaction with the United States.

The next day.

Newspapers under several major official media reported this news on the front page.

Strongly condemned and solemnly warned the United States that if it continued to interfere and support the rebels, the Colombian government would have to take All means and actions are used to maintain national unity.

When the news came out, it immediately caused a sensation in Latin America and even the entire world.

In the face of Colombia's strong condemnation, the United States did not respond to this issue.

Venezuela and Kazakhstan, which are known as Latin American anti-American fighters, have supported Colombia and condemned the United States for interfering in their internal affairs.

The two countries are eager for Colombia to fall out with the United States, so that the anti-American camp will have one more member.

Just as international public opinion strongly condemned the United States, after a day of preparation, the special service group was officially divided into small groups and entered the city as combat teams according to shifts.

In parallel with them, there is also the Moros"Shadow Special Forces", 2 teams, a total of 22 people.

Unlike the special forces, their goals are mainly to decapitate, destroy the enemy headquarters, and capture Audley.

In terms of combat effectiveness, the"Shadow Special Forces" must be stronger.

Although the number of battles and experience are not as good as the special forces, the"Shadow" special forces are more advanced.

Everyone has a set of nano-bionic clothes, just like Louis' bodyguard team.

As long as it is not a headshot, ordinary bullets can't hurt them.

""Da Da"

As the special forces officially entered the street fighting in the city, the sound of gunfire rang out.

Gunfire could be heard every few streets.

At this time, Moros personally led a team, a total of 11 people including him, to an intersection, and was ambushed by the rebels here. Fortunately, the reaction speed was fast enough, and with the effect of the nano-bionic clothes, no one was injured.


Moros gestured to Lind, who was in charge of controlling the drone. Lind put down his gun, took out the Black Hornet drone from his backpack, and started to operate it.

The small drone took off quickly, rising to a height of more than 20 meters before quietly entering the intersection from the side of the house.

It took photos of the surrounding situation.

"Captain, there are three people in the room on the second floor on the left side of the intersection, eight militants on both sides of the first floor, and three militants on the roof at a 60-degree angle across the street, loading RPGs."

Without Lind saying anything, Moros had already seen the surrounding situation and the enemy's distribution on the screen in the middle of the operating handle.

After figuring out the enemy's distribution, Moros immediately gestured to the two soldiers, who retreated with their guns, and then found a house and fired two shots at the door lock with a HK416 assault rifle equipped with a silencer.


Then, he kicked the door lightly and it opened.

Two special forces soldiers entered.


The people in the room were so scared when they saw the special forces soldiers rushing in with guns that they screamed subconsciously.

"Don't be afraid, we are the government special forces, all of you lie on the ground and don't look up."

After hearing that it was the government army, the family of five in the room calmed down a little, followed the instructions, and lay on the ground.

Two special forces soldiers hurriedly went up to the second floor and observed carefully. They could see that more than 20 meters away, several militants were sticking their heads out and pointing their AK47s at the intersection, without realizing that they had entered the shooting range of others.

"Report to the captain, I have entered the shooting position."

At the same time, the two special forces members went to a building opposite, climbed directly from the third floor to the roof, and lay on the roof with a sniper rifle in their hands.

"Report to the captain, the sniper is in place, and three people on the opposite side are found to be holding RPG rocket launchers."

Knowing that the four people are in place,

Moros gestured to the remaining teammates.

The few who received the gesture command nodded, and then���The two men took out their grenades and were ready to pull the ring and throw them at any time.


The voice fell


The sniper fired first, hitting the militant holding an RPG on the rooftop of the opposite building directly between his eyebrows.

"With a"puff" sound, blood splattered out, and then the whole person went limp and fell to the ground.

"Fuck, there's a sniper."

The remaining two people shouted, panicking and trying to escape.


Another shot hit one of them instantly, and he fell to the ground instantly.

Before the other person could react, the gunshot rang again.

It hit his back instantly, and blood instantly appeared on his clothes.

At the same time, in a house more than ten meters away, two special forces soldiers also opened fire. A burst of gunfire directly killed three militants on the second floor opposite.

"Position 2 has already killed the target."

"Position 1 has killed the target."

At this time, the armed forces also panicked and subconsciously looked up at the houses around them, looking for the enemy.

In just a moment, two special forces threw the grenades in their hands.



Two deafening explosions sounded.

"Da da da!!"

After the explosion, Moros let his upper body pass over the bunker, without aiming, and just fired. He had already checked the position before, so even if there was a deviation, it would not be too far away.

"Da da da!!"

Eight militants were ambushed on both sides of the road. Four were killed by grenades thrown at them, one was injured, and the remaining few were dizzy due to the vibration caused by the explosion.���, and then Moros fired a volley of bullets and harvested his life.

When the smoke cleared, only eight bodies were left lying in a pool of blood, proving that a gunfight had just occurred here.

After solving the ambush at this intersection, Moros immediately led his men to move forward.

There were gunshots everywhere in the entire city of Bucaramanga. After being equipped with the Black Hornet 4 drone, it was like opening the eyes of God.

The combat effectiveness increased greatly. In less than half an hour, the special forces and the"Shadow" special forces eliminated no less than 500 militants.

Except for a few unlucky guys who were injured by the shrapnel produced by the explosion of RPG rockets because they could not dodge in time, there were almost no casualties.

Even the unlucky guys who were hit were just scratched and there was no big deal.

After the special forces and special forces killed the hidden ambush, the soldiers of the 1st Brigade and the 5th Brigade quickly occupied these streets.

It is equivalent to the special forces and special forces leading the way.

The soldiers of the 1st and 5th brigades took over the territory in the back and continued to narrow the encirclement.0

At this time.

In the city, there is an orange building. (Read the exciting novels on Faloo Novel Network!)

It is the rebel headquarters.

Audley's face is very ugly. In just a short while, more than a dozen ambush and blocking teams have been lost.

Although the enemy's casualties are unclear, judging from the speed of advancement, the combat effectiveness is by no means ordinary

"Contact the US military immediately. Didn't they say they would provide tactical intelligence support? Why is there no movement?" The

US military base a few kilometers away.


After the news report, the entire military base has been in a state of war readiness.

They are worried about the Colombian government's military attack on the base.

As the highest commander of the military base, Robert has actually spoken to the Pentagon, accusing them of not keeping secrets, and secondly emphasizing that they will no longer provide weapons to the rebels.

Although they are unwilling to unify Colombia, they intervened too late, and they did not expect that the government army's combat effectiveness was too strong. In less than a month, they wiped out tens of thousands of troops.

When they reacted and supported Audley, it was too late.

If it were two months ago, before the war, they could still secretly transport armored vehicles, tanks, or various weapons and ammunition to arm Audley.

After all, at that time, the government army controlled limited territory, and there were two other rebel forces involved.

Unfortunately, time cannot go back.

Now that they have been discovered and supported by Colombia.

Although the United States has never been shameless, they have to restrain themselves a little since they have made the evidence public.

This is not the end of the Cold War. Now there is still the great enemy Su Xiong. The United States is far less arrogant than it was later, and it has the momentum to fight whoever it wants.

We cannot provide weapons, but we can provide tactical intelligence.

The purpose is to prevent the government forces from winning easily.[]

At this time, a Pioneer R-2A drone took off from the runway at the base and flew towards the sky above Bucaramanga.

The real-time picture immediately appeared on the big screen at the base.

Robert, the CIA's Latin American director, Blo, and a group of base officers were watching the picture on the big screen.

They saw the battle scenes of the various teams of the special forces.

Everyone's expression became solemn.

Even Harun, the captain of a green beret special forces team stationed here, looked solemn.

There is no doubt that everyone was shocked by the strength of the Colombian special forces.

The tactical coordination is not inferior to their US special forces.

"Hey, the video is paused."

Harun stepped forward and pointed at a black object on the screen:"Look at what this is. I just saw that when they encounter an ambush, they will take out this black thing." The optical lens of the American drone is not as good as the Colombian army's drone. The picture taken is very blurry, and it is shot from an altitude of two or three hundred meters. It is hard to see what is being filmed, it can only be a black thing.

Everyone looked carefully, but still couldn't recognize what it was.

""This thing, could it be a drone?" someone said


Robert was stunned.

"How is this possible? Can a drone be so small? Absolutely impossible."

Someone rejected it immediately.

Is it possible to make a drone so small?

At least, the United States can't do it.

You know, they are the world's number one technological power.

""You think it might be a toy remote-controlled airplane with some equipment installed on it that can see the surrounding situation?" Someone proposed a hypothesis.

A toy airplane?

This answer is obviously easy to accept.

After all, a toy airplane is really not difficult to build.


Suddenly there was a burst of fire in the picture, and then it became mosaic.

"what happened?"

"Report, the drone has been attacked."

The drone operator stood up and reported

"What? Attack?"

Robert and the others looked grim.

"Damn it! It must be those Colombians who found out. They dared to shoot down our drone. We must protest to them and compensate them."

Robert yelled hysterically.

When did the Colombians have the courage to attack their American military's things?

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